
City of Namyangju, S. Korea: Close down the illegal “Hell Hole” dog slaughterhouse now!

[Update – 9/17/2013]

Namyangju Dog Slaughterhouse Petition Signature Package

We mailed 21,805 signatures along with your comments, dog meat report, a copy of undercover video, leaflets and a couple of KOREANDOGS.ORG campaign t-shirts to Mayor Seok-Woo Lee of Namyangju, South Korea today by international priority mail. We look forward to the response from Mayor Lee soon. We hope that Mayor Lee and his staff will not ignore our sincere and very urgent pleading to close down this nightmarish “hell hole” dog farms/slaughterhouses in his city right away and help end the South Korean dog and cat meat industry that brutalizes and murders estimated 2.5 million animals each year.

We also want to tell you about a recent case of a dog named “Gilyongee” that was lured and killed by a neighbor to eat and how this perpetrator is raising 3 more dogs to eat in Cheongsong, South Korea. Click HERE to read the story!

Please speak up for the dogs of South Korea and urge their government to enact a stronger Animal Protection law to prevent more murders of dogs like “Gilyongee” and to BAN THE DOG AND CAT MEAT TRADE FOR GOOD! Click here to join us on Facebook to write emails to their government! It is so easy and only takes a minute. Click here for “Call to Action”!

Please continue to speak out for the animals of the South Korean dog and cat meat trade by boycotting all South Korean products such as Samsung, LG, Hyundai, Kia, SK, and Daewoo (Fortune Global 500 List)….and their tourism. Also, please continue to share this petition because signatures are delivered electronically in real time to many South Korean government officials, including President Geun-Hye Park.

[Original Posting – 7/9/2012]

Please sign the new petition:
City of Namyangju, S. Korea: Close down the illegal “Hell Hole” dog slaughterhouse now!

To the Honorable Mayor of the City of Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do-province Seok Woo Lee, and the City of Namyangju government 경기도 남양주시 시장, 행정CEO 이석우 :

Honorable Mayor Seok Woo Lee,

In a recent TV program by JTBC, a couple of illegal dog slaughterhouses are exposed to illustrate the lawlessness and appalling conditions of many slaughterhouses that are being operated around the country in South Korea. Dogs are being slaughtered right next to the terrified live dogs waiting for their horrible fate, and the unsanitary conditions of these illegal slaughterhouses are a threat to public health and the environment. It also exposes that abandoned dogs in animal shelters are being eaten by some shelter officials or being sold as meat for their profit.

See the news and watch the TV program in Korean:|article|default
See the news in English:

One of the two slaughterhouses exposed in this program is located in the City of Namyangju, and this slaughterhouse was reported to the city officials two years ago by an animal protection group called CARE (Coexistence of Animal Rights). However, nothing has been done since then, and it’s still operating in appalling and unspeakable condition. See the photos from CARE two years ago when they visited and rescued some of the dogs and reported this slaughterhouse to the city:

At the time, based on the report by CARE, the mommy dog had to eat the dead puppies to survive in this hellish slaughterhouse. Pictures tell a thousand words, so please click the above link and look at the photos yourself.

Mayor Seok Woo Lee,

Why is your city not doing anything to close this place down?
This slaughterhouse is clearly illegal, a threat to the public health and environment, and its cruelty is beyond imagination. Your city government is neglecting its duty, and there is no excuse for not taking action except laziness and apathy. Please take the steps immediately to close this place down for good. Countless dogs are being tortured and having to endure unspeakable suffering even in this moment. This is a shame of Namyangju city that you are in charge of and reflects poorly on your ability to lead and govern and your character. This also reflects very negatively on the country of South Korea as a whole as there are many places like this “Hell Hole” all around the country.

We will boycott S. Korea and S. Korean businesses until your illegal slaughterhouse is closed down and S. Korea takes animal rights seriously and ends the shameful dog meat trade once and for all.

“Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other creatures.”
~His Holiness The Dalai Lama

“삶은 인간만큼이나 말없는 생명체들에게도 소중한 것이다. 사람이 행복을 원하고 고통을 두려워하며, 죽음이 아닌 생명을 원하는 것처럼 그들 역시 그러하다.”
~달라이 라마


City of Namyangju:
Mayor Seok Woo Lee:

Sign the petitions!

  1. al celentano
    al celentanoJuly 10,12

    really now…..with all the financial/industrial/technological wealth of the Republic of Korea,we should think they could afford to NOT have to stoop to this sort of thing for nourishment! goddamnit,i,d expect a thing like this from North Korea…….!

  2. felicia martens
    felicia martensJuly 10,12

    lost for words…

  3. mayito
    mayitoJuly 11,12


  4. Sam
    SamJune 12,14

    Something is wrong with the configuration of such raving lunatics! Let them endure the injuries (and the word is a mild one…) they seem so keen to inflict on defenceless animals I say. Might even represent a cure for their mental condition. – Please realize the world is watching.

  5. Ellie P Wood
    Ellie P WoodJanuary 11,18

    I would risk my life trying to save these poor dogs, you can see its clearly some sort of fetish for these sick bastards, if I ever came face to face with one of those people I wouldn’t stop torturing them until they die, call them people? No they are the savages…

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