
Disappointing and insulting response from the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon’s Office

Ban Ki-Moon Mr Ban Ki-Moon is currently the Secretary-General to the United Nations – that is his job title; however, he is primarily a South Korean national – he was born so, and that won’t change.

Many of us have been writing to him with personal requests for help in our fight to stop the dog meat trade in South Korea – his country – as we feel that it is the duty of every citizen of the world to stand against all forms of wrong doing (in this instance extreme and unnecessary animal cruelty) that is being carried out in their own home country, regardless of where the person currently resides – or their occupation.

Our letters were addressed to Mr Ban at the United Nations, as that is his contact address, but (if they reply at all) they are sending out disappointingly ‘standard’ replies, unsigned, and sent from the Department of Public Information; an example of which we have attached, and which points out the rigmarole required, and approval procedures, for any UN Member to bring a matter up for official discussion.

This is ridiculous, we are asking Mr Ban, as a Korean National (and a caring human being) to bring this matter up with his Government; we are not asking for the UN’s stamp of approval. None of us need approval from our work colleagues to make our own views known – we know it is right to take action to stop these atrocities, and we are taking action. Mr Ban is a free citizen, and perfectly capable of putting forward his own views to his own countrymen, should he choose to do so.

Mr Ban is an important figure and he will be listened to by other people in authority – and by his fellow citizens; he can make a difference.

Mr Ban has been seen to publicly promote South Korean celebrities, such as Psy (in true Gangnam style); we presume he didn’t ask for the UN’s approval for that cheery little piece of PR. And, does he not realise what bad PR his own country is increasingly receiving through these abhorrent and cruel practices?

The unsigned response to this particular letter also advised that we should ‘consider sending our views’ to organisations such as the HSI. Whilst we know that the HSI is well aware of the situation and has its own campaign running, we are making a direct request to Mr Ban independently, not one through a third party. We were also told that ‘their research shows that the WSPA is another viable option’, but our research cannot find any reference to the WSPA specifically targeting the South Korean dog meat trade. Again, we must point out that we perceive this to be a disappointing – and rather insulting – response.

And again, we will be contacting Mr Ban to ask for his personal help to bring an end to the dog meat trade in his country.

We ask that you keep writing, calling, emailing Mr. Ban Ki-Moon.
Click HERE to take action TODAY!

Response from UN HQ_021916

Response from UN HQ_021916_USPS tracking

  1. Lora batson
    Lora batsonFebruary 19,16

    One word pathetic!!!!!!!

    • Brigitte Barry
      Brigitte BarryFebruary 20,16

      Worthless human beings!

    STELLA MARIS ARGENTOFebruary 19,16

    Ban ki moon : Usted y su País son condenados por la Humanidad!!!!! STOP !!!!!!!!!!!

    • louise despointes
      louise despointesFebruary 22,16

      barbaric man who must be a dog eater himself, & does not care to give such a bad image of his country permitting dog killed in atrocious ways , shame on him & may his karma bring him back to earth as one of those dogs

  3. Lynn Juozilaitis
    Lynn JuozilaitisFebruary 19,16

    He’s a coward and a loser too!

  4. Chris
    ChrisFebruary 19,16

    If it needs to be represented by an embassador try to find one, but Which countrys embassador have the guts to do that?

  5. Chris
    ChrisFebruary 19,16

    …i just found it North Koreas embassador!

  6. john
    johnFebruary 20,16

    we are dealing with koreans what do you expect

  7. Silvia
    SilviaFebruary 20,16

    I just send an email, and pray he will read this and the other ones we all animal lovers care for it. Poor babies in such a horrible conditions been so inteligentes and dying by the millions, our best friends not knowing what love, family or a nice warm home is, such a smart animals and these ppl don’t care and don’t realize how much love these pooches can give you, these ppl r ruthless, no heart no soul. Let’s stand for them we r their voices .

  8. pierre chantelauze
    pierre chantelauzeFebruary 20,16

    The abhorrent dominion of mankind over all other creatures , defenceless and speechless , must be stopped , for our dignity and peace of mind .
    Especially for the dogs in Asia .

  9. Gabriela
    GabrielaFebruary 20,16

    Rechazamos sus aberrantes actos los cuales son repudiados por el mundo , lo que hacen es un acto aberrrante e innecesario Korea no tiene evolución alguna , exigimos detener acto estamos denunciando a nivel mundial y no pararemos Mexico Mundo #BoycottKorea

  10. Andrés Aguilera
    Andrés AguileraFebruary 21,16

    esta gente, esta institución sólo quiere salir del paso pero hay que presionarlos, es una presión de millones de personas #BoycottKorea

  11. Wendy
    WendyFebruary 22,16

    I am sorry but they do not care (I know that it is unfathomable to many of us). It is a cultural thing and they see this petition as an annoyance. The only way to affect change would be to hit them in the pocket book. It is the hard cold truth. Writing petitions to Korean companies with people pledging to boycott their products globally would have a much more favorable result.

  12. Kate
    KateFebruary 22,16

    I bet he was reading our messages while eating dog meat….. I agree with Wendy, public boycott of Korean products could be a step to end this atrocities. I can’t even believe I watched that video as it is heart breaking while you can’t physically do something to end this :/

  13. Lena Rousk
    Lena RouskFebruary 22,16

    Stop this! Are you not human, do you not feel the dogs pain and surrering! How can you let this happen. How can you not stop this. Is this the way you want os too see your people???

  14. Sylvia
    SylviaFebruary 22,16

    This is indeed a crisis, and an animal holocaust is going on, not just today but every day, and has been going on for years….and this is the response we get from the Secretary-General’s office??
    As far as I have heard, eating dog meat is not an ‘ancient cultural tradition’ at all, but a fairly modern idea.
    We must keep on with this, wherever we can. This was a direct approach….there are other directions of approach also, which could certainly prove an embarrassment to Mr Ban Ki Moon! We must not give up!

  15. Steve
    SteveFebruary 23,16

    Useless men with tiny dicks who think eating dog meat will make them more of a man!

  16. Thurner Christine
    Thurner ChristineFebruary 23,16

    These scum of the earth must be stopped instantly!!!! They cannot go on to torture and martel so cruely these poor and highly frightend dogs!!! And this stupid ashol Banki Moon is not doing anything to stop this insanity!!!!!! What kind of a politician is that????? Where other people have a heart he has an iceblok!!!! They are our dearest and loyalst friends, which a human beeing can have!!!! Please therefore sign this very urgent petition and share it with all your friends on facebook and twitter! Thank you for caring for those dogs, who cannot come up for themselves!!!!!!

  17. Tamara
    TamaraFebruary 23,16

    You discussing horrible POS I hope you die the same way!

  18. dr Ignacio ROBLES
    dr Ignacio ROBLESFebruary 24,16
































    we just sent and email to all the emails addresses provided, a;so we need to sum more TWITTER ADRRESSES ANSD INSISTS

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