
Petition signatures mailed – South Korea: Pass the amendment to Animal Protection Act!

Update August 10, 2014 – Response received from the National Assembly of Republic of Korea

On June 30, 2014, the National Assembly of Republic of Korea sent us a couple of identical letters to us confirming the receipt of our petition package.

This is their response:

Your petition regarding “the request for amendment to the Animal Protection Act and the illegalization of dog meat consumption” has been forwarded to the Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee (Telephone number 788-2688) of the National Assembly of Republic of Korea. Going forward the Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee can refer to your opinion(petition) in their legislation regarding this issue. Thank you! The End.

June 11, 2014 – Petition signatures mailed – South Korea: Pass the amendment to Animal Protection Act!

We mailed a petition signature package for the petition, South Korea: Pass the amendment to Animal Protection Act. Protect animals from cruelty and improve the welfare of Korean animals! to the below petition targets today (June 11, 2014) by US International Priority mail.
Click to read about the proposed amendment to the Animal Protection Act!

Ui-Hwa Chung, Speaker of the National Assembly of Republic of Korea
Kyu-Seong Choi, Committee Chairman of the Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee of the National Assembly of Republic of Korea and its members
The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Postal Code 150-701, South Korea

정의화 국회의장, 대한민국국회
최규성 위원장, 대한민국국회 농림축산식품해양수산위원회
서울시 영등포구 의사당대로 1 (여의도동) 150-701

The package includes: 32,643 petition signatures, comments by petition signers, Korea Animal Rights Advocates(KARA)’s post about this case, DVD of “Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry(Undercover Video by Stop It! Korea)”, leaflets, Animal Welfare Institute leaflet, photos of S. Korean dog meat industry, copy of “Venerable Beopjeong Buddhist Priest’s Argument Against Dog Meat Consumption” and two campaign t-shirts.

This petition is still open and we will send the package again when we reach 100,000 signatures so please click here to keep signing and sharing!

This is the petition letter in English sent with the petition signatures.

This is the petition letter in Korean sent with the petition signatures.

  1. Chris J. Robert
    Chris J. RobertJune 20,14

    Treat these dogs as you would want to be treated!

  2. shigeru Yamamoto
    shigeru YamamotoJune 20,14


  3. Dee Cappelli
    Dee CappelliJune 20,14

    Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace. ~Albert Schweitzer

  4. lucia fabbo
    lucia fabboJune 20,14

    I cant believe that this evil still goes on. You must stop this cruel and horror to these animals. God did not create these animals for this sickening act. Please, finally put an end to this horror and sin.

    Thank you,

    Lucia Fabbo

  5. Lily Horstmann
    Lily HorstmannJune 20,14

    Please stop torturing dogs and cats. It’s barbaric!!

  6. fiorenza rossetto
    fiorenza rossettoJune 20,14

    per favore, dimostrate agli altri animali che anche gli esseri umani fanno parte degli animali di questo pianeta e non sono pericolosi.



  8. abigail andrade
    abigail andradeJune 20,14

    Please, stop de cruelty with animals.

  9. abigail andrade
    abigail andradeJune 20,14

    Please, stop the cruelty with animals.

  10. Bonnie Ramon
    Bonnie RamonJune 21,14

    Cruelty to animals brings world shame to the Korean people, their culture and their cuisine. This cruelty is based on ignorance, greed and superstition. How can I care about Korea next time it has a disaster e.g. ferry, to cope with when I see that it tolerates cruelty??? At present, I prefer to boycott Korean exports as I do not want to contribute financially to what I regard as unethical and very bad karma. I encourage you to be very active in showing that Korea is a decent, progressive country with a compassionate population.

  11. Michelle
    MichelleJune 23,14

    Thank you for organizing this. Keep up the good fight!

  12. Fatima Tai
    Fatima TaiJune 27,14

    Please stop the cruelty to animals!

  13. margarita
    margaritaJuly 9,14

    Please stop the cruelty with animsls!

