
[Campaign Closed] The Statement of the Chairman of the Presidential Transition Committee for the President-elect, Yoon Suk-Yeol.

The winner of the 20th presidential election, Yoon Suk-Yeol, will serve as the President of the Republic of Korea for the next five years from May 10, 2022, to May 9, 2027.

Below is our translation of the statement by the chairman of the Presidential Transition Committee for the President-elect, Ahn Cheol-Soo, posted on the 20th Presidential Transition Committee’s official homepage.

The chairman stated, “We must strive for national unity” as one of the five critical issues which must be addressed while preparing the national blueprint for the new administration. What is the most divisive issue in South Korea today? We believe it is dog meat consumption. As long as this conflict is not resolved by ending it completely and permanently, the Korean people will continue to be divided, waste their national resources, and cause anger and shame in their people. Until the South Koreans and their government acknowledge this and take action, we will continue our campaign to pressure the Korean government to end this cruel industry.

The Statement of the Chairman of the Presidential Transition Committee for the President-elect, Yoon Suk-Yeol.

Dear citizens,

I am Ahn Cheol-Soo, Chairman of the Presidential Transition Committee for the President-elect, Yoon Suk-Yeol. I am humbly honored to have taken on an important role with the goal of the success of national unity for our government.

We will establish the vision and philosophy of the new government, together with several transition committee members with the aim of preparing a blueprint for government affairs. Quickly, but with thoughtfulness, we will examine essential national tasks and strategies, while recognizing the needs of the times and the will of the people in line with the global trend.

There are five necessary issues that must be addressed while preparing the national blueprint.

First is the restoration of fairness, the rule of law, and democracy.

It is imperative to correct the unfairness in college entrance exams and employment, etc., prevalent in our society. All people should be equal before the law, without preferential treatment for certain groups and discrimination for other groups. We must also defeat the conspiracy to take control of the press media and restore democracy.

Second, we need to create a foundation for future livelihood and jobs.

The chemical industry, steel, shipbuilding, and other “heavy” industries, created by President Park Chung-hee in the 5-year economic development plan, supported our livelihoods for 20 years in the 1980s and 1990s. President Kim Dae-Jung installed a high-speed internet network, created a business venture boom, and supported our livelihoods for 20 years in the 2000s and 2010s. Now, the next president must lead the era of the 4th industrial revolution and create a foundation for new future livelihood and jobs.

Third, we need balanced regional development.

There are many people who analyze the reason for the low birth rate as the lack of a good job and the price of homes so high that it is impossible to get married. However, I think there is one thing that is overlooked here. I believe that the failure of regionally balanced development is one of the fundamental causes of further exacerbating the low birth rate.

As good jobs are concentrated in the metropolitan area, the low birthrate and the rising aging population in the regional (non-metropolitan) area worsen as local youth leave. Therefore, I believe that balanced regional development is not a good thing but an essential task for the future of the Republic of Korea.

Fourth, there is the issue of sustainability in Korea.

We have the highest debt growth rate among OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries. Our fiscal health is rapidly deteriorating, and urgent pension reforms are delayed. The low birth rate and aging population must find a fundamental solution. Carbon neutrality is also a challenge that we must do our best to achieve for our children. Only by solving these problems can the Republic of Korea be sustainable.

Fifth, we must strive for national unity.

There is no country where crises are overcome when the people are divided. Now is the time for the Republic of Korea to gather the wisdom of the entire population on how to survive amid the COVID-19 crisis, the ongoing 4th industrial revolution, and the war for science and technology supremacy between the United States and China. We will only be able to overcome the current crisis by achieving national unity by resolving conflicts among ideologies, regional differences, generations, and classes that are prevalent throughout our society.

To solve these five challenges of the times, the transition committee will organize the current government policies into 3 categories: 1. tasks to be continued, 2. tasks to be corrected and supplemented, and 3. tasks to be discontinued.

In addition, we will prepare a solid and thorough blueprint for government administration by creating new government tasks based on the promises made by the president-elect.

We will undoubtedly draw a blueprint of a successful government for the people. To this end, I would like to present three principles of operation of the transition committee.

First, humility.

The transition committee is not an occupation force. We will perform our tasks with a humble attitude. Together, we will recognize problems, empathize with each other, and find solutions from a horizontal perspective and position.

Second, communication.

We will prepare a blueprint for government policy together by creating a communication structure that can capture the will of the people and communicate with them and the media in an orderly manner. In this section, we will provide detailed directions and guidelines when the committee is officially launched.

