
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘누렁이’

Banner and notice regarding illegal slaughter posted at the Busan Nopodong dog meat market

This is a translation of the January 12th, 2014 posting on Busan KAPCA(Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty …

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Cheonan: Illegal dog breeding and slaughtering along a major road… Authorities ignoring

This is a translation of news reported on January 10, 2014 on KBS News: Cheonan: Illegal dog breeding and slaughtering …

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Yongin: Update – 2 Remaining dogs rescued!

This is a latest update from KARA on the case: Yongin: Gunshot killing of stray cats! Illegal capture and brutal …

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Pocheon: Fire at a dog farms kills 10 dogs – burned alive!

This is a translation of the January 9, 2014 news on SBS News: Fire spread while boiling food waste for …

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Yongin: We demand the immediate arrest of a man who killed an elk by burning it alive as well as the rescue of the remaining animals!

This is a translation of the update on January 3rd, 2014 for the case “Gunshot killing of stray cats! Illegal …

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Young animal activists in Washington campaign over the Christmas holidays

Young animal activists walked five hours knocking on doors, passing out our campaign leaflets and speaking out against the dog …

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Yongin: Gunshot killing of stray cats! Illegal capture and brutal slaughter of stray dogs! We