
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘Gyeongju’

Gyeongju’s response to our e-People petition

[Update September 16, 2020] After several attempt to get the city of Gyeongju to respond to my e-People petition, we …

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[Update February 7, 2017] Supportive Pompeii Commissioner Cafagna responds to call to action against the dog meat trade.

👉 Click HERE for the updated campaign. On February 7, 2017, we received a second response from the Special Commissioner …

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[Campaign update] Pompei Commissioner Cafagna responds – not the right time.

Special Commissioner of Pompei, Dr. Donato Cafagna, responded to our campaign on January 12, 2017. He stated that Pompei is …

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Campagna di gemellaggio tra Gyeongju, Corea del Sud e Pompei, Italia.

👉 Click HERE for the updated campaign. [Update February 7, 2017] Supportive Pompeii Commissioner Cafagna responds to call to action …

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