
Imagine Your Korea

Updated 2/24/21.
Imagine your Korea is official Facebook page of Korea Tourism Organization (KTO, South Korea’s government agency promoting tourism):

Call for Action

  • Please click HERE to log onto their Facebook page and post a message on their page, such as the following example:
    Please watch these videos. This is South Korea today.
    South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty:
    Dogs slaughtered while you wait in Daegu Chilseong Dog Meat Market, South Korea:

    Imagine your Korea ~ where NO dogs (or cats) of any breed are: being bred, electrocuted, hanged, beaten, having their throats slashed, or are being boiled or burnt to death for their meat……

    Imagine your Korea ~ where the Korean people all join together to finally end this barbaric and uncivilized practice and where, instead of slaughter, they rescue, rehome, love and care for these voiceless creatures……

    Imagine your Korea ~ where lawmakers, politicians, educators and civil servants all act to shut down, criminalize and prosecute this appalling industry and where they show genuine and long term care for these defenseless animals in their nation….

    Imagine your Korea ~ where your multibillion-dollar corporations, with all their charters on social and community responsibility, improve their charters to include animal rights and welfare obligations as part of a healthy society ~ where ALL breeds of dogs (and cats) can live and be loved and cared for….


  • Post the photos from our website, YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, etc. to the Korea Tourism Organization’s social media accounts with hashtag ‘#ImagineYourKorea’.
    👉 KTO Facebook
    👉 KTO Twitter
    👉 KTO Instagram
    👉 KTO YouTube
    👉 KTO Email: [email protected]

Click above video to watch.
Daegu Chilseong Dog Meat Market, February 16, 2021. Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA).

  1. Mohamed Lotfy Al Tahhan
    Mohamed Lotfy Al TahhanMarch 31,16

    Imagine your Korea is official Facebook page of Korea Tourism Organization (South Korea’s government agency promoting tourism):

    Please give them a 1 Star and post the below message on their page and send as a message:

    Imagine your Korea ~ where NO dogs (or cats) of any breed are not bred, electrocuted, hanged, beaten, have their throats slashed, or are boiled or burnt to death for their meat……

    Imagine your Korea ~ where Koreans join together to finally end this barbaric and uncivilized practice and instead rescue, rehome, love and care for these voiceless creatures……

    Imagine your Korea ~ where law makers, politicians, educators and civil servants shut down, criminalise and prosecute this appalling industry – and show genuine and long term care for these defenceless animals in their nation….

    Imagine your Korea ~ where your multi-million dollar corporations – with their charters on social and community responsibility actually activate the charters to include animal rights and welfare as part of a healthy society ~ where ALL breeds of dogs (and cats) can live and be loved and cared for….

    Imagine your Korea ~ when at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games ~ visitors and athletes – many of whom would be animal lovers from around the world – come to your country and know that you as a nation have shut down the dog meat trade and all associated industries, restaurants and anywhere it has reared its ugly head in Korea….



    Please share with your friends and family:

    • Anke de Kleine
      Anke de KleineJuly 22,16

      Please stop the animal cruelty!

  2. Herbert Staniek
    Herbert StaniekMarch 31,16

    Without the help of dogs and cats civilization as we know it clearly would not exist.
    Without the help of dogs it would not have been possible for our far ancestors to change
    their nomadic way of life against a settled one. No dogs – no domesticated animal herds the dogs helped to defend against predators; no dogs – nobody to keep watch against enemies; no dogs – no aid in hunting.
    No cats – no one to defend crops against the onslaught of noxious rodents.
    We OWE dogs and cats a lot. It is about time we repay them a little bit of this debt in form of kindness or at least – mercy.
    Thank You!

  3. Anna Arnstein
    Anna ArnsteinApril 4,16

    Please stop animal abuse!

    • sue repp
      sue reppApril 4,16

      I can never consider visiting any country tha persists in treating sentient beings in such horrendous ways, it is unthinkable. This is not culture, this is sadistic behavior supported by the people. It is a disgrace! Society must change…foot binding was a norn, child slavery was a norm (still is), slavery was acceptable…

    • Pattie Bauer
      Pattie BauerApril 29,16


    • Angelika Remiszewski
      Angelika RemiszewskiMarch 30,17

      Imagine your Korea ~ where law makers, politicians, educators and civil servants shut down, criminalise and prosecute this appalling industry – and show genuine and long term care for these defenceless animals in their nation…

  4. Corina
    CorinaApril 4,16

    This is totally unacceptable! Just look at these eyes! Please, stop this, there is a lot left to eat….