Third, responsibility.

In just 50 days or so, we need to draw a blueprint for the new government’s state affairs. I will work with determination and passion night and day with a sense of responsibility and calling to create a successful government.

If all members step forward with an attitude of humility, communication, and responsibility, the transition committee will be able to report successful results to the public and inform the president-elect of structured national tasks to be addressed and operational strategies.

Thank you.

All remarks at the first press conference of Chairman Ahn Cheol-soo on March 14, 2022

Watchdog – Using the current law, Watchdog is shutting down one of the nation’s largest dog farms with an 8,000 dogs capacity. 11/3/2021.

This campaign is closed. The suggestion submission period has expired.

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📝 Suggested message

Your Excellency President Yoon Suk-Yeol, please end the horrific dog and cat meat trade.

Your Excellency President Yoon Suk-Yeol and the South Korean Government,

Please watch these videos: Shocking Cruelty of South Korea’s Dog Meat Industry, Part 1 of 2:
Part 2 of 2:
The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea
Documentary: Cruel Death of South Korea’s Dogs. Dogs Are Innocent.

I am extremely upset about the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea.

With the ubiquity of social media, every day, we are seeing shocking and heartbreaking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country.

Even though Korea has established an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, burned alive, and treated brutally by farmers and slaughters. Also, dogs and cats are still being beaten and boiled alive for so-called elixirs, which do not have medical properties except in the minds of ignorant and gullible customers.

These practices have no place in the modern world. Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that goes with it, such as Taiwan and the Philippines. Why does Korea persist in lagging behind these countries and other civilized societies?

It’s the responsibility of the Korean government to once and for all end the cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea. It is time to dismiss the childish myths and propaganda surrounding these industries and their vile products. It is time to leave behind backward and unnecessary traditions.

And it is time for Korea to start taking animal welfare seriously and show that it does have a compassionate and ethical society. That means it is time for the Korean government to better educate the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, not abandoning pets, and treating animals properly.

Until these things are done, Korea’s reputation in the international community will continue to suffer. Its citizens will continue to face shame and embarrassment. And Korea will continue to be regarded as the “third world” despite its modernization and attempts at globalized thinking.

An online petition calling for your action to end the horrendous dog and cat meat cruelty in South Korea is in progress: I ask that you do all in your power to stop this barbarism and cruelty immediately.

Suggested message in Korean

잔인한 악습 개식용, 고양이식용 종식을 강력히 촉구합니다.

윤석열 대통령 각하와 대한민국 정부에 바랍니다.

저희는 대한민국에서는 반려동물을 고문하고 잡아먹는다는 사실을 알고 엄청난 충격을 받았습니다. 여러 통로의 소셜 미디어를 통해서 한국에 있는개들이 고문 당하고 죽임 당하는 끔찍하고 가슴 아픈 장면이 담긴 사진과 동영상을 매순간 접하고 있습니다. 다음의 동영상을 봐주시기 바랍니다.
– “충격! 잔인한 대한민국 개식용 산업” Part 1 of 2: Part 2 of 2:
– “다큐멘터리: 대한민국의 육견 업자들”
– 태평동 개도살장서 ‘인플루엔자 개고기’ 전국 무방비 유통
한국 댕댕이 잔혹사: 개는 죄가 없다.

한국에 반려동물에 대한 동물보호법이 존재하지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 개농장 주인들과 도살업자들은 개들을 구타하고, 목 매달고, 감전 시키고, 잔인하게 취급하고 있습니다. 또 보약이라는 미명 하에 아직도 개와 고양이를 산채로 끓는 물에 집어넣고 있습니다. 아무런 의학적 효과가 증명된 바 없음에도 불구하고 무지하고 잘 속아넘어가는 사람들은 여전히 보신탕, 개소주, 고양이탕이 효험이 있다고 신봉하고 있습니다. 이러한 관습은 오늘날 어디에서도 찾아볼 수 없는 일입니다. 대만이나 필리핀 같은 다른 아시아 국가들은 이미 개고기와 개고기 관련 산업을 금지했습니다. 한국이 왜 이 나라들이나 다른 문명 사회보다 뒤처진 채로 남아있는지 이해할 수가 없습니다.

