
[Campaign update] Pompei Commissioner Cafagna responds – not the right time.

Pompei Mayor Donato Cafagna

Pompei Mayor Donato Cafagna

Special Commissioner of Pompei, Dr. Donato Cafagna, responded to our campaign on January 12, 2017. He stated that Pompei is currently under receivership and therefore he is not able to take action on this issue. This is not the response we had hoped for, so we are disappointed. We will continue our campaign with the hope that we won’t have to wait until June when the new Mayor is elected, because that is still in the distant future. We hope that Dr. Cafagna’s will reconsider and reach out to Gyeongju.

A special thank you goes out to our Italian volunteer, Tamara, for contacting and urging the Mayor’s office several times to respond to us.

Click HERE to see our campaign.

Sister City Campaign – Gyeongju, South Korea –Pompei, Italy

Below is the translation:

In reference to the e-mails received about the Koreandogs Campaign against the maltreatment of the dogs in Korea, we inform you that, for the moment, the City of Pompei is under receivership and so, it’s not possible to take initiatives on this matter. It would be more appropriate to reassess this issue with the next Mayor in June 2017.
Best regards,

The Special Commissioner Dr. Cafagna

Call for Action

Please send an email to the Commissioner Cafagna urging him to take action to help the Korean dogs. You can use our suggested message below or your own words.

Email addresses:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

Suggested letter to the Commissioner Cafagna (In Italian) dott. Donato Cafagna, Commissario Straordinario di Pompei,

Grazie per la Sua risposta in cui spiega che Pompei si trova in “fase di commissariamento” fino a giugno 2017, e che pertanto non è in grado di agire per informare la città di Gyeongyu (Corea del Sud) del Suo disappunto per l’indifferenza riguardo alla tortura e massacro di cani e gatti in questa città. Se non può essere portata avanti nessuna azione fino a giugno 2017, riteniamo comunque opportuno informarLa che circa decine di migliaia di cani e centinaia di gatti soffriranno a causa della atrocità commesse dagli esseri umani, e tutto ciò avverrà in questi soli 6 mesi di attesa di una risposta da parte della città di Pompei.

Noi, la comunità globale contro l’orribile commercio della carne di cane e di gatto, ci appelliamo sinceramente alla Sua compassione per avviare qualsiasi tipo di azione al fine di esprimere la Sua disapprovazione per le azioni commesse da Gyeongyu, città gemellata a Pompei, così come ha fatto anche il Sindaco di Bologna (con Seongnam). Le chiediamo pertanto cortesemente di riconsiderare la possibilità di agire per aiutarci a proteggere il benessere e la vita di milioni di animali da compagnia contro la sofferenza inconcepibile e la disumanità perpetrata contro di loro.

RingraziandoLa per quanto potrà fare, Le invio i più cordiali saluti.

Suggested letter to the Commissioner Cafagna

Dear Honorable Mayor Dr. Donato Cafagna, Special Commissioner of Pompei,

Thank you for your response, and your explanation that since Pompei is “under receivership” at this time until June 2017, you are unable to take action to inform the city of Gyeongyu, Korea, that you disapprove of their indifference toward the torture and massacre of dogs and cats in their city. If no action can be taken until June 2017, it could potentially result in approximately tens of thousands of dogs and hundreds of cats who will suffer from the atrocities committed by humans, only in these 6 months while awaiting a response from the city of Pompei.

We, the global community against the horrific dog and cat meat trade, sincerely appeal to your compassion to take any kind of action to express the disapproval of the actions of your Sister City, as did the Mayor of Bologna. We respectfully request your reconsideration and effort to help us protect the welfare and lives of millions of companion animals against inconceivable suffering and the inhumanity perpetrated against them.

Thank you.

[Your Name & City/Country]

  1. stella maris argento
    stella maris argentoJanuary 15,17


  2. LouAnn Cristillo
    LouAnn CristilloJanuary 16,17

    Stop the killing!! The whole wide world is watching respect life!!!???????????

  3. Angela
    AngelaJanuary 16,17

    For those of us in America our heart aches we can’t sleep we think about these poor animals day and night it is heartbreaking this must stop we will never stop fighting

    RICHERE DEZIELJanuary 19,17

    Révoltant ! Il faut réagir et ne pas accepter de tels atrocités !

  5. Lau
    LauJanuary 19,17

    Please stop this

  6. Laura Berben
    Laura BerbenJanuary 19,17

    Receivership? NO EXCUSE! Stop this abomination now!

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