
🐶🐕 May 2023 – Monthly update from ARK shelter in Korea

Sharing for Animal Rights Korea (ARK) Shelter.

Dear Supporters,

We need your help! We are the only shelter (probably in the world) where all dogs were rescued from a dog meat farm. We know it’s heartbreaking to say “farm” in the same sentence as “dog,” but sadly, they were once upon a time bred solely for their meat.

The reason the dog meat farmers give for doing this is that our dogs, dog meat farm dogs, are different from pet dogs. They consider them lesser dogs and incapable of being good pets. We have shown this to be groundless since many of our dogs live their best lives after being adopted and have gained a reputation for being the finest of companions. In short, they are the same as any other dog.

Our goal is very clear. We want to find a home for all of our dogs. With your help, we could make this happen. We know this will take time, but our dogs don’t have much time. Thus we cannot afford to sit and wait for a family to come by.

We are reaching out to rescue groups/rehoming groups worldwide to get them real homes with real families to give them lives filled with love. We will make this happen, but we need your help. Fostering ARK dogs can help a lot. If you are interested, please let us know your location. Then we should be able to give you an available dog to foster or, even better, to adopt!

Thank you!

From ARK Team.

“Monthly ARK”, the May 2023 video is also available on our youtube channel:

Please keep in touch and stay up to date with us via the following links!
👉 Instagram
👉 Facebook
👉 YouTube
For foster home and adoption inquiries, contact ARK: 📧 [email protected]

Donations may be made through Paypal:
Thank you!
🙏 💗 🐕

아크보호소소개 – What’s ARK Shetler?


    T H A N K Y O U A L L F O R P R O V I D I N G T H E – A N I M A L R I G H T S K O R E A – (A R K) A N I M A L S H E L T E R

    A N D F O R F O R A L L T H E G O O D – W O R K – Y O U A L L D O !!

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