
Newsletter – November 21, 2016

For the first time in Korea – Animal Cruelty investigation Manual

Click HERE to see this newsletter from our homepage.
The Police Have Distributed
​an Animal Cruelty investigation instruction Manual

Korean newspaper, Herald Economy, reported on November 11 that according to congresswoman Sun-Mi Jin of the Minjoo Party of Korea, to help in the fight against the increasing cases of animal protection law violations, the National Police Agency has distributed to police stations an Animal Cruelty Investigation Instruction Manual for the first time in history.

The manual highlights the procedure by which on-site policemen can thoroughly investigate crimes against the Animal Protection Law and protect the rights of the animals, summarizing in detail all of the penalties for animal cruelty. Perhaps more importantly, the manual focuses on the safety and protection of the affected animals as well as addressing the attitude of the inspectors/investigators towards the protection of these animals.

According to the manual, the police investigating these cases should avoid any speech or action that minimizes the illegality of animal cruelty and should actively crack down on any such organized and malicious acts in strict adherence to the proper judicial process. Also, in order to protect the safety of the victimized animals, investigations must be granted a high priority and conducted in a speedy manner.

The manual was created by the police as a result of the rising numbers of animal cruelty cases. Arrests increased from 138 in 2012 to 264 in 2015, nearly doubling in just 3 years. As of the end of August 2016, the number of arrests was 210, up 31.2% from the same period in the previous year. This can be attributed to the shifting social consciousness of today’s society in which, while the concept of animal protection is relatively new, there is a growing awareness that animal cruelty itself is a crime and, therefore, more people are reporting these incidents.

Click HERE to learn more.

Photo: Seoul Gyeongdong Dog Meat Market, South Korea. SaveKoreanDogs.​

The Police Have Distributed an Animal Cruelty investigation instruction Manual
Barbados Olympic Association speaks out against cruelty!
​ And we sincerely thank them!


Following a letter sent by Francie to the Barbados Olympic Association we received an encouraging response saying that they will be contacting the IOC about the (in their own words) “intolerable situation” of the dog and cat meat trades in South Korea, and they hope that the IOC will, in turn, interface with the South Korean Government.

We want Steve Stoute, the President, and his associates, in the Barbados Olympic Association, to know how much we appreciate their positive response and action; it is inspirational to hear that an island nation is willing to speak out against unacceptable animal cruelty in a foreign country, particularly as Barbados is a country that may not traditionally participate in the Winter Olympics – and many other larger nations are doing their best to keep a ‘low profile’ by saying nothing.

Thank you Barbados Olympic Association, on behalf of all the animals involved in, and those opposed to, the dog and cat meat trades!

Click HERE to learn more and take action!

 Barbados Olympic Association speaks out against cruelty! And we sincerely thank them!
New Sister City Campaigns –
​Gangneung, Wonju and Hwaseong

Click each links below to learn more and take action on our new sister city campaigns!

Gangneung, South Korea –Chattanooga, Tennessee Petition

Gangneung, South Korea –Loudoun County, Virginia Petition

Wonju, South Korea – Roanoke, Virginia Petition

Hwaseong, South Korea –King County, Washington Petition

Hwaseong, South Korea –Orange County, New York Petition

​Video: Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market, South Korea. SaveKoreanDogs.

Nami Kim Team - Anti-Dog Meat Campaign in Seoul, South Korea - Summer 2015
We have many Sister/Friendship City Campaigns going on now.
Please add your voice TODAY to help the Korean dogs.
Write to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale
(The World Canine Organisation)

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) is the World Canine Organisation. It includes 91 members and contract partners (one member per country) that each issue their own pedigrees and train their own judges. The FCI has five sections: Europe, The Americas and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, Middle-East and Africa.

Please ask FCI to speak out against the horrific cruelty of South Korean dog meat trade. 
Click HERE to take action!
Click HERE to sign and share petition!

Photo: Seoul Gyeongdong Dog Meat Market, South Korea. SaveKoreanDogs.

Write to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (The World Canine Organisation)
From SaveKoreanDogs – UK & EU Adoptions Now Available

Sharing from SaveKoreanDogs:  The doors are now open to UK EU adopters. This initiative is in partnership with the Dream Pet Hotel, which will provide a total service. The owner couple speak English. Dream Hotel, located in picturesque countryside, offers first class pet care and a total service. We guarantee the hotel provide the best care.  Click HERE to learn more. 

Click HERE to learn more about adoption process. Only Serious Homes Please.
Click HERE to get the latest updates on the SaveKoreanDogs’ ongoing rescue work.
Help SaveKoreanDogs (Nami Kim) save more dogs
from the cruelty of dog meat trade!  Please donate today! Fundraiser to Help Support Busan KAPCA
Only 9 more days to go!

Wear one of our shirts! Help fight the South Korean dog and cat-meat cruelty and bring awareness to our campaign. 100% of the funds raised from the sale of these shirts will be donated to the Busan KAPCA(Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty).

This fundraising ends on 11/30/16 and the orders will arrive around 12/16/16 before the holidays.

These beautiful shirts make great holiday gifts! Ho Ho Ho!  :O)

Click HERE to order yours TODAY! - Help Support Busan KAPCA (Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
“The proof that one truly believes is in action.”
-Bayard Rustin 


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