
🥷 Watchdog shuts down another dog meat farm in Pyeongtaek ☄️

Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)/Watchdog

A dog meat farm in Naecheon-ri, Seotan-myeon, Pyeongtaek, has been shut down by Watchdog.

Watchdog investigated the dog farm to document all violations of applicable laws and ultimately filed a formal complaint. Pyeongtaek City responded that they would order the farm to be closed, file criminal charges, and impose fines against those responsible. Pyeongtaek also stated that they plan to regularly monitor the site to prevent future violations.

The list of violations that the dog meat farm is detailed below:

Violation of Farmland Conversion permit
Violation of the Building Act
Violation of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act
Violation of livestock manure discharge facilities
Violation of the Waste Control Act
Violation of the Groundwater Act

Watchdog has recently provided a fifth training session to members where they were trained in how to help shut down additional dog farms. A sixth training session will be offered this month; please apply if you want to join us as a new member of Watchdog.

To become a supporter/member of Watchdog: 👉

🙏🏻 To donate for medical treatment, fostering, or adoption of rescue dogs: You can make a one-time or monthly donation via PayPal. Please click on the link. 👉

Please help CARE and Watchdog continue their important work of shutting down the dog meat industry in South Korea by donating today. Thank you!

🙏🏼🐕❤️ Donate by Paypal:
➡: [email protected]

🥷와치독, 또 하나 개농장 폭파!☄️

평택 서탄면 내천리 개농장이 와치독에 의해 폭파됩니다.
와치독의 철저한 조사와 관련법 위반 사항을 모조리 파악해 민원을 넣은 결과 평택시는 이 개농장에 대해 원상회복명령 및 형사고발하고 이행강제금부과등을 할 것이라는 답변을 보내왔습니다.
해당 개농장의 위반 법률은 이미지로 올린 것과 같습니다.
와치독은 벌써 5기 단원까지 교육되어 활발한 활동을 하고 있습니다. 2023년 1월에 6기 단원 교육이 있습니다. 6기 단원이 되실 분은 신청해 주십시오.
🥷와치독6기 단원 신청👉프로필 클릭
🥷지금 와치독에 힘을 더 보태주십시오.
🥷와치독 지지단원 (정회원) 되기
@care_korea_official 프로필 링크 클릭

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