Samsung must speak out against the brutality of South Korea!
Last updated: 12/26/2020.
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Out of all the conglomerates, or ‘Jaebol’, in South Korea, Samsung must rank as the most famous; their products are common household items. It is also an extremely powerful company: when the Samsung Management speaks, the President of Korea will listen. How disappointing and shameful it is, therefore, that despite its wealth and influence, Samsung shows no interest in helping to fight the horrific and diabolic practice of dog and cat meat cruelty in their own country. These evil meat trades are a blight on their people and their homeland – for numerous reasons. So, why doesn’t Samsung feel any social responsibility to take action? Why are they content to do nothing to help end this abhorrence?
It’s time for Samsung to speak up and do their part to bring an end to this illegal and unethical practice of brutalizing and eating man’s best friends. Write to the management of Samsung today!
Call for Action
- Send online messages to Samsung in as many countries as you can.
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👉 Click HERE to find the contact information for Samsung in your country. Scroll down and click “Contact us” and then click “Email to CEO” to send online message. Link names might vary by countries.📌 For the form, feel free to use our PO Box address as below:
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- Sign and share the petitions.
👉 Samsung: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats & dogs in your country.
👉 Boycott South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty! Boycott Samsung!
👉 Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, LG, POSCO, SK, FILA and all South Korean Companies: Adopt a company policy to ban dog and cat meat consumption! - Send a postal letter to the Samsung Electronics America.
Samsung Electronics America
85 Challenger Road
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
Suggested Message to Samsung
Subject: Samsung, Help bring an end to the unacceptable and cruel South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Trades!
To the management of Samsung:
This is more than a question of “should man eat this type of meat?”: these are despicably cruel and uncivilized trades, which affect all levels of society in Korea: the children, who have to witness such overt acts of violence – dogs being electrocuted or beaten to death in front of them; the citizens who have to live with the harmful environmental impacts in their neighborhoods – filthy, unregulated effluent from dog farms, the noise of the suffering creatures, the stench from the uncleaned, excrement-filled cages; the national (and global) issue of meat entering the food chain which is not fit for human consumption – the animals are often fed on slops and fly-blown waste; the impending health crisis through the worldwide indiscriminate use of antibiotics – the animals are often pumped full of antibiotics to control infection and disease that are rife in these neglected creatures.
This is a two billion dollar industry – but one which has no place in a modern society, and certainly no place in a country that is as successful and prosperous as South Korea, a country which boasts achievements in urban development, manufacturing, and technology.
We are sure that you would never condone any inhumane or deliberately cruel act to any creature in your city, or country, but we want to remind you that it is not enough to just sit by and quietly disapprove of your fellow countrymen’s shameful behavior – you must stand up and take positive action to bring about a permanent end to the unacceptable dog and cat meat trades, and so end the abominable cruelty that is routinely involved in all parts of these trades.
What can you do? You can start by making it your company’s policy to ban the consumption of dog or cat meat products by your employees; you can educate your employees towards a more compassionate and understanding view of their companion animals; you can lobby your government to enact and enforce better animal protection laws, which would thereby end these trades.
We urge you to openly voice your opposition to these trades and, by doing so, let your customers know that you want your country to change – because, right now, many of your customers across the globe are finding it morally difficult to buy products from a company such as yours, who only seems concerned about profit, profit, greed … and profit.
Please, watch this video, see the truth for yourself – and then take action.
Thank you.
Online petitions:
👉 Samsung: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats & dogs in your country.
👉Boycott South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty! Boycott Samsung!
👉 Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, LG, POSCO, SK, FILA and all South Korean Companies: Adopt a company policy to ban dog and cat meat consumption!
- Send messages to Samsung on Twitter.
Suggested Twitter Text to Samsung
.@SamsungNewsroom .@samsung .@SamsungUS🐕#Samsung End the abhorrent cruelty & suffering of cats & dogs in your country!🤮😭 #Galaxy #SamsungGalaxy #HotelShilla #SamsungCard #SamsungSDI #SamsungDataSystem #DogMeat #AnimalCruelty #SouthKorea #BoycottSamsung😿
I have no problem not purchasing Samsung products and telling people I know to do the same. I will ask people to post boycotting your products on Facebook and share with there friends and keep sharing until this dog cruelty and eating of these animals come to an end. I cherish my dog and many people do. I don’t believe any animal should have to endure such cruelty. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be treated this way. I hope people in your company have a heart and will decide to put an end to this horrific treatment of dogs,
Totally agree. I also always ask n the electronics shops if they have non-Korean and non-Chinede items even when I see they don’t. It leads to their question “Why don’t you want Korean/Chinese goods?” – thus they invite me to explain, and I do explain, and they listen carefully. Not everyone immediately shares my views, but they always tell the shop’s owner that there are people who seek non-Korean items. This will in general lead to more non-Korean goods on the shells and reduce Korean sales.
