
Monthly Archive for: ‘January, 2024’

Our petition victory featured on

One of our petitions is featured on as Victory. Thank you to everyone who has signed our petitions and …

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Victory! A Special Bill to end the dog meat was passed and mandates a 3-year grace period for all operations to cease.

South Korea passed a bill to end the consumption of dog meat. “Special Bill to end the breeding, slaughter, and …

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News: A step closer to ending dog meat consumption in South Korea. “Parliamentary committee passes bill to end dog meat distribution, consumption”

The Korea Times reported on January 8, 2024, that “The parliamentary legislation and judiciary committee passed a bill Monday banning …

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Partnership Campaign – Samsung Electronics – ASML

ASML: Please tell your Partner, Samsung Electronics and South Korea, that you oppose the torture, killing, and consumption of dogs …

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Special Bill (Alternative Bill) to end the breeding, slaughter, and distribution of dogs for consumption and dog meat consumption

Below 8 bills have been replaced with one alternative bill, “Special Bill (Alternative Bill) to end the breeding, slaughter, and …

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