  5. Leslie Gimarese
    Leslie GimareseApril 4,16

    I commented on their site. A brilliant comment was left by Sonja, here it is: Sanja Danilović Imagine your Korea ~ where NO dogs (or cats) of any breed are not bred, electrocuted, hanged, beaten, have their throats slashed, or are boiled or burnt to death for their meat……

    Imagine your Korea ~ where Koreans join together to finally end this barbaric and uncivilized practice and instead rescue, rehome, love and care for these voiceless creatures……

    Imagine your Korea ~ where law makers, politicians, educators and civil servants shut down, criminalise and prosecute this appalling industry – and show genuine and long term care for these defenceless animals in their nation….

    Imagine your Korea ~ where your multi-million dollar corporations – with their charters on social and community responsibility actually activate the charters to include animal rights and welfare as part of a healthy society ~ where ALL breeds of dogs (and cats) can live and be loved and cared for….

    Imagine your Korea ~ when at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games ~ visitors and athletes – many of whom would be animal lovers from around the world – come to your country and know that you as a nation have shut down the dog meat trade and all associated industries, restaurants and anywhere it has reared its ugly head in Korea….


    • Sylva Baker
      Sylva BakerApril 14,16

      I tried to post the sample message on their Facebook page, but it wouldn’t allow me to. I wonder if they are blocking this.

  6. Barbara Pullaro
    Barbara PullaroApril 4,16

    It’s unimaginable cruelty! The worst has been ever happened! That’s why millions of people around the world rise their hands and cry out loud STOP!!!!! Korea! – don’t be such a beast for those innocent creatures!

  7. Svava Cushing
    Svava CushingApril 8,16

    Stop animal cruelty in this country.

  8. P. Mitschrick
    P. MitschrickApril 8,16

    Stop this disgusting practice there is plenty of food in the world without eating dogs, they are considered man’s best friend in most other countries in the world. This is an abhorrent practice and needs to be stopped NOW !!!

  9. Luree Dell-Bryan
    Luree Dell-BryanApril 8,16

    No excuse for barbaric actions! They reflect badly on your country!

  10. Natalie
    NatalieApril 9,16

    Dom som dödar hundarna ska dö själva. Äckliga djurplågare. Försvinn från jorden Tack

  11. Laura Getlach
    Laura GetlachApril 10,16

    This unfathomable cruelty only shows the lowest of moral and intellectual capacity for those guilty of raising and slaughtering dogs snd cats for their meat.

  12. Plamen Grancharov
    Plamen GrancharovApril 10,16

    Horrible! Please stop this!!!

  13. Agata O'Halloran
    Agata O'HalloranApril 10,16

    I will never buy anything made in Korea, I will never visit your country as a tourist till you STOP torturing dogs and cats! That’s evil terrible cruel practice! Please be human …

  14. stella maris argento
    stella maris argentoApril 10,16

    #BOYCOTT #southkorea cruelty !!!! stop dogs/cats !!!!!

  15. Simone Eckardt
    Simone EckardtApril 10,16

    Imagine your Korea ~ where NO dogs (or cats) of any breed are: being bred, electrocuted, hanged, beaten, having their throats slashed, or are being boiled or burnt to death for their meat……

    Imagine your Korea ~ where the Korean people all join together to finally end this barbaric and uncivilized practice and where, instead of slaughter, they rescue, rehome, love and care for these voiceless creatures……

    Imagine your Korea ~ where law makers, politicians, educators and civil servants all act to shut down, criminalise and prosecute this appalling industry and where they show genuine and long term care for these defenceless animals in their nation….

    Imagine your Korea ~ where your multimillion-dollar corporations, with all their charters on social and community responsibility, improve their charters to include animal rights and welfare obligations as part of a healthy society ~ where ALL breeds of dogs (and cats) can live and be loved and cared for….

    Imagine your Korea ~ where, at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games, visitors and athletes – many of whom will be animal lovers from around the world – come to your country and know that you, as a nation, have permanently shut down the dog meat trade and all associated industries, restaurants and any place where it has reared its ugly head within Korea…. Imagine………

  16. Andrés Aguilera
    Andrés AguileraApril 11,16

    I have sent several messages to that page prompting them to leave the cruelty and hypocrisy

    • admin
      adminApril 12,16

      Thank you!!!

  17. Judy Germain
    Judy GermainApril 12,16

    Imagine your Korea ~ where Koreans join together to finally end this barbaric and uncivilized practice and instead rescue, rehome, love and care for these cats and dogs – sentient beings – with much love and companionship to give to humans.

  18. Jay Himelfarb
    Jay HimelfarbApril 13,16

    I am ashamed and appalled that there are still members of the human race that are so uncaring and apathetic that they would not consider the animal abuse of the dogs and cats of your country an international disgrace. Yo9u shame our species, and in this world you shame your nation by allowing this evil to happen. There is truly such a thing as Karma, and I know that Karma is something that you DO believe in. I hope and pray that the Karma that any of you who have slapped the wrist, or even participated in this Hellish evil will come back on you 10 fold! Your country is at the forfront of this ignorance, and I have pledged to disclose,and to share these abominable acts to the public as much as I possibly can. I run 2 Pages dedicated to ANIMAL ABUSE and AWARENESS, and I will see to it that the stories of evil and disgrace that comes from your part of the world is public knowledge! You disgust me, and I know that I speak for the majority of people who know of the horrors that come from your country! Until I see that new laws are established to protect those innocent creatures who have no voice, and no way to defend themselves, from those who revel in the abhorrent suffering of the innocent, I pledge to do all I can to make the world know of these ugly truths!

  19. silagui
    silaguiApril 13,16

    il faut arrêter ces horreurs indignes de la race humaine !

  20. marisol melgarejo
    marisol melgarejoApril 13,16

    You are the cancer of this planet , inhumane BASTARDS! And needs to destoyed …..Because theire are to many of your kind !! STOP KILLING AND TORTURING INNOCENT ANIMALS ! ORE BURN IN HELL!!

  21. MS
    MSApril 13,16

    You do NOT need to slaughter dogs and cats — it is reprehensible, cruel, sadistic, unconscionable, irrational, merciless, shameful to treat cats and dogs in this way — it MUST STOP — the world cannot accept such horror and brutality against innocent, vulnerable living beings who are always at our mercy. — We’re betraying them — Let’s get rational, let’s think clearly, let’s get compassionate — let’s do the right thing by these animals.

  22. patti montgomery
    patti montgomeryApril 14,16

    The whole world needs to BOYCOTT YOU until you decide it is time to be a civilized country and STOP TORTUREING CATS and DOGS !

  23. Pattie Bauer
    Pattie BauerApril 29,16


  24. Lidia
    LidiaMay 16,16

    Salvajes! os merecéis lo peor

  25. Ityel Biletzky
    Ityel BiletzkyMay 19,16

    Boycot,and organize a GLOBAL boycot of KoreamTrade,Tourism&product.

  26. sally bartolucci
    sally bartolucciMay 21,16

    Your country is a DISGRACE. How can you possibly justify this HORRIFIC torture of animals? Please, please, please stop this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. J. Taylor
    J. TaylorMay 26,16

    It’s a disgrace, you are a disgrace for allowing this to go on, put a stop to it now

  28. Corinne
    CorinneJune 4,16

    Arrêtez de torturer ces pauvres animaux ! ce sont nos bébés, nos enfants…
    Vous êtes inhumains…
    STOP STOP STOP !!!!!

  29. faith
    faithJune 27,16

    i just put a few comments on their page….hopefully they wont bring it down!

  30. MS
    MSJuly 4,16

    BOILING 600 CATS ALIVE — We do NOT want repeats of such acts against cats & other animals — It’s pure INSANITY — no civil, moral society would tolerate this horror & torturous cruelty to animals — it’s beyond unconscionable & merciless — THE WORLD KNOWS — we cannot allow such heinous atrocities against animals — where’s our rationality? — where’s our sanity? — where’s our compassion? — where’s our morality? — DO NOT TURN A BLIND EYE to this NEEDLESS brutal horror.

  31. JOANNA
    JOANNAJuly 7,16


  32. Diane Miller
    Diane MillerJuly 15,16

    How can WE allow this to continue? If this were a child, EVERYONE would be up in arms. Well news flash…this is a precious child…one that loves unconditionally and one that doesn’t judge you, they are loyal and loving and all they ask for in return is your love. PLEASE, EVERYONE, who sees, write, text, twitter, email, do whatever you have to do but PLEASE GET THE WORD OUT TO KOREA that THIS has got to STOP….NOW!

  33. ely mens
    ely mensJanuary 19,17

    Please, stop this awful cruelty against these very poor, abandoned animals. It is heartbreaking to see their immense suffering and it makes me cry!!!
    We need to feel compassion and to teach our children that animals need to be treated with love and respect because they belong; exactly like we do; to the circle of life!
    And that is what we try to teach our children and grandchildren; to live on a planet with a high civilization; together with all these beautiful animals without cruelty.

  34. Emma Owens
    Emma OwensFebruary 14,17

    I think they have removed the star rating on their Facebook page?!

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