
CARE: Storm’s skin condition is getting better.

Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)/Watchdog

Storm from the Uljin slaughterhouse is suffering from a severe skin disease, the same disease that took her sibling’s life last year. We sincerely appreciate the supplies you have provided for her recovery, especially dog food and nutritional supplements good for the skin. Thanks to your support, Storm is showing significant signs of recovery. Since she’s not fully recovered yet, any supplements that can help her recover would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any inquiries, please get in touch with 010-8287-3239.
You can send the items for the dogs to the address: RUN, 866-41, Dokjeong-ri, Jangan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Postal code 18583, South Korea.

You can donate for medical treatment, fostering, or oversea adoption of Uljin rescue dogs by making a one-time or monthly donation via PayPal. 👉

🙏🏼🐕❤️ Donate by Paypal:
➡: [email protected]

피부가 썩어가던 스톰이 좋아지고 있어요! 아직 더더 노력해야 하지만요!
여러분들이 보내주신 피부에 좋은 사료와 영양제, 그리고 제품으로 피가 흐르던 스톰이가 좋아지고 있습니다.
우리 RUN의 파크걸/파크맨이 본인들 피부보다도 더 철저하고 조심스럽게 케어하고 있다더니 이렇게나 좋아졌네요‼️‼️‼️
스톰이에게 보내주시는 사료는 언제든 환영이에요😍
☎️문의 : 파크걸 010-8287-3239☎️
◼️ 주소 : 경기도 화성시 장안면 독정리 866-41 번지 ( RUN Rescue dog park )
스톰이도 꼭 입양을 보낼 계획이에요! 스톰이의 치료를 응원해 주실 분들은 👉
📌도살장 개들 입양 보내기 프로젝트📌110-532-427686 (서경) 신한은행

  1. Jackee Devine
    Jackee DevineFebruary 4,23

    It is so very hard to view what some people think they have the right to do to our Beautiful Animals.

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