
🥷 Watchdog will shut down another dog meat farm/slaughterhouse in Hwaseong.

Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)/Watchdog

Some of the dogs once had homes but were abandoned, some were sold by their previous owners to a dog trader, and some were born on the dog meat farm. Regardless of their background, all of them eventually end up at a place called the “station.” Here they are destined to remain until they finally meet their fate as determined by nearby restaurants; as orders come in, they are slaughtered one by one.

There were about two to three hundred dogs in a dog farm/slaughterhouse we found in Hwaseong. The condition of the farm and its station was inhumane and squalid. We could identify the slaughtering equipment from the outside.

Watchdog completed a thorough investigation on this farm/slaughterhouse on January 2, and we will shut down this horrific place soon.

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Please help CARE and Watchdog continue their important work of shutting down the dog meat industry in South Korea by donating today. Thank you!

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“ 도살장에는 계류장이 존재한다.”
누군가가 집에서 기르다 팔아버린 개들
못 기른다며 여기저기 보내 버린 개들
개농장에서 태어나 결국은 도살될 운명인 개들은 소위 ‘ 계류장’ 이라는 곳으로 모인다.
도살 직전, 도살을 대기하는 공간인 것이다.
화성의 도살장을 겸하는 개농장
인근 식당에서 주문이 들어오면 도살이 진행된다.
2-300명 규모의 이 도살장 겸 개농장은 도살기구들이 외부에서도 버젓이 보일 정도.
개들의 환경은 매우 열악하고 더러웠다.
와치독은 1월 2일, 이 도살장 겸 개농장을 모조리 조사했고 반드시 폭파할 것이다.
🥷와치독이 와치독하겠습니다.🥷
불법을 없애면 됩니다.
지자체가 단속하면 됩니다.
와치독은 개고기사업을 더 강하게,
더 크게 제거해 나갈 것입니다.
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