한국에서 이 잔인한 개고기 산업과 고양이탕 산업을 영원히 근절시키는 것은 대한민국 정부의 책임입니다. 이와 관련된 산업과 혐오식품을 둘러싼 어리석은 괴담과 주장을 떨쳐버릴 때입니다. 낙후되고 불필요한 전통은 과감히 버릴 때입니다. 그리고 동물복지 문제를 심각하게 받아들여서 한국 사회가 자비롭고 윤리적인 사회라는 것을 보여줄 때입니다. 이는 결국 한국 정부가 전국민을 상대로 반려동물 중성화의 중요성, 반려동물 유기 금지, 동물에 대한 적절한 취급에 대해 제대로 된 교육을 시작할 때라는 뜻입니다.

그렇지 않으면 한국은 국제사회에서 계속해서 나쁜 평판을 이어가게 될 것입니다. 한국 국민들 역시 수치와 곤란함을 겪게 될 겁니다. 한국이 근대화되었고 국제화된 사고를 도입하려 함에도 불구하고 여전히 “제3세계 후진국가”로 인식될 것입니다. 저희는 대한민국의 잔인한 개식용, 고양이식용 종식을 촉구하는 청원을 진행 중입니다. 잔인한 관습인 개, 고양이 식용에 종지부를 찍을 수 있도록 온 힘을 다해주시기를 강력하게 요청드립니다.

  1. Roberta Giovannini
    Roberta GiovanniniMay 2,22

    Basta torturare gli animali
    Gli animali vanno rispettati amati e curati
    Il resto è terrificante

  2. Starr Sabga.
    Starr Sabga.May 2,22

    Hopefully this new president will do the right thing & FINALLY ABOLISH ALL dog slaughtering AND PUNISH THE EVIL DOERS TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. DO IT!!!!!!!!!

  3. Mr.Derlin Gerard Clair
    Mr.Derlin Gerard ClairMay 2,22

    The Killing,and Consumption of Companion animals is just Totally Disgusting & Totally Immoral!No truly Civilized Nation should tolerate this incredibly disgusting Abdomination,friends.

  4. Gwendolyn Gail
    Gwendolyn GailMay 2,22

    Please STOP this horrendous practice. It is unnecessary, cruel, evil, & there is NO reason for it! This type of behaviour is the reason for deadly viruses starting & being rapidly spread. Do the right thing in a world full of doubt & indecision!

  5. truely upset and NOT CRAZY
    truely upset and NOT CRAZYMay 2,22

    your city or country is crazy, who eats dogs, does your country not care for your people?

  6. Simoni Kapa
    Simoni KapaMay 2,22


  7. Lucy Kelly
    Lucy KellyMay 2,22

    Please stop this terrible cruelty!

  8. Diane Murphy
    Diane MurphyMay 2,22

    I’m opposed to the torture and slaughter of innocent cats and dogs. They are sentient beings and have been a part of the human family for thousands of years
    And in more modern times dogs have been bred to be companions and protectors of mankind.
    Very intelligent animals helping society- for the disabled (mental & physical) search & rescue, police force etc and as loving companions and protectors ! !
    Stop this violent inhumane brutality!!

  9. Elizabeth S. Lowell
    Elizabeth S. LowellMay 2,22

    Mr. President, please lead your nation into the modern age. Using dogs and cats as food is an archaic, unsanitary, and horrible practice.


    QUE CELA CESSE CES HORRIBLES BARBARIES, les chiens et les chats sont mes amis, on ne touche pas à mes amis !

  11. calcaterra enrico
    calcaterra enricoMay 3,22

    stop please this barbaric prcatice

  12. Ifigeneia Levanti
    Ifigeneia LevantiMay 3,22

    I hope the new president will help the poor animals by stopping this cruelty

  13. Rita S.
    Rita S.May 3,22

    Vi definite civili? Come si fa a mangiare carne di cane e gatto, animali d’affezione! Lo trovo mostruoso e vergognoso!

  14. bianca d'alessandro
    bianca d'alessandroMay 3,22

    This vile,diabolical ”practice” (which is nothing but torture perpetrated by cowards)must stopped at all costs! traffiking,tormenting and exploiting these poor innocent dogs is a STAIN ON HUMANITY! STOP THE TORTURE OF INNOCENTS CATS & DOGS!!!STOP TURNING A BLIND EYE TO THIS WICKED PLAGUE AND TO ANIMAL CRUELTY ! DECENT,MENTALLY SOUND,HEALTHY PEOPLE WILL BE FOREVER STAND WITH THESE POOR INNOCENTS DOGS!!!STOP THE ABUSE NOW!°JUSTICE FOR ALL THE KOREAN DOGS AND CATS AND WORLWIDE°

  15. Giorgio
    GiorgioMay 3,22

    Tutti gli animali senzienti vanno rispettati. Ma soprattutto i cani e i gatti che da sempre fanno parte delle nostre famiglie. Inoltre la tortura, a cui questi poveri nostri fratelli sono sottoposti, testimonia dell’assoluta mancanza di civiltà e umanità di chi la pratica! Vi prego di fermarvi.