I also boycott Samsung, Korean and Chinese products but will adopt your approach by asking for non Korean/Chinese products in future and hope it helps create more awareness around this most horrific dog meat trade .
Great idea… I will make a point of ASKING FOR NON KOREAN AND NON CHINESE products from now on, so that they are well aware of why I’m not buying their products.
So glad to hear that others are also making no secret of our BOYCOTTS of BARBARIANS
Print a picture of the dogs and bring that in.
Will be more than happy to boycott Samsung.
I also will not buy anything from Korea.
I am doing the same. No Samsung products for me either! Boycott Samsung. Maybe they’ll listen when their sales go down!
To hell with Korea and other dog and cat eating nations!
The sooner Samsung makes a stand against the horror show that is cat and dog consumption, the better for its image and that of South Korea. Please show that you are at least aware of this disgusting practice and publicly condemn it – your brand image will benefit and so will the lives of countless sentient companion animals.
I’ve sent the following text:
“I just want to make sure you’re aware of the international boycott of your trademark which has nothing to to with your products quality. More and more people learn about horrific dog meat trade in South Korea and think you have the power and moral due to at least claim loudly your company condemns this practice. When I look at your products I see 21st century’s here. When I look at your country I see 13th century. You cant eat everything that moves, torture animals and at the same time be respected in 21st century. Please read more here, what we believe you can do:
recently I have changed my mobile samsung to Listo, not because of samsung was out of service, but because of this cruel trade of dog meat in South Korea ! Samsung and other korean companies tolerate this situation doing the blind eye !!! I see that as far as the money is at stake, nobody takes care about these poor dogs and cats !!! this situation is abominable !!! I boycott all stuff made in SK !!!
I will keep avoiding any Samsung products unless they go against brutality to innocent lives in South Korea.
I have a Samsung TV; was considering buying the same again someday since this one has worked so well. But not now, not since I learned of their indifference regarding Korea’s dog meat trade. What a horrendous trade, sadistic, totally without conscience, brutal, bloody, nightmarish in its wickedness. Anyone indifferent to that is surely not a good person. What a rotten shame that Samsung doesn’t care about those tortured dogs who die in the worst ways possible. Aside from that, I’m strictly vegan for 9+ years and know for a fact that we need ZERO slaughterhouses, can live perfectly well on all plant foods.
My family and I boycott all Samsung products. We will never purchase or recommend any of their products ever if they cannot speak up about this horrendous dog and cat meat trade. A huge corporation with no heart and compassion.
We are going to be remodeling our kitchen & of course will be updating with new appliances as well. Samsung has always been my first choice, but I will now be gong with Frigidaire. No more Samsung for me. I also just replaced my washer & dryer, and you can bet, it was not Samsung!
Thank you to all the animals advocates in this world!!! I’m so thankful for each and every one of you!! I too will be boycotting all products from Asia that participate in this atrocious trade.
I am thoroughly disgusted with the situation in you country in how you treat dogs & cats with such blatent cruelty & brutality. There are few words I can use but to say that I too have & will continue to shun all SK produce. I will be changing my car this year but it will not buy from your country. Likewise phones , washing machine etc. This situation brings shame on your country & casts its shadow over your world wide electronic & corporate companies. You will see your sales go down & now you will know why. You produce reliable & good quality products but I & my family & friends will not purchase anything from SK until this abhorrent practice stops. Disgusting depraved & so totally unnecessary. If you as a company supported the ending of this disgraceful practice it may stop many thousands of animals – many stolen pets from being brutalised & inhumanely slaughtered in the future. No animals deserve this existence or treatment. The soul less people who carry out this slaughter are without compassion or conscience. please help to stop what is happening & bringing shame to your country & its people. This is not a civilised way to behave. Other countries have banned the practice, please help to do the same. Get a backbone.
It has become a matter of honour not to purchase any product made by Samsung or any other product made in Korea or China. Both the Korean and the Chinese presidents brought shame to their countries by allowing this horrific and brutal industry to flourish. And it is not only innocent dogs and cats that suffers, it is all wild animals that are slowly but surely becoming extinct in their countries. That is why they are turning their greedy eyes towards Africa.
I will no longer purchase any Samsung products until Samsung acknowledges and takes a stand against this horrific act!!!!
