
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘대한민국’

Call for Action: File An Online Petition with the South Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism!

It is not enough to just boycott products made in South Korea. Until the South Korean government bans the torture …

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Hell On Earth – Seongnam Moran Dog Meat Market

I’d like to share these photos that were taken at a dog meat shop in the Moran Dog Meat Market …

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[Seeking Volunteers] Dogs living on food garbage in raised wire cages will at last live on ground.

This is a translation of the November 28th, 2013 posting on KARA(Korea Animal Rights Advocates)’s website: [Seeking Volunteers] Dogs living …

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After arduous preparation for a year, the Amendments to the Animal Protection Act (APA) will be proposed on October 1, 2013!

This is a translation of posting from KARA: 동참요청 – 1년간의 치밀한 준비의 결실! 10월 1일 동물보호법 개정안이 발의됩니다! 9/25/2013 …

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To prevent murder of another Gilyongee, please demand amendment to the Animal Protection Act! [Call to Action by KAWA]

To prevent murder of another Gilyongee, please demand amendment to the Animal Protection Act! [Call to Action by KAWA] Translation …

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A Man lures and kills neighbor’s 8 year old pet dog to eat [KAWA’s Response Action to Animal Cruelty Case]

[KAWA’s Response Action to Animal Cruelty Case] A Man lures and kills neighbor’s 8 year old pet dog to eat. …

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