  16. Henriette Heck
    Henriette HeckMay 3,22

    Please stop the cruelty of killing dogs and cats for consumption !! This is absolutely wrong and evil. It must end now !! I have to boycott your country until this cruelty ends for good !!

  17. Cathy Gilliat
    Cathy GilliatMay 5,22


    • team teamMay 5,22

      Thank you, Cathy!

  18. Bronwyn Mastrangelo
    Bronwyn MastrangeloMay 5,22

    Please stop this heartbreaking please we need to help and be a voice for these animals

  19. Lilia Birleson
    Lilia BirlesonMay 5,22

    This is MURDER. This is barbaric. This is illegal. No animal deserves to ve treated like this. Dogs and cats were not put on this earth to be tortured and abused. They were not put on this earth for human consumption. It is evil. It is illegal. It is MURDER. This has yo be stopped. Why are the Korean Government still allowing this to go on. SHAME ON YOU. YOU . YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO LEAD AN EXAMPLE. THIS IS MURDER. THIS IS CORRUPT AND ILLEGAL. WHAT SORT OF A GOVERNMENT ARE YOU. DISGUSTING IS WHST YOU ARE. FULL.OF CORRUPTION AND KILLING INNOCENT ANIMALS. THE WHOLE WORLD IS FIGHTING TO END THIS IN YOUR COUNTRY. YES THE WHOLE WHOLE WORLD. GREAT BRITAIN. AMERICA. CANADA AND ALL OF EUROPE, AMONGST OTHER COUNTRIES. YOU ARE DISGRACEFUL. What are you teaching your children and future generations. That KILLING innocent Animals is acceptable. NO it is not. SHAME on you Korean government.

  20. Dr. Kevin Boileau
    Dr. Kevin BoileauMay 5,22

    The practice of abusing and torturing sentient human companions is morally indefensible under any circumstances, and should never be permitted. We live inter-relationally, and ought to be seeking cooperative strategies to live with other species, and especially dogs, who are part of our human families. I have learned much about love from my dog, and hope you quickly transmute your society to one that is more non-violent and compassionate.

    PHALA BOWLESMay 5,22


  22. Tina Dunleavy
    Tina DunleavyMay 5,22

    Done successfully

    • team teamMay 5,22

      Thank you, Tina!

  23. Anu Sipiläinen
    Anu SipiläinenMay 5,22

    Olette hirviöitä maailmassa kun syötte lemmikkejä kuten koiria ja kissoja, lopettakaa heidän rääkkäys heti!

  24. Heike Karimi
    Heike KarimiMay 5,22

    Thats so disgusting,please stop any cruelty of animals and this forever!!!From🇩🇪

  25. Anne Caldwell
    Anne CaldwellMay 6,22

    Lilia has it so right! This is MURDER, so matter how you look at it. Worst of all, after these poor, innocent creatures are kept in cages and suffer neglect of the most egregious sort, they are TORTURED to death!!! What kind of monsters are you in Korea to turn a blind eye to such barbaric and sadistic practices? If the new government doesn’t take immediate steps to STOP such trafficking in the killing of thinking, feeling creatures, then the entire government should face the condemnation of the rest of the civilized world. Dogs are capable of great love and give unconditionally. Yet you are willing to take advantage of the their gentle, trusting natures and condemn them to live filled with misery , pain, and torture. Shame on every one who practices this despicable enterprise and anyone who turns a blind eye to these horrific practices!

  26. Kraig and Valerie Schweiss
    Kraig and Valerie SchweissMay 6,22

    Your Excellency President Yoon Suk-Yeol, please end the horrific dog and cat meat trade.

    Your Excellency President Yoon Suk-Yeol and the South Korean Government,

    Please watch these videos: Shocking Cruelty of South Korea’s Dog Meat Industry, Part 1 of 2:
    Part 2 of 2:
    The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea
    Documentary: Cruel Death of South Korea’s Dogs. Dogs Are Innocent.

    I am extremely upset about the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea.

    With the ubiquity of social media, every day, we are seeing shocking and heartbreaking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country.