I’m typing this message on a Samsung laptop which will soon be replaced, but my new pc won’t be a Samsung. I like Samsung products but won’t be buying any more until the company acknowledges the horrific dog meat industry and uses all its influence with government and other authorities to bring it to an end.
I have no problem with throwing my samsung phone into the bin i will not be supporting anything to do with samsung or any chinese companies goods .this trestment by china to dogs elephants in fact all animals is appauling it seems china have never evolved from stoneage barbarity and are heartless disgusting vile murdering savages . They totaly disgust me with their sick disgusting barbaric evily sick and have no respect for any living animal but as webare only animals it is disgusting maybe they should have a taste of thrir own savagery disgusting murdering no decancy stoneage depravity i will tell all i know to stop buying chinss goods untill this debortuary and sickness stop like killing elephants lying saying it helps their medicine yet using their skin to polish for beads not apoy with anialating poaching and murdering they have now startedbon adia killing every 22 nins when it takes 2 years gestation for a baby to be born they cannot cope with this anialation but china to degenerate and do not care if they kill all earths species .i really hope one day they pay very very badlybit will be payback for their disgusting sick vermin slaughter of every being on our planet they have no right their lives are as precious as ours they are callous evil sick degenerate people with no human decancy total scum of our earth millions feel the way i do and arecstarting to stop buying anything that china makes .i for one will never buy a product from your country again you are murderers and unhuman to do whst you do like a police man beating a persons pet dog for 3 hours with stick laughing when he did this tilm the dogs head split then the degeneracy of it when he got back to police station they gave him a medal this in its self shows how degenerate heartless and disgusting your country is you have no heart no love no decancy and no respect
I will boycott Samsung, LG, Mazda and all Korean companies, until Korea government stop and make a comitment to stop for good the cruel and barbaric torture of dogs and cats meat in there country.
I totaly agree that China is the worst country on earth to torture anykind of animals, they just don’t have any heart, no soul ! But other countries like Vietnam, Korea, Cambodgia and most of asian countries, continue to eat and torture cats and dogs. So that’s why we should boycott all asian countries. I do until they will end this barbaric torture !
We will never buy anything from Samsung again neither will our friends remember people when you go shopping made in Korea
I will keep avoiding any Samsung products unless they go against brutality to innocent lives in South Korea.
son los seres mas asquerosos del planeta no merecen vivir y las autoridades que hacen? se excusan en que es tradición maldita tradición Dios creo os animales para que conviviéramos con ellos y disfrutáramos de su compañía no para matarlos y comérselos
I am thinking about changing my phone and never using Samsung again!
If the people at Samsung think that they can go on selling their products with no repurcussions from not standing up and helping STOP this abhorrent cruelty, you are very wrong. When I say the word is out, that is an understatement. I live in a very wealthy part of Connecticut and I am someone who knows a significant number of people and those people know people and so on and so on. Over time, you will see that people will stop buying your products and any products associated with South Korea and China. Anyone who allows these poor animals to suffer like this, ought to be ashamed of themselves. Be the ones to do the right thing.
The dog meat trade is evil.
It is bringing huge shame on your country and you as a people.
As an ethical company you have an absolute obligation to speak out against it.
Es una salvajada y así no os vais a abrir puertas en occidente.
BOYCOTT Everything that has to do with this EVIL SHITHOLE OF country!!!
I’m NEVER buying Samsung until they do something to STOP this unimaginable cruelty!
I will never buy a Samsung product again or anything from Korea if this does not stop
I’m happy to say that my next phone will NOT be Samsung. I happily have a Ford, not a Hyundai, Kia, nor LG. Whatever it take to stop NEEDLESS brutality of dogs.
The dog and cat meat trade shows South Korea as brutal beyond belief.The World is watching you Samsung,if you are an ethical company,then it is your duty to speak out strongly against this evil.I will NEVER purchase another Samsung product while you,Samsung, sit back and allow this to happen.
Please enforce peace and kindness to every living creature on Earth. We are all here for a reason. Let’s treat each other with respect… whether animal or human. It is our duty.
SAMSUNG: Be advised. I am a consumer. I vote with my money. I have a very large family, and many friends and acquaintances- as most people commenting here do as well. For every person who comments here there are at minimum 10 more sharing the same sentiment. You MUST speak PUBLICLY and take a corporate stand AGAINST the ABHORRENT, VILE, EVIL practice of dog and cat meat trade in your country and those countries who partake in the sadism.
