
Update on KARA’S Rescue from Yeoju Dog Slaughterhouse: A Happy New Life for the Animals Begins!

Sharing for Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA)

👉 Click HERE for the previous post.

The butcher of Yeoju Wang Daeri Slaughterhouse had surrendered the ownership of all the animals! The animals were rescued Sunday evening and were placed at a temporary shelter site. They are now officially KARA’s rescue animals.

The dogs, who were hanged and dragged around the auction house, were put in tiny cages, packed on top of each other’s bodies, remain friendly to humans despite what they had to suffer from them. They wag their tails so hard and make lovely eye contact with us.

KARA conducted kit tests and vaccinations on all the dogs shortly after the emergency rescue last Sunday. On Monday and Tuesday, we visited the temporary shelter in Yeoju to check the condition of the dogs, and recorded their characteristics on individual management cards. We cleaned the kennels, and we also were able to take the dogs for a walk. Even for a short walk, dogs ran around excitedly and met their fellow rescues through taking their scent.

In order to move the dogs immediately after the ownership issue is cleared, activists had already started preparing to move in the morning.

As soon as the ownership was established, we moved the dogs to consigned shelters in a vehicle equipped with air conditioning facilities. Dogs are now protected in individual spaces. Kit tests and vaccinations have been completed, but there is still a possibility of an incubation period for infectious diseases for about two weeks, so close observation and care are needed for a while.

As for the butcher, an investigator from the Yeoju Police Station has been assigned and the investigation is now under way. KARA is carefully collecting and organizing evidence of criminal activity, and will file a formal complaint as soon as we finish our review of the law.

We requested swift administrative action from Yeoju City regarding the slaughter facility. The other animals rescued with the dogs are staying at a temporary space prepared by Yeoju City. We will find a safe shelter for the goats, wild geese, and turkey.

The journey of the animals rescued just before the moment of death at the slaughterhouse in Wangdaeri, Yeoju, has begun. Please continue your attention and support for the animals so that they each can have their own names and find their forever families.

💙 KARA is funded entirely by donations. To support & donate to KARA via PayPal, please click this link.

#KARA #Korea_Animal_Rights_Advocates #AnimalRights

🌺 KARA is an animal rights group that has received perfect scores in non-profit transparency evaluation and is fully committed to honest donation management through external accounting audits.

  1. Annica Eriksson
    Annica ErikssonAugust 18,21

    THANK YOU and BLESS YOU for your FANTASTIC WORK HELPING THESE POOR SUFFERING DOGS 🙏🙏HEROES ❤️❤️❤️ You give me hope for humanity saving these dogs from the sick evil MONSTERS!!!

  2. Anastasia Sky
    Anastasia SkyAugust 18,21

    THANK YOU and Blessings to you for all of your dedicated hard work and to the beautiful dogs for finding loving happy forever homes!

  3. lauren harris
    lauren harrisAugust 18,21

    dreams really come true…so happy these dogs are saved.

  4. sally gladden
    sally gladdenAugust 19,21

    they are clean and happy. Hopefully they will get HOMES soies!on. Keep at this saving these beaut

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