  14. ruby
    rubyAugust 11,14

    Stop torturing animals –

  15. Marilyn Bermudez
    Marilyn BermudezAugust 11,14

    Please stop the cruelty to animals!

    • Helen Grobler
      Helen GroblerAugust 12,14

      please stop cruelty to animals

  16. Anna Grönbäck
    Anna GrönbäckAugust 11,14


  17. Yen Dunn
    Yen DunnAugust 11,14

    please stop cruelty to animals dogs and cats

  18. unchong vetter
    unchong vetterAugust 11,14

    please stop to curelty to animals dogs

  19. steven weiner
    steven weinerAugust 11,14

    please stop to curetly to dogs and cats

  20. Fatma
    FatmaAugust 11,14

    Please treat this animals the way they deserve: compassion.

  21. marisol melgarejo
    marisol melgarejoAugust 11,14


  22. Jenny O'Brien
    Jenny O'BrienAugust 11,14

    Thanks to the internet, the world knows about your heinous disgusting vile, cruelty to Gods creatures for your stupid beliefs. If you truly believe that by inflicting such acts of torture on these poor defenceless animals and then eating them will enhance your sexuality or cure your ills, then you are truly devoid of any intelligence. The animals you inflict with this torture have more brains in their toenails than you do between the lot of you. Shame on Korea for your ignorance and stupidity and most of all your widkedness.

  23. Annetjie
    AnnetjieAugust 12,14

    Be kind to these animals. They are our friends, they will lay down their lives for humans and what are your people doing to them is cruel, evil and without love.If the people change to make things better for these animals, the world become a better place for all humans and animals. PLEASE STOP THIS NOW!!!!!!!

  24. Tania
    TaniaAugust 12,14

    require to stop killing animals!!!!!please!!!! 🙁

  25. Tania
    TaniaAugust 12,14

    Please, stop the cruelty with animals!!!

  26. Carol Vincent
    Carol VincentAugust 12,14

    Only sick and evil people commit any acts of animal cruelty anywhere. Why you think animal cruelty is acceptable I will never know. They are not meant to be meat!

  27. Cezary Kapłon
    Cezary KapłonAugust 12,14

    Please stop the cruelty with animsls!

  28. Mr Keven Schidlowsky
    Mr Keven SchidlowskyAugust 12,14

    To carry on like this is to damn your own people into the misery they create by allowing them to torture cats and dogs because of an uneducated mess which transpires in Asia. When you eat tough animal meat you are generating carcinogenic digestive properties, pain and torture which is also giving Koreans the insight to believe that sadness and pain is a way of life. I Demand You Must STOP this Immediately to save your soul’s.

  29. Victoria
    VictoriaAugust 13,14

    Dogs have feelings and emotions greater than ours in many respects. Love them as they love us.

  30. Katina Tournas
    Katina TournasAugust 13,14


  31. Gustavo Adolfo
    Gustavo AdolfoSeptember 12,14

    La injusticia que cometen con esos Animales no tiene nombre, es un delito moral, un “crímen” permitido por el Estado. Quién les da derecho? Con que autoridad moral asesinan animales impunemente.. La mirada del hombre es reduccionista.. Sólo atiende a sus propios intereses. Espero que se pueda revertir este tipo de acciones y se les ponga un freno jurídico. Los asesinos van a existir siempre sean estos de animales humanos o no humanos.. Al menos con algunas leyes que respeten sus derechos, estos crímenes no van a estar normalizados

  32. soraya ghisleni
    soraya ghisleniApril 26,15

    Please help dogs and cats! Don’t permet people eat them !
    Many thanks!

  33. Connie Zumbo
    Connie ZumboApril 28,16

    The world is watching the world can see you all! You are known as dog torturers and that is it! I would be ashamed if I were you all! Become like the rest of the world and come down to 2016! You all are distgusting! Stop touching and killing my best friend and the worlds!!!

  34. kay barker
    kay barkerApril 28,16

    This is one of the most barbaric, cruelest thing I have ever seen and it needs to STOP

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