
Monthly Archive for: ‘June, 2017’

KARA discloses results of their investigation of ‘meat dog farms’ at press conference. (In Japanese)

English KARAが「肉犬飼育場」の調査報告について記者会見で明らかにしました。 [共同記者会見] 世界で唯一「肉犬農場」がある国 2017年6月22日 イジョンミ議員、 Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) The Korea Bizwireの記事「100万匹以上の犬が恐ろしい状況で食用に飼育されている」を見るには HERE こちらから。

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“Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic” Poster by Dara Herman Zierlein.

We received this wonderful poster “Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic in South Korea” from Dara Herman – Zierlein. She is …

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Newsletter – June 26, 2017

Click HERE to see this newsletter from our homepage.​ ​ KARA discloses results of their investigationof ‘meat dog farms’ at …

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Hell on Earth, Yangsan Sangbuk-myeon Dog Farm.

[Update – June 28, 2017] Busan KAPCA met with Yangsan city authorities regarding animal welfare. This is an update from …

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Newsletter – June 24, 2017

1 Million Dogs in Appalling Conditions | Bucheon Mayor | LCA’s DC Protest Click HERE to see this newsletter from …

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Bucheon Mayor Kim Man-Soo publicly suggests that his city become dog meat-free.

On June 23rd, Bucheon Mayor Kim Man-Soo posted a message on his personal Facebook page asking, “How about our city …

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Newsletter – June 23, 2017

Romania, Poland, Luxembourg | Yeoju’s Response Click HERE to see this newsletter from our homepage.​ ​ Romania, Poland, Luxembourg, we …

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KARA discloses results of their investigation of ‘meat dog farms’ at press conference.

Click HERE and click on “170622_식용 개농장 실태조사 배포자료 (최종).hwp” to download the detail report from KARA (in Korean). 中文 …

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Team Romania: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!

Countdown to PyeongChang 2018 [flipclock countdown=”true” date=”9th February 2018″ face=”days” name=”countdown”] PyeongChang, host to the 2018 Winter Olympics – the …

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Team Poland: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!

Countdown to PyeongChang 2018 [flipclock countdown=”true” date=”9th February 2018″ face=”days” name=”countdown”] PyeongChang, host to the 2018 Winter Olympics – the …

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Team Luxembourg: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!

Countdown to PyeongChang 2018 [flipclock countdown=”true” date=”9th February 2018″ face=”days” name=”countdown”] PyeongChang, host to the 2018 Winter Olympics – the …

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[Campaign update] Yeoju responds.

We have received a response from the city of Yeoju dated May 10, 2017, regarding our Sister City Campaign with …

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