Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) and Watchdog
동물권단체 케어, 와치독
Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth(CARE) is an animal rights organization operating in South Korea. The organization helps abused, abandoned, and neglected animals by running two shelters, an adoption center, and an education center. Additionally, CARE conducts lobbying campaigns to oppose the dog meat trade, vivisection, factory farming, whaling, the fur industry, and the use of animals for display and entertainment.
Watchdog teams work tirelessly to shut down 1,000 dog farms and dog slaughterhouses all over South Korea in one year. 👉 Click HERE to follow CARE and Watchdog on Facebook.
🙏🏼🐕❤️ You can donate for medical treatment, fostering, or oversea adoption of rescue dogs: You can make a 👉 one-time or 👉 monthly donation via PayPal.
👉 To join CARE as a member, click HERE.
💗 Donate by bank transfer:
Beneficiary Bank: KEB Hana Bank
Address: 35 Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea
Account Number: 395-910005-59738
Beneficiary: CARE
Beneficiary Address: 29-38 Changdeokgung-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
Phone Number: +82 2 313 8886
Contact: [email protected]
(☝ This is a foreign currency account in Korea, so remittance in Korean won is not possible.)

Animal Rights Korea Shelter (ARK)
(formerly Gyeyang Mountain Rescued Dog Shelter)
ARK 보호소 (계양산시민동물보호소, 롯데목장개살리기시민모임)
👉 Click HERE for the latest updates.🐶
👉 Click HERE to Please help ARK build a new shelter for the 160 dogs rescued from the dog farm.
During these unprecedented global challenges, we hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe. Unfortunately, some are facing ongoing struggles.
Like many non-profit organizations around the world, the Gyeyang Mountain Rescued Dog Shelter has been experiencing financial difficulties which may interfere with our ability to continue to provide the best care to the many dogs we have rescued.
Without your financial support and the support of the many dedicated volunteers who have willingly given their time and energy, we could not have come this far. With your help, we fought Lotte Corp, the Incheon Gyeyang district office, and other random haters and have been able to give the dogs safe shelter and medical services until they find their new families.
We started with 250 dogs, and over 90 have already found their forever homes. With more abandoned animals rescued, we now have about 170 dogs waiting to be adopted.
These dogs have survived more than a year because of your generous support. With winter approaching, though, we need even more regular monthly donations to continue to help the dogs survive until they find their new homes.
Monthly donations through Paypal are now available! Please visit these links below to help the dogs. Thank you!
👉 Previous posts on ARK 👉 ARK Quick Links 👉 ARK on Facebook 👉 ARK on Youtube 👉 ARK on Instagram.
Paypal :
E-mail : [email protected]
🙏 Will you donate whatever you can to help with the care of these dogs?
Donations may be made through Paypal:
Thank you! 🙏 💗 🐕
Donate by bank transfer:
Beneficiary Bank : KOOKMIN BANK
Bank Address : 115, Yeouigongwon-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA
Account No : 660401-01-874746
Beneficiary : Lotte Farm Dogs Save(롯데목장 개살리기 시민모임)
Beneficiary Phone Number : 010-6230-7964
📦후원물품 보내실 주소:
롯데목장 개살리기 시민모임 (아크 보호소)
인천광역시 계양구 목상길 95-106
우편번호 21014
South Korea
(롯데목장 개살리기 시민모임 현장안까지 택배 배송 부탁드려요.)-메모적어주세요.
Animal Rescue Korea 119 (ARK119)
The Korean-registered non-profit organization, Animal Rescue Korea 119, is again embarking on a national campaign to shut down the dog meat industry. Under the leadership of the very dedicated and courageous Im Yeong-Ki, they had worked on this campaign in the previous years, exposing dog farms and slaughterhouses around the country, filing complaints, and managing to shut down many of them. They also conduct rescues of injured stray dogs and cats and provide adoption services from their adoption center in Seoul all year around. They have recruited members to join on this journey for this summer which will begin on July 9th through 24th (16 days). Their main targets for this journey will be dog farms in the Gimpo and Incheon Ganghwa regions and the Dog Auction Market in Paju.
👉 Click HERE to learn more.
👉 Click HERE for the latest update from ARK119’s Facebook page. (Please use Google Translate for English translation)
👉 Click HERE to watch ARK119’s videos.
🙏 Will you donate whatever you can to support
ARK119’s National Campaign to Shut Down Dog Meat Industry?
You can donate by Paypal to the ARK119: 👉 [email protected]
Video: ARK119’s shutting down of the dog slaughterhouse in Bucheon was in the TV news. ARK119 is in the process of rescuing all 26 survivors from Bucheon Dog Slaughterhouse, and they need your support. 👉 Click HERE to learn more about this rescue.
Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA)
동물권행동 카라
“Animals deserve a better world to live in!
Around the world, animals are victims of cruelty and abuse every day. KARA works tirelessly to make the world better for these animals, providing shelter to rescued animals, generating educational initiatives, producing campaigns to help save abused animals, recommending amendments to the Animal Protection Act, and offering assistance to other animal shelters. While the dog-meat industry persists in Korea, KARA continues the fight to ban the sale of dog meat and is unrelenting in their commitment to rescue these “edible” dogs. To promote and aid KARA’s work, we must focus global attention on South Korea!” – Korea Animal Rights Advocates
Korea Animal Rights Advocates believe that animals have a right to live free from tyranny and suffering. The exploitation and abuse of animals is a big problem in Korea, made worse by weak animal protection enforcement and the uninformed public. KARA works to educate the public about the ethical issues surrounding animal protection in Korea. KARA is a no-kill organization working only with no-kill shelters.
💙 KARA is funded entirely by donations. To support & donate to KARA via PayPal, please click this link.
🌺 KARA is an animal rights group that has received perfect scores in non-profit transparency evaluation and is fully committed to honest donation management through external accounting audits.
Korean Animal Welfare Association (KAWA)
Korean Animal Welfare Association, located in Seoul, works to reduce suffering and to create social changes for all animals, including companion animals, farm animals, animals in laboratories, and wildlife. KAWA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, and protest campaigns.
Click HERE to donate!
KOREANDOGS.ORG is a volunteer group, and we are not affiliated with any of the above-recommended animal rights organizations or any other organizations. However, we support the work of all the brave animal activists in South Korea by helping raise awareness about this important issue worldwide and helping pressure the South Korean government to take immediate action to bring this cruel trade to an end.
Thank you for caring and your generosity!🧡🌺