    Even though Korea has established an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, burned alive, and treated brutally by farmers and slaughters. Also, dogs and cats are still being beaten and boiled alive for so-called elixirs, which do not have medical properties except in the minds of ignorant and gullible customers.

    These practices have no place in the modern world. Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that goes with it, such as Taiwan and the Philippines. Why does Korea persist in lagging behind these countries and other civilized societies?

    It’s the responsibility of the Korean government to once and for all end the cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea. It is time to dismiss the childish myths and propaganda surrounding these industries and their vile products. It is time to leave behind backward and unnecessary traditions.

    And it is time for Korea to start taking animal welfare seriously and show that it does have a compassionate and ethical society. That means it is time for the Korean government to better educate the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, not abandoning pets, and treating animals properly.

    Until these things are done, Korea’s reputation in the international community will continue to suffer. Its citizens will continue to face shame and embarrassment. And Korea will continue to be regarded as the “third world” despite its modernization and attempts at globalized thinking.

    An online petition calling for your action to end the horrendous dog and cat meat cruelty in South Korea is in progress: I ask that you do all in your power to stop this barbarism and cruelty immediately.

  27. Alan Linn
    Alan LinnMay 6,22

    “The greatness and moral progress of a nation is judged by the way the people treat their animals.” – Gandhi

    I am concerned that you continue to eat dog meat without any remorse or feelings for these dogs, considering all the growing concern for these animals’ welfare and safety, from millions of people around the civilized world.

    I almost expect this type of behavior from some foreign countries, where the people are mostly uneducated about animal rights and their feelings, but I cannot accept the same behavior from a civilized country such as Korea.

    As I once heard of a pig owner, that was being accused of abuse and neglect, say to the pig’s rescuer, “Hell, it’s only a pig.” It is sad to think that anyone has such disregard for any living creature, big or small.

    That type of attitude needs to change, if we ever want to end the abuse and neglect of any living creature on this planet.

    I realize that eating meat has been a normal part of human civilization since the beginning of time and many will probably never become vegetarians, but there are farm animals that have been bred and raised to provide meat for our needs.

    As long as we treat these farm animals humanely in life and in death, and respect them for their contribution to our survival, I can understand the eating of that meat. But in no instance do I condone eating the family pet, or any other dog or cat for that matter.

    By continuing to allow consumption of dogs and cats, you are complicit in the abuse and suffering these animals endure, which is severe and has been going on for decades.

    Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.

  28. Rita S.
    Rita S.May 6,22

    Basta mangiare carne di cane e gatto, sono esseri viventi, senzienti, capaci di provare emozioni. Possibile che nel 2022 si debbano ancora assistere a queste mostruosità? Penso abbiate capito che il mondo vi odia!

  29. Wendy Dowding
    Wendy DowdingMay 6,22

    It is unacceptable for society to tolerate cruelty like this. Please stop this barbaric practice.

  30. Professor Leo Townsend
    Professor Leo TownsendMay 6,22


  31. Dr. Gwyneth Winn
    Dr. Gwyneth WinnMay 6,22

    We MUST stop this barbaric dog meat trade immediately. You have it in you power to do this and help the millions of animals being abused. Please use your power wisely and DO THE RIGHT THING !!!! PLEASE.

  32. Robertl Boklund
    Robertl BoklundMay 6,22

    Dog and cat meat consumption must end FOREVER!

  33. Eva Anderson-Hanhineva
    Eva Anderson-HanhinevaMay 6,22

    Let these wonderful animals be spared horrible people, they belong in God’s creation.

    JIM CORRIEREMay 6,22

    End the dog meat trade!

  35. Jona Schwar
    Jona SchwarMay 6,22

    Die Zeit des gesellschaftlichen Konsenses ist vorbei. Südkorea muss den entsetzlichen und gefühllosen Hundefleischkonsum jetzt endlich und endgültig beenden! Ich bitte das Übergangskomitee des Präsidenten von Südkorea, das Ende des Verzehrs von Hunde- und Katzenfleisch per Gesetz zu verbieten 🙏. Wir leben nicht mehr im Mittelalter, sondern im 21.Jahrhundert und Südkorea ist ein fortschrittliches Land, jedoch leider, was den Schutz der Tiere anbetrifft, nicht fortschrittlich. Tiere sind leidensfähige Mitgeschöpfe und wir Menschen haben nicht das Recht, sie grausam, brutal und verantwortungslos zu behandeln und noch grausamer zu töten! Südkorea hat in der übrigen Welt ein negatives Image und es wäre wünschenswert, dass dieses Image ins positive umgewandelt wird, indem Hunde und Katzen in dem Land nicht mehr leiden müssen.