I also will boycott ALL samsung products and tell every single person i come across that you ODVIOUSLY SUPPORT THIS INSANE MELIOUS ACT OF CRUELTY!!!! SAMSUNG JUST BECAUSE YOU” THINK” you have the power and money .. You should rethink your stand on this matter!!! Word of mouth is a powerful tool. And ice seen bigger and better companys fall and never get up again. Mark my words. You will fall because of worsd of mouth… I just smashed my samsung cell along with 80 others
Good luck samsung your gonna need it!!!!!!😠😠😠
We are currently in the process of changing all of our Samsung products,next is a new phone and TV. My family is doing the same. We are changing the car too,Kia is Korean. We are boycotting all products from Korea,China and any other country that abuses animals. It is disgusting that they keep turning a blind eye to this horrific cruelty and suffering! Its about time that they used their considerable power to do some good in this world and help to stop this horrific trade.
please put a stop to this torture these animals don’t deserve this life that they have now ,they are our best friends and help our elderly ,and the blind also in our police force and etc.please have a good heart and put a stop this .
Samsung, you need to stand up for your dogs and cats, instead of turning a blind eye to this brutal industry in your country. You have the power to influence other companies, who have allowed these atrocities against innocent, defenseless, sentient animals to go on since the 90’s. The Taepyeong Dog Slaughterhouse, the largest in SK has brutally tortured and killed 80,000 dogs each year, and that’s just one of the ‘many’ hell-holes that are operating throughout South Korea. The TDS has just been bulldozed to the ground – and not a moment too soon. I will not purchase any of your products, or buy from any other Asian country that takes part in such cruelty to voiceless, innocent animals. I will share this information to ‘anyone’ and ‘everyone’ to boycott Samsung, and any other company involved in this evil, horrific industry. Beware, Samsung, there is strength in numbers. The world is watching, and know that South Korea is “HELL ON EARTH FOR DOGS”.
Objet :sollicitation de soutien de l’entreprise à la protection des animaux en Corée du Sud
Madame, Monsieur,
Comme de nombreuses personnes à travers le monde , je suis bouleversée par la barbarie avec laquelle sont traités les chiens et les chats en Corée du sud avant et pendant leur abattage .
Entassés les uns sur les autres dans des filets ,cherchant l’air pour respirer , muselés avec de la ficelle, assoiffés , affamés , suffocants ou pétris de froid, blessés ,souillés ,ces animaux attendent leur tour dans la terreur…Saisis par une pince au niveau du cou, ils sont battus à mort , brûlés VIFS ou ébouillantés VIVANTS!
Les nombreuses images et vidéos disponibles sur internet rendent compte de l’horreur .En voici une parmi d’autres :
Si ces images vous heurtent ,alors je vous demande solennellement :
-de convaincre vos différents partenaires économiques de renoncer à cautionner ces actes de cruauté par la consommation de viande issue de ces élevages ;
-d’inciter les politiques coréens à promouvoir la protection animale en générale et à interdire ces pratiques en particulier ;
-d’envisager la possibilité d’inscrire le respect de l’animal dans les valeurs défendues par votre entreprise .
Confiante en votre humanité ,je vous prie d’agréer mes salutations distinguées .
Judith SAYAGH (fr)
Madam, Sir,
Like many people worldwide, I’m deeply shocked by the cruelty with which dogs and cats are treated in South Korea before and during their slaughter.
Piled on top of each other in crowded nets, gasping for air, muzzled with strings, thirsty and starving, stifling with heat or frozen with cold, terrified, these animals will then be brutally caught by the neck and thrown ALIVE in the fire or in boiling water.
Many pictures and videos witnessing this horror are available on the net, among which these ones :
Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry(Undercover Video by Stop It! Korea)
If these videos are shocking to you, I’m pleased to suggest below a few actions you could take in order to improve the life of these animals :
– encourage your various business partners not to buy or use meat produced from this slaughters;
– urge korean politicians to promote animal protection and the prohibition of those cruel customs ;
– envisage to include in your internal chart the respect of animals as an ethical principle.
I look forward your answer and action.
Your sincerely.
Judith SAYAGH (FRance)
The Injustice of the Innocent & Voiceless! All animals deserve lives free from human-inflicted suffering. As the highest created being, humans have a moral obligation to be wise stewards of animals. Just because we happen to be the most powerful species on earth, we humans have the ability, but not the right, to abuse the so-called lower animals. The ends do NOT justify the means!
We all know that there is something seriously wrong with a food system where the best day of an animals’ life is the day that it is finally over.
Every Living Creature deserves the Right to Live as Nature has intended!
