
[Campaign Closed] Updated Sister City Campaign – Gimpo, South Korea – Glendale, California (In Japanese)

[Update February 14, 2017] Once again supportive Glendale responds to call to action against the dog meat trade.

On February 14, 2017, once again, we received a positive response from the City of Glendale, regarding our campaign protesting their Sister City, Gimpo’s dog meat cruelty. Ms. Eliza Papazian with the City of Glendale’s Management Services sent us an email letter as below. In her letter she stated “The City of Glendale has and continues to work in conjunction with our local Korean Sister City Association and Gimpo representatives to monitor this situation and ensure that these atrocities do not continue to occur.”
Click HERE to learn more.

姉妹都市キャンペーン:韓国/金浦 (改定版)

Paula Devineカリフォルニア州グレンデール市長殿:姉妹都市の韓国/金浦に犬猫の虐待と食用に反対であると伝えて下さい!

Gimpo Mayor Young-Rok Yoo

Young-Rok Yoo 金浦市長

カリフォルニア州グレンデール Glendale, California の前市長は私達の協力要請に応えてくれ、姉妹都市Sister city の金浦市長に連絡をしてくれました。グレンデール市が韓国の風習や行為、法律、文化の違い等をより詳しく知ろうと努力して頂いた事と、前向きに行動するつもりがあるという事がわかった点ではとてもいいニュースでした。

とても恐ろしい感じがする と現地からの情報です。”

以前のキャンペーンはコチラから: HERE
前グレンデール市長からの返信はこちらから: HERE


ビデオ:韓国/金浦市内の犬繁殖場/屠殺場 by CARE (Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth)


Paula Devine グレンデール市長宛ての署名・電話・メールをお願いします! Today!

Glendale Mayor Paula Devine

Paula Devine グレンデール市長

Paula Devineグレンデール市長宛ての参考文(コピーしてお使い下さい)

Dear Mayor Paula Devine and the City Council members:

We thank you for taking action by contacting Mayor Young-Rok Yoo, of your Sister City, Gimpo, South Korea, by stating your disapproval of any inhumane treatment of those dogs and cats which go into the meat trades in that city; and also for your willingness to learn more about the cultural differences between your two cities.

We are aware of the response that Gimpo gave, but are asking you, once again, to confront them on this issue. The dogs and cats in the meat trades are not raised humanely, as can be seen in various recorded evidence: the animals are raised in a permanently neglected state; they are transported in completely inhumane ways, and then they are brutally slaughtered.

To raise these animals in accordance with modern-day acceptable and humane standards – proper accommodation, food and veterinary treatment, acceptable transportation, and humane slaughtering – would result in a prohibitive sale cost for each animal. These dog farmers are only raising these animals for profit. And, many South Koreans believe that eating these miserable dogs is beneficial for their health – a ludicrous and disproved belief.

Mayor Paula Devine, this is not just a matter of different cultural practices; and we urge you to have another look at the evidence – we urge you to once again contact Mayor Young-Rok Yoo, and to once again ask him to end the brutal dog and cat meat trades being carried out in his city.

We thank you, in advance, for your reply,


Sign Petition_Japanese_Short


Video: Media Triage: The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea.

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