  36. Beverley Evans
    Beverley EvansMay 7,22

    please stop this cruelty no need for it it must stop now

  37. John Farnan
    John FarnanMay 9,22

    This deplorable atrocity, the dog meat trade, inflicted on the companion animal, the loyal and loving dog, must be banned. The trade is fuelled by corruption. The ban on the ‘business’ needs immediate action not more endless committees to do with consensus. The dogs suffer and die while politicians dither, delay, and talk. Enough is enough. Ban this foul cruelty. Show moral intelligence and compassion!

  38. louis gauci
    louis gauciMay 9,22

    Please provide the link, email address etc., where we can contact the President of S. Korea

    ALEXANDER M.May 9,22


  40. Johanna Schwarzer
    Johanna SchwarzerMay 11,22

    Es ist längst überfällig, dass derneue Präsident Sudkoreas endlich diese große Schande der Hunde und Katzenqualen, deren Folterungen, qualvolles Sterben und den Verzehre dieses Fleisches abschafft. Im 21.Jahrhundert darf es solche Hunde und Katzen Höllen auf diesem Planeten nicht mehr geben. Von zivilisierten und aufgeklärten Menschen darf man erwarten, dass Mitlebewesen mit Respekt begegnet wird und Achtung vor dem Leben gezeigt wird. Das alles vermisst man in Südkorea und daher hat dieses Land ein äußerst negatives Image in der übrigen Welt. Hoffen wir, dass die neue Regierung inm der Lage ist, dieses negative Image endlich in ein positives um zu wandeln. Die hilflosen Hund und Katzen haben es verdient!

  41. mark
    markMay 12,22

    How can such a barbaric practice still be taking place in South Korea? This is shameful. South Korea can do much better than this. The world is watching.

  42. Pesi Unwalla
    Pesi UnwallaMay 12,22

    Is this an example of civilized Korean culture? A despicable practice that is condemned by all other civilized nations, that needs to be stopped once and for all.

  43. Tracy Mosier
    Tracy MosierMay 12,22

    When will these sick, demented bastards stop with their barbaric bullshit “culture” of torture?

  44. Diane
    DianeMay 12,22

    I’m opposed to the torture, slaughter & consumption of innocent cats and dogs. They are sentient beings and have been a part of the human family for thousands of years
    And in more modern times dogs have been bred to be companions and protectors of mankind.
    Very intelligent animals helping society- for the disabled (mental & physical) search & rescue, police force etc and as loving companions and protectors ! !
    Stop this violent inhumane brutality!!

    There are laws in South Korea against selling dogs and cats for human consumption, yet these laws are routinely and blatantly ignored.

  45. Rosana Trevisan
    Rosana TrevisanMay 13,22


  46. Thomas Schroeder
    Thomas SchroederMay 13,22

    Why should I choose an S.Korean product (car, electronic, etc.) as long as that country is committing such atrocities to animals ?
    Can anyone imagine I could choose a South Korean industrial product ?

  47. Lucy
    LucyMay 13,22

    Mr. President Yoon Suk-Yeol, please END the HORRIFIC TORTURE AND STOP dog and cat meat trade.

  48. Luci Dianne
    Luci DianneMay 13,22

    Please stop this evil act! We are the caretakers of all animals!We love and care for these creatures. Let’s respect and nurture them.

  49. Shana shah
    Shana shahMay 17,22

    You are the leader of country eat an animal that is a companion best friend for the rest of the world . Smartest helping disabled , police …. As a leader , your signature and command makes a big change in the nutrition of your people . Guid them on a right way . Ignore old ration sentences that this is our culture . In my country they kill ships and cows for the god gift , many people stop this and instead they plant a tree . Now , world is watching you . Make a big change in your name in the history of Korea.

  50. Alessandra Trois
    Alessandra TroisMay 22,22


  51. Alessandra Trois
    Alessandra TroisMay 22,22

    La speranza è l’ultima a morire ci auguriamo tutti che le cose cambino e che qusti signori capiscano le atrocità che stanno facendo

  52. Angélique MÉRANT
    Angélique MÉRANTMay 23,22


  53. Alessandra Trois
    Alessandra TroisJune 8,22

    Sono disperata tutti questi messaggi cadono nel silenzio assordante di questo paese, nulla e nessuno li fa desiste dalla crudeltà che continuano a perpretare nei confronti di questi poveri cani e gatti

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