No living creature should be subjected to such pain and suffering, especially dogs, who have served mankind faithfully and loyally for millennia. Dogs deserve our gratitude – not death and torture by our hand. And if we, humans, do this – then we do not deserve any justice, any fairness, any mercy!
Samsung: you should speak out against this market that brutally tortures dogs. In the meantime, I will not buy articles from your company.
Money talks and talk walks. It’s time for those seek to shut down the diabolical dog meat farms in South Korea to vote with their wallets and boycott products from South Korean dog meat trade corporate enablers: Samsung, LG, Kia, Hyundai.
I have all along refused to buy any korean products and services including electronics, appliances, cosmetics and skin care, korean music industry and whatever. and I refuse to ever visit Korea so long as this horrible frightening TORTURE of dogs and cats continue. I am vegan myself, but even people who eat meat I am sure will find this totally horrifying and disgusting. Not to mention it is a health and hygiene issue, on a level with the disgusting markets in China, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia etc where live and dead animals of all species are mixed together, creating the next pandemic.
Samsung, No living creature should be subjected to such pain and suffering. you should speak out against the market of Dog Meat Industry. shame on Shocking Cruelty market like this in South Korea.
Please stop this barbarisme! Ist Needs to end !
Shame on you Samsung
I will never buy Korean products ever again until the torture ends…
SAMSUNG ! make your country a Samsung’s country !! be proud to be a country which will ban this horrible DCMT ! don’t be a FIRST DOG EATEN NATION !!
I am boycotting all products from Korea,China and any other country that abuses animals. It is disgusting that these countries keep turning a blind eye to this horrific cruelty and suffering! Its about time Samsung used their considerable power to do some good in this world and help to stop this horrific trade.
I will never buy Korean again. Or Chinese.
Boycott Samsung. End DogMeat Industry. Send all dogs and cats tied to this industry to shelters where they can await to become adopted into good and loving homes.
We all need to STOP allowing Samsung to enable the dog and cat meat trade by telling them with a flood of our emails and petitions.
This is a terrible practice of past traditions that are no longer needed nor wanted by the rest of the world, as well as the younger citizens of these countries.
Surely the people that eat dog and cat meat are able to raise cows, pigs and chickens humanely and then decently harvest said animals for their food
For the best results, perhaps a more plant-based diet could be incorporated into the meat eaters food. This diet would be more cost-efficient, environmentally friendlier and easier to provide food for their families quicker than waiting for an animal to grow big enough to eat.
Being that this is the 21st Century, it is time for new and better technologies to replace the traditions held by the last survivors of the old ways.
I will never by a Samsung product again or anyting from Korea or China
Stop this insane, callous, monstrous cruelty against our innocent fur babies! All sentient beings have the right to life and liberty!
Petitions signed and emails sent! Heartfelt thanks to all the people at for getting this info out to the public. Hopefully we will see an end to this vile meat industry!
Such a pity! I love Samsung products! But I stand against them, until this situation changes! End this cruelty NOW!
please stop this barbaric torture of South Korea dogs and cats thank you all for the wonderful work you have done saving as many dogs cats from a place called hell sighed
Please,Please stop this cruel torture of South Korean Dogs and Cats. I have a Samsung TV, which I will be happy to toss out, if they do not plead
the case for these poor creatures and get the dog farms shut down.
RISPETTARE LA VITA DI TUTTE LE CREATURE E’ una cosa bellissima e ti senti in pace cn tutti
Shame on your country! you should not be allowed to have any animals
I will never buy anything Korean made again!! You are cruel, barbaric people shame on you!!
Dyanna Brown
Please stop this! The world is watching your actions
I will Not buy anything made in south Korea .this countrys government is barbaric towards animals .heartless.crual,wicked people.
Boycott Korean monsters
Yes, everything and anything from this primitive and backward “country” of Korea will be BOYCOTTED. This abuse/torture of these innocent and defenseless animals is beyond cruel, inhumane and barbaric. Hopefully, KARMA has seen and will remember each and every one of you until this abuse stops and is banned. In the meantime, SHAME on all of you.
That’s why Iam sending this message from an IPhone , used to own a Samsung S4, had a tablet 10.2, MacBook was the obvious choice, why pic a brand that’s not customer orientated and obviously calling for the influence to be used to bring change in that country, there are many Samsung subsidiary companies that we as consumer kan change to that are conscience about what we who make them their billions feel about the animal brutality and caveman lifestyle they are living in this day and age, it’s time to catch up Korea, ur tech ain’t making u human, but at least we can leave ur sorry asses back in the Stone Age , many choices out there , think about it!!
SAMSUNG!!! Do the decent thing!