
Category Archive for: ‘Law’

Court ruled electric shock dog slaughter method – Not Guilty!

전기도살 무죄 선고’는 오직 동물학대자에만 이익인 판결 동물보호법의 목적과 입법취지에 반하는 위법한 판결, 파기되어야 마땅 ❍ 지난 9월 28일 서울고등법원에서 …

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KARAs Legal Information Booklet zur Beendigung des Hundefleischkonsums.

KARA’s Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption in German. Eine Zusammenfassung der großen Unterschiede zwischen dem …

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KARA’s vlugschrift met rechtskundige informatie betreffende het beëindigen van de hondenvlees consumptie.

KARA’s Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption in Dutch Een samenvatting van de grote tegenstrijdigheden tussen …

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Folheto de KARA com Informações Legais para acabar com o consumo de carne canina

KARA’s Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption (In Portuguese) Um resumo da grande disparidade entre a …

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KARA’s Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption (In Japanese)

KARA’s Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption (In Japanese) 食用犬肉を廃止にするための法律的な情報の集約表(情報元:KARA) 現在の韓国における肉取引のための犬の飼育に関してあてはまる現行の法律と、人間の食用のための屠殺販売における現状の主な相違点について (発行元:KARA)以下は KARA (Korea Animal Rights Advocates)が発行した食用犬肉を廃止するための法律情報集約表を文章形式にしたものです。表はこちらからHERE …

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KARA’s (Korea Animal Rights Advocates) retsgyldige informationshæfte vedrørende afskaffelse af forbruget af hundekød.

KARA’s Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption (In Danish) Et resumé om den store forskel mellem …

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KARA’s Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption (In Greek)

Ενημερωτικό Φυλλάδιο του KARA για τη Νομοθεσία σχετικά με τη βρώση σκύλων. Σύνοψη των μέγιστων αποκλίσεων μεταξύ της ισχύουσας νομοθεσίας …

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Opuscolo di informazioni legali del KARA per la fine del consumo della carne di cane

KARA’s Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption in Italian Un riepilogo delle principali disparità tra l’attuale …

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Folleto de KARA sobre Información Legal para terminar con el consumo de carne de perro

KARA’s Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption in Spanish Un resumen de la enorme disparidad existente …

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Le livret d’information juridique de KARA pour mettre fin à la consommation de viande de chien.

KARA’s Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption in French Un apperçu de l’immense fossé entre les …

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KARA’s Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption

A summary of the major disparity between the current law on farming dogs for the meat trade – to sale …

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