
Sister City Campaign – Daegu, South Korea

Mayor Kasim Reed of Atlanta, Mayor Kazumi Matsui of Hiroshima, and Mayor Wen-Je Ko of Taipei: Tell Sister City, Daegu, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture and Consumption of Dogs and Cats.

If you want to help fight the grisly South Korean dog and cat meat trade and make a difference in South Korea, here are a few quick actions you can take that could save millions of dogs and cats each year.

Daegu Chilseong Dog Meat Market

Daegu Chilseong Dog Meat Market

Daegu Mayor Young-Jin Kwon

Daegu Mayor Young-Jin Kwon

Daegu became sister city with Atlanta in 1981, Hiroshima in 1997, and Taipei in 2010. Yet Daegu, South Korea is responsible for the horrendous dog and cat meat trade.

In South Korea, the home of global companies such as Hyundai/Kia, Samsung, LG, Daewoo, SK, POSCO,…, an estimated 2.5 million dogs are tortured and slaughtered every year because of the greed of dog eaters and the dog meat industry. And one of the largest markets in South Korea that sells dogs dead and alive for meat is the infamous “Chilseong Market” in Daegu Metropolitan City. If you have ever wondered what a hell would be like, click HERE to see photos from the Daegu Chilseong Dog Meat Market or click HERE to see undercover video from Daegu dog farms/slaughterhouses.

Daegu Chilseong Market is a “Hell on Earth” with defenseless man’s best friends in cages after cages waiting for the heartless customers to order them to be slaughtered on the spot by electrocution, hanging, beating,…and thrown into boiling water sometimes while they are still alive. Dogs are being killed in full view of other dogs terrified in cages, in public, and in broad daylight.

There are laws in South Korea against selling dogs and cats for consumption, yet these laws are blatantly ignored.

Would you please watch the undercover videos from South Korea’s dog meat industry:

No matter where you live, please SIGN OUR PETITION

To make this easy we’ve included text for your call and emails below.

Please sign, call and email today!

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms

Suggested message to the Mayor Lance Bottoms and the members of the City Council of Atlanta

Dear Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and the City Council members:

Please watch this undercover video from the South Korean dog meat industry:

Do you think that Atlanta should be a sister city to any city that allows dogs and cats to be tortured and eaten? Please urge Daegu Mayor Young-Jin Kwon to close down all illegal dog farms and slaughterhouses, markets, truckers, and restaurants that serve their products. An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:
The favor of your reply is requested.
Thank you,

Your Name & Address

Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui

  • Email Addresses:
    [email protected]; [email protected]
  • Call: 082-504-2042
  • Send letter (Use the below-suggested message or petition):
    Office of the Mayor
    Hiroshima City Hall
    1-6-34 Kokutaiji-machi, Naka-ku,
    Hiroshima 730-8586 Japan

Suggested message to the Mayor Matsui of Hiroshima

Dear Mayor Kazumi Matsui:

Please watch this undercover video from the South Korean dog meat industry:

Do you think that Hiroshima should be a sister city to any city that allows dogs and cats to be tortured and eaten? Please urge Daegu Mayor Young-Jin Kwon to close down all illegal dog farms and slaughterhouses, markets, truckers, and restaurants that serve their products. An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:
The favor of your reply is requested.
Thank you,

Your Name & Address

Taipei Mayor Wen-Je Ko

  • Email addresses:
    [email protected]
  • Call: 886-2-2720-8889
  • Send letter (Use the below-suggested message or petition):
    Mayor Wen-Je Ko
    No.1, City Hall Rd.
    Xinyi District
    Taipei City 11008, Taiwan, Republic of China

Suggested message to the Mayor Ko of Taipei

Dear Mayor Wen-Je Ko:

Please watch this undercover video from the South Korean dog meat industry:

Do you think that Taipei should be a sister city to any city that allows dogs and cats to be tortured and eaten? Please urge Daegu Mayor Young-Jin Kwon to close down all illegal dog farms and slaughterhouses, markets, truckers, and restaurants that serve their products. An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:
The favor of your reply is requested.
Thank you,

Your Name & Address

No matter where you live, PLEASE SHARE these actions with your friends, especially those who live in Atlanta, Hiroshima, and Taipei!

South Korean Dog Meat Industry – Brutal killing in Daegu

  1. Barbara Kozlowski
    Barbara KozlowskiFebruary 28,15

    For the love of God

  2. Juli Kring
    Juli KringFebruary 28,15

    I cave contacted all of the above. Good luck and God Bless!
    Peace, Juli

    “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.”
    ~St. Francis of Assisi

    “All beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life.”

    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
    ~Mahatma Gandhi

    • admin
      adminMarch 1,15

      Thank you, Juli!!!

  3. Gwen
    GwenMarch 4,15

    Hi, I wrote to everyone. It must stop!

