
Chilgok’s response to our petition on e-People

Below is Chilgok’s response to our petition: Chilgok, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.

Please take action and send your petition through e-People today. If they have to address and respond to hundreds, thousands or hundreds of thousands of petitions on this issue; then perhaps they will finally be put under enough pressure to take action to bring this horrific animal cruelty to an end.

Our campaign is still effective because now they are aware that the eyes of the world are watching what’s going on in their county’s dog meat industry. Let’s keep up the pressure by taking action!

Below is our comments on the satisfaction survey regarding their response:

We are not satisfied with the response to our petition, due to the following key reasons:

it fails to substantiate and evidence what direct actions the Chilgok County is taking to enforce existing laws to disrupt the entrenched dog meat trade in South Korea. We have not been provided, in this response, with any evidence of any direct actions taken by the Chilgok County, such as recorded information relating to inspections, monitoring and actual enforcement action taken against violators, in relation to dog meat farming, slaughterhouses and businesses selling dog meat and dog meat products (such as dog elixir and dog soju);

it fails to show what actions the Chilgok County is taking with regard to proposing amendments to existing legislation or bringing in new legislation to address and end the dog and cat meat trade.

Dog slaughterhouse.

  1. Shirley may Nasonchick
    Shirley may NasonchickJanuary 30,19

    This is terrible, wrong, the list goes on! This people need to wise up and think, if I was that dog would I like this! I sure hope those people that torture and hurt those poor creatures wake up and there a dog! One of them! Stop hurting. Them!

  2. Sarah Hydes
    Sarah HydesJanuary 30,19

    It’s not enough, you need to do more, these people are just laughing in the face of the law and the law is allowing them to do so. Your all a joke!!!

  3. Susan Repp
    Susan ReppJanuary 31,19

    I notice ALL the responses are the exact same reply which is total BS!

  4. Alessandra Trois
    Alessandra TroisFebruary 7,19

    Forse stanno solo fingendo di fare qualche cosa per inpedire e fermare tutto questo ORRIBILE DISGUSTOSO massacro di creature buone innocenti che non si possono difendere dalla crudeltà delluomo

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