
How to Sign Korean Government Official Petition

There are countless petitions, but the Korean Government Official Petition is very special and important, because with 200,000 signatures, the Korean government is required to review the petition demand and issue a response. Petition pages are in Korean language but you can sign by following the instruction below.

Here is how:
1. Go to the petition page.

2. Click on the blue button with the Korean word 동의 (which means “Sign this petition”).

3. To sign in, click on either Facebook or Twitter.
(a) If you sign in using Facebook, you will see a pop-up box that states “청와대 (Korean Presidential Residence) will receive your public profile and email address.” Click “Continue as (Your Name)”.

4. You will then be taken back to the petition screen. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the blue button with the Korean text 동의합니다. NOTE: You have the option to include a personal message first.
(a) Type your optional personal message in the text box to the left of the blue button. (Sample message: “Please stop the dog and cat meat cruelty.”)
(b) If you choose not to include a personal message, the petition will automatically add 동의합니다, which means “Signed”.

Below is an alternate signing instruction in case above instruction is not clear:

STEP BY STEP ON HOW TO SIGN… (you can print the below steps or copy paste it on your computer in a text application to find it easy and follow it. Or make a new tab in your browser to keep this open so you can follow it on another tab in your browser.)

(1) – Scroll down the page until you see a red button “SING THIS PETITION” and click on it.

(2) – You will be redirected to the Petition page, Scroll down the Petition page and click on the BIG BLUE BUTTON

(3) – Next Click on the preferred social media logo to sign in, rather it be Facebook or Twitter (This is how they know it’s you signing and not a robot).

(4) – you will be redirected to facebook or twitter to sign in “LOG IN” under your account.

(5) – a small window will come up click on the big blue button “Continue as”

(6) – You will be redirected back to the petition page (you’re not done yet), You are now signed in and you have to sign the petition now. Scroll down and click on that dark blue button AGAIN. Next to the button It says 동의합니다. Which means I AGREE. CLICK ON THE BLUE BUTTON AGAIN TO SIGN.

(7) – A small window will come up which means you have signed and are done.

If you don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account, you will not be able to sign this petition. But, you can easily create a Facebook or Twitter account for this purpose. If you are concerned about your privacy, you can stay anonymous on Twitter by using an alias.

Please do it today. Very, very important!! Thank you!! 👍

  1. Annie McCann
    Annie McCannMay 11,19

    Cruel and inhumane torture of retired cloned dogs is uncomprehensible! The pictures of these abused beagles is heartbreaking!
    Fire him! Revoke his rights, and prosecute!

      CHERYL DAVISMay 14,19

      I totally agree with you! He needs to be tortured, this breaks my heart, I have 9 dogs which I love with all my heart, their love is so unconditional and these loveable animals are mans best Friend, but these people are the cruelest people in the world, they don’t deserve to breathe the same air as these beautiful babaies!



  3. Cecile Lemay
    Cecile LemayMay 13,19


  4. melanie buñag mendoza
    melanie buñag mendozaMay 14,19

    MAY 13, 2019 —

    Please sign and share widely. Time is running out. Only few hours left to reach 200,000 signatures for a Korean government response. If it fails, then all effort is wasted. We cannot let that happen. Thank you so much for caring!!
    Please save retired detection dogs from animal testing at Seoul National University!

  5. Bernardo Patino
    Bernardo PatinoMay 14,19

    No more Killing dogs. Please.

  6. minna niemi
    minna niemiMay 14,19

    Stop animal cruel use. Normal human activity like this. Only monster makes so !!!

  7. Dana Orságová
    Dana OrságováMay 14,19

    help for dogs , please help!!!!

  8. Lona Hansen
    Lona HansenMay 14,19

    How can people be so cruel, I dislike the Government of South Korea, have no respect for this kind of people. Stop it now, do not let more dogs and cats suffer. It is difficult to believe that this sort of cruelty is taking place in our days. Will never visit your country and spend my money there.

  9. ms
    msMay 14,19

    Let’s be RATIONAL and SANE — you NEED NOT use animals for research in this day and age — we have just as effective alternatives whereby animals are NOT used — pay a visit to PCRM.ORG — ALSO — let’s be compassionate, caring and moral — think of the torturous suffering these animals undergo for NEEDLESS, USELESS research — SET the animals FREE into loving, caring arms — DO THE RIGHT THING for us all — RELEASE these dogs (& cats?)

  10. G. Silva
    G. SilvaMay 14,19

    This is considered a terrible cruelty, please find it in yourselves to stop this evil.
    Regardless if this has been going on for many years it doesn’t make it right.

  11. Brianda María Puig
    Brianda María PuigMay 15,19

    Please respect your human essence and how it, stop killing dogs, and cats no more nerthentahls in the planet…

  12. Sharon Stevens
    Sharon StevensMay 15,19

    stop this pure evil

  13. alessandra
    alessandraMay 18,19

    Nessun essere vivente merita di subire tanta sofferenza e crudeltà, fermate questo orribile barbaro massacro delle creature piu’ fedeli e utili all’uomo

  14. Nancy Gryson
    Nancy GrysonMay 19,19

    Help the animals, stop this horror!

  15. Betty Covington
    Betty CovingtonAugust 2,19

    The Injustice of the Innocent & Voiceless! All animals deserve lives free from human-inflicted suffering. As the highest created being, humans have a moral obligation to be wise stewards of animals. Just because we happen to be the most powerful species on earth, we humans have the ability, but not the right, to abuse the so-called lower animals. The ends do NOT justify the means!
    We all know that there is something seriously wrong with a food system where the best day of an animal’s life is the day that it is finally over!
    Every Living Creature deserves the Right to Live as Nature has intended.
    Not only do animal victims deserve to be free from abuse and neglect, but numerous studies show a correlation between animal cruelty and violence toward people—animal cruelty impacts community safety.
    If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.

  16. Peter Hawes
    Peter HawesAugust 18,19

    Please stop the dog and cat consumption fo

  17. Fabienne Mention
    Fabienne MentionApril 21,21

    Arrêtez la cruauté envers les animaux !!!

  18. Linda Segal
    Linda SegalJuly 26,21

    Become a humane country. Stop the torture of dogs and cats.

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