
[Update May 29, 2020] KARA: Paju Factory Dog Support Project

Sharing for Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA).

Click HERE for the previous post on May 27, 2020.

KARA: Paju Factory Dog Support Project Update 5/29/2020

The guardian started raising four dogs, but in four years the number of dogs increased to about 100. The factory floor is dirty with iron powder and feces, and dogs are not even vaccinated. Dogs became sensitive and attacked and killed each other, and epidemic often killed young or weak dogs.

In the temporary space outside the factory, there are puppies and mother dogs. A three-month-old puppy got attacked and was walking around helplessly with blood on her forehead.

KARA decided to rescue six puppies and their mother dog and six three-month-old puppies, because they are especially vulnerable to epidemics and attacks from adult dogs.

On the way to the rescue, the puppies came out of the factory for the first time in their lives. The puppies relied on each other and looked at each other without knowing about what they were going through.

They arrived at the animal hospital, and got examined. Two three-month-old dogs were found to be infected heart disease. Other dogs are in relatively good condition, but they may be in the incubation period of the epidemic, so they are being kept in isolation.

When the 13 dogs left, the factory dogs followed and saw their brothers taking off. Some dogs are not so friendly to people, but about half seem to miss people’s touch.

The 13 dogs rescued for now, and the 90 dogs are left in the factory. Including all of them and the soon-to-be-born baby puppies, they need new life opportunities. We desperately need your help to fund the cost of neutering factory dogs, treatment for rescued animals, and a campaign to provide opportunities for dogs to get adopted. Please support KARA and the Paju factory dogs.

💙 KARA is funded entirely by donations. To support & donate to KARA via PayPal, please click this link.

#KARA #Korea_Animal_Rights_Advocates #AnimalRights

KARA: Paju Factory Dog Support Project Update 5/29/2020

KARA: Paju Factory Dog Support Project Update 5/29/2020

KARA: Paju Factory Dog Support Project Update 5/29/2020

KARA: Paju Factory Dog Support Project Update 5/29/2020

KARA: Paju Factory Dog Support Project Update 5/29/2020

KARA: Paju Factory Dog Support Project Update 5/29/2020

KARA: Paju Factory Dog Support Project Update 5/29/2020

KARA: Paju Factory Dog Support Project Update 5/29/2020

  1. Ewa Stein
    Ewa SteinMay 31,20

    Thank you KARA for wonderful job! These dogs deserves the best!

  2. Bev Woodburn
    Bev WoodburnJune 7,20

    Thank you KARA from the bottom of my heart for saving these precious and innocent dogs and Puppies. Keep up your fantastic care and compassion you lovingly give the precious and innocent animals. God bless you all and all the precious Dogs and Puppys

  3. samantha heffer
    samantha hefferJune 12,20

    Kara you do such a fantastic job saving those beautiful dogs. All cruelty must stop. Everyone has a responsibility to care and respect all our animals,from the tiny to the large and people who harm any animal should be severly punished.

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