STOP Vietnam’s Dog & Cat Meat Trade: LA Sister City Project Needs Your Voice NOW!

On January 9, 2024, the National Assembly of South Korea voted unanimously to ban the killing and eating of dogs nationwide. Now, Vietnam must follow. The brutal reality of Vietnam’s dog and cat meat trade demands immediate action. Millions of innocent animals endure unimaginable suffering, subjected to horrific cruelty in the name of consumption.
Driven by the tireless efforts of animal advocate Jeffrey Mausner and the Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (VANC) members, Los Angeles has a unique opportunity to leverage its influence and create meaningful change. Building upon their successful efforts to condemn the dog meat trade in South Korea and beyond, VANC is now spearheading the “Sister City Project,” aimed at establishing a conditional relationship with Hanoi, Vietnam, that hinges on ending this barbaric practice. This initiative aligns with Los Angeles’ existing official stance against the dog meat trade, as clearly outlined in City Council Resolution 19-0002-S101.
The path to ending this cruelty lies in establishing a sister city relationship with Hanoi, contingent upon a commitment to ban or phase out the dog and cat meat trade. This approach aligns with the spirit of the recent U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which encourages such collaborations and offers mutual benefits, including increased economic and cultural exchanges. By conditioning this partnership on animal welfare, Los Angeles can send a powerful message and directly influence policy in Vietnam. The time for passive observation is over. Your voice is critical in urging the Los Angeles City Council to support File #25-0193 and solidify this sister city relationship with a clear mandate against the dog and cat meat trade. We must act now to save millions of lives and demonstrate that compassion and progress can go hand-in-hand. Thank you!
👉 Read more about the issue: HERE.
👉 Learn more about the horror: HERE (Warning: Graphic Content)

End Vietnam’s Dog & Cat Meat Trade!
Submit your public comment to the LA City Council (File #25-0193) to support the “Sister City Project,” establishing a sister city relationship with Hanoi, contingent upon a commitment to ban or phase out the dog and cat meat trade, and help stop this cruelty! (⏲️ Only takes 1-2 minutes) Here’s how:
Step 1. Go to the Los Angeles City Council File: HERE.
Step 2. Click “NEW” (document with pencil icon) to comment. Or, go directly to the comment form: HERE.
💡 Tarzana Neighborhood Council Community Impact Statement: HERE
💡 Jeff Mausner and VANC’s Public Comment: HERE
Step 3. Complete the form:
- Name (📌 Name is Optional. Name will be public if provided. You can leave it blank or use initials.)
- Email (Required: Private)
- Council File #: 25-0193 (auto-filled)
- Comments for Public Posting:
“I support City Council File 25-0193 to end dog and cat meat in Vietnam. I am against the abuse and killing of dogs and cats. I urge Los Angeles to stop this practice. Please vote yes.“✍️ Add your own thoughts up to 5,000 characters.
Step 4. Confirm via email! (Check your inbox)
Your comment will appear on the Council File as “Communication(s) from Public” within 1-2 days. Thank you!💗🐶 😸 🐕 🐈
This must stop now!!!
This is barbaric. It has to stop.
I support City Council File 25-0193 to end dog and cat meat in Vietnam. I am against the abuse and killing of dogs and cats. I urge Los Angeles to stop this practice. Please vote yes.“