
Monthly Archive for: ‘May, 2016’

[Closed] Felhívás cselekvésre: Pjongcsang 2018-Az Olimpiai “Játékok Rendezésének Hatása”

[Update March 9, 2017] PyeongChang 2018 has removed the user comment area. This is after deleting dozens of our messages …

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[Closed] Call for Action: PyeongChang 2018 – Vision & Strategy (In Hungarian)

[Update March 9, 2017] PyeongChang 2018 has removed the user comment area. This is after deleting dozens of our messages …

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Art Speaking Out – Stop killing Dogs!

Heba Ali, caricature artist in Egypt, shared this art work she produced to speak out against the cruelty of killing …

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Leafleting – May 21, 2016 – 100×100 Mascotas Expo, Madrid, Spain

The Perroton Spain 2016 solidarity initiative for responsible pet ownership took place on May 21, 2016, in Madrid. At the …

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Call for Action: PyeongChang 2018 – Honorary Ambassadors

[Update March 9, 2017] PyeongChang 2018 has removed the user comment area. This is after deleting dozens of our messages …

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Comuniquese Con El Secretario General De Las Naciones Unidas Ban Ki-Moon (Un Coreano Del Sur)

Contact the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon (A South Korean National)! (In Spanish) El Secretario General de las Naciones …

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[Closed] Llamado a la acción: Pyeongchang 2018 – Visión y Estrategia

[Update March 9, 2017] PyeongChang 2018 has removed the user comment area. This is after deleting dozens of our messages …

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Llame a la embajada de Corea del Sur!

Call the South Korean Embassy! (In Spanish) “Cada individuo tiene valor. Cada individuo tiene un rol que desempena. Cada individuo …

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Aufruf zum Handeln: PyeongChang 2018 – Organisationskomitee

Call for Action: PyeongChang 2018 – Organizing Committee (In German) Das PyeongChang Organisationskomitee für die Olympischen Winterspiele 2018 (POCOG) wurde …

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Aufruf zum Handeln: PyeongChang 2018 – Traumprogramm

Call for Action: PyeongChang 2018 – Dream Programme (In German) Eine der Initiativen bei den Olympischen Winterspielen 2018 in PyeongChang …

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Sister City Campaign – Seoul, South Korea – Tokyo, Japan

Governor Yuriko Koike of Tokyo: Tell Sister City, Seoul, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture and Consumption of …

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Newsletter – May 20, 2016

Nami Kim Trying to Save 300 Puppies | Demonstrations – Stop ‘Boknal’ Dog Eating!   Nami Kim Team tries to …

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