  4. Tapas Kumar Basu
    Tapas Kumar BasuMarch 4,15

    Please stop these inhumane Cruelties to Innocebt Animals. They also do have a RIGHT in this ‘Planet’ of our.

  5. belinda bradford
    belinda bradfordMarch 4,15

    Im in a state right now, I feel absolutely sick, I love all animals, but cannot watch the video just looking at the faces of the dogs in the cage says it all.

  6. Cristiano Bombardi
    Cristiano BombardiMarch 4,15

    It must stop!

  7. their voice
    their voiceMarch 4,15

    I wrote to everyone. This is the ultimate cruelty that can be inflicted on innocent animals who are family pets. They do have a right to live as God intended them to be. Karma is waiting for these killers!

  8. wendy
    wendyMarch 4,15

    Done. Torture and abuse must stop for all animals!

  9. Susi Pittman
    Susi PittmanMarch 4,15

    Humaneness is a word, a state of being, that must be embraced by all cultures.

  10. sherri damiani
    sherri damianiMarch 4,15

    I emailed and have also called the embassy in NYC. This Dog and Cat Trade ( which i didn;t even know existed until a few months ago) has broken my heart and soul!!!!! This must STOP!! I’m doing all I can to participate in ending this HORROR. WHY this evil trade is allowed is beyond belief. Come on world lets stop this!!!! Our Animals need our help desperately. PLEASE do whatever you can we must be an end to this dog and cat fur and meat trade NOW!!!!

  11. Valérie Dulondel
    Valérie DulondelMarch 4,15

    Thank you for your struggle for Dogs, our brothers and best friends.
    This cruel trade must stop.
    I’ve just written to all these adresses. With hope.

  12. Jill Farley
    Jill FarleyMarch 4,15

    I have contacted all the above, cutting and pasting. This stuff is beyond belief and so sickening.

  13. Mariela Paniagua
    Mariela PaniaguaMarch 4,15

    Este comercio cruel de carne de perros, y de todos los animales, debe parar. Son nuestros hermanos menores, y debemos cuidar de ellos.

    LINDSAYMarch 8,15


  15. June
    JuneMarch 8,15

    When will the Government decide to punish all animal abusers ?!
    Everything is so corrupted over there !
    This will always be going on without any strict sanctions and laws !!

  16. Madhurima Sharma
    Madhurima SharmaMarch 8,15

    Please stop inhuman torture and cruelty to innocent animals. Dogs are human being’s best friend. Please stop the dog meat business in your region and prove that you are truly an animal friendly region.

  17. Paula Santos
    Paula SantosMarch 11,15

    Animals have feelings and rights too! Please help!

  18. lee willow
    lee willowMarch 12,15

    I contacted all the abouve.

    • admin
      adminMarch 12,15

      Thank you, Lee!!!

  19. Ruth Augusta Tavares Moura
    Ruth Augusta Tavares MouraMarch 12,15

    Isso é desumano e cruel!

    • Agnieszka
      AgnieszkaMarch 13,15

      STOP THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THAT HUMAN???????????????????

  20. Ela Gotkowska
    Ela GotkowskaMarch 15,15

    BE HUMAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Maria Sobieska
      Maria SobieskaOctober 30,16

      Please end this barbarzynstwem.To is not humanitarne.Psy are our friends visit and not the hideous torture.

  21. Linda Rehatta
    Linda RehattaMarch 16,15

    I’ve sent email to all mentioned above.
    Got auto reply from a few of them
    Hope this sickening situation will be over soon
    We are animals voices!!

  22. Ellen
    EllenMarch 16,15

    All Koreans involved in this cruelty can’t be called humans and MUST be burned in hell!!!!!!!!!!

    Shame to Korean government which supports this cruelty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Philo robinson
    Philo robinsonMarch 20,15

    Please stop eating our beautiful dogs and cats

  24. suzan caylen
    suzan caylenApril 4,15

    Please pass laws to protect domestic dogs and cats from the meat trade.

  25. Paula
    PaulaJune 25,15

    This has to stop sickening and humane

  26. MS
    MSJuly 1,15


  27. ely mens
    ely mensJanuary 19,17

    the only way to tell these outdated, backwards & historically barbaric countries is to boycott. These parasitic barbarians only understand greed & money. BOYCOTT all products from these countries!

  28. Cora Harder
    Cora HarderFebruary 19,22

    Alle verantwortlichen Folterknechte, Tierschänder und bestialischen Killer sollten alle an den Galgen gehängt werden, nacheinander mit Namen der Verbrecher. Das wäre eine gerechte Strafe und aufgeknüpft am Galgen können diese Bastarde nie mehr Tiere foltern und töten. Südkorea müsste
    eigentlich von der Map verschwinden!

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