
Newsletter – July 15, 2019
PO Box 60191
Sunnyvale, CA 94088 USA





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Call for Action!!
Daegu, Korea: Shut Down the Chilseong Dog Meat Market and Stop the Illegal Dog Meat Industry!!

Last Friday (July 12) was the first of three days of Boknal in Korea, the “Dog Days of Summer” when dog meat consumption is traditionalized. In Daegu, Korean activists from around the country, gathered to protest, demanding the shutdown of Chilseong Market, the largest dog meat market which is still in business . Let’s add our voice to support these activists and urge the Daegu government to shut down the horrific and barbaric Chilseong Dog Meat Market immediately!
Click HERE to learn more and take actions.

We posted Korean Goverment’s Responses
to our campaigns.

We posted campaign updates with responses from the Korean government.  
Click HERE to learn more.

Join Us!  The Animals’ Battalion
2019 ‘Boknal’ Demonstrations in New York

We are very excited that the New York based animal rights group “The Animals’ Battalion” will be organizing demonstrations in front of the Korean Consulate General’s Office for the fifth year in a row for the 3 days of Boknal (dog eating is traditionalized in Korea – Chobok 7/12 (last Friday), Jungbok 7/22, and Malbok 8/9 (Demonstration is on 8/9 Friday because Malbok 8/11 is on Sunday) in 2019) and EVERYONE IS INVITED. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF THE ANIMALS’ BATTALION. IF YOU CARE ABOUT THE KOREAN DOGS, PLEASE JOIN.
Click HERE to learn more.
Click HERE to see the photos and videos from Day 1 demonstration last Friday (July 12). Thank you, The Animals’ Battalion!!
Not in New York? You can still join us from the comfort of your home. Join our Phone Blitz and be the voice for the Korean dogs and cats! All you need is compassion and a phone.
📞☎️📱🖨 Click HERE to learn more and join.

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