Newsletter – May 10, 2019
posted by team on May 10,2019 in Action Alert, Campaign
[PETITION] Dismiss veterinary professor Lee Byeong-Chun from SNU! English Translation Available Now.
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New Petition
English Translation Available Now!
Dismiss veterinary professor Lee Byeong-Chun
from Seoul National University!
The government authorities need to take responsibility! |
Thank you to all of you for your patience
and compassion to help!
We now have English translation of Korean Animal Rights Advocates (KARA)’s post. The message in the KARA’s petition is exactly same as their post. We also made taking actions easier for you by adding instructions. Please click HERE to learn more and take actions today.
With their petition, KARA is demanding the below:
✔ Unethical Lee Byeong-Chun must step down from all of his positions and stop his cruel dog cloning business!
✔ Seoul National University must take responsibility for Lee Byeong-Chun’s ongoing abuse of lab animals and immediately dismiss Lee Byeong-Chun!
✔ The government must disclose information on the dog cloning business and the Rural Development Administration must remove Lee Byeong-Chun as the head of the Center for Companion Animal Research!
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Categories: Action Alert, Campaign
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