
Newsletter – April 4, 2019

Korea’s “Meat Dog” farms archive published | New calls for action against Incheon and Gwangju’s cruel industry
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New Calls for Action
Campaigns to urge District Governments
to end the dog and cat meat cruelty!

South Korea has a capital city, Seoul, and 6 metropolitan cities – Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Daejeon and Ulsan. Cities in South Korea are made up of multiple ‘administrative districts and we are petitioning each of them in turn beginning with the capital and metropolitan cities. Incheon and Gwangju are next. Click each of these districts below to take action now!

Photo: Horrific condition of dog farm in Incheon, South Korea.

KARA:Let’s shut down illegal dog farms together!

Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) made it easy for people who finds dog farms to report them to KARA as well as to the Korean government. Now people can go to their archive of dog farms already registered with the Korean government and if the dog farm in subject is not there, they can submit information about that dog farm to KARA for further actions. We have translated that page so that perhaps if you live in Korea and don’t speak Korean you can still report the dog farms you find.

Photo: KARA’s dog farm archive, Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA).

South Koreans:
Stop the illegal dog and cat meat trades.

File your petition on e-people
South Korea’s Official Government Petition Page!
All across South Korea, millions of ‘meat dogs’ (including newborn puppies) which are destined for human consumption, are kept outdoors in meat farms and slaughterhouses, imprisoned in cages that are crudely constructed of wire and raised off the ground, and which afford no protection from the snow or freezing winds that are part of a normal winter in that country. These poor creatures – from the second they are born, to their final breath at the uncaring hands of a brutal butcher – have to endure endless misery and agony. South Korea is truly a “Hell on Earth” for countless innocent dogs and cats. So, please, don’t let the Koreans continue their vile and cruel practice.
A simple but very effective way is to file a petition directly with the Korean government using the e-People online petition page. This is different than other petitions because the Korean government is responsible for responding to you! If they have to address and respond to hundreds, thousands or hundreds of thousands of petitions on this issue; then perhaps they will finally be put under enough pressure to take action to bring this horrific animal cruelty to an end. 
Click HERE for the Korean translation of our petition.  Please include them in your letters and e-People petitions.  
Click the below cities to take action today!
The Korean government’s responses to our e-People petitions are coming in.  Please click HERE to see them.   

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  1. Iris & Patty Yermak
    Iris & Patty YermakApril 8,19

    Dogs and cats have feelings just as we do. They feel pain, anxiety, fear and love us unconditionally. They deserve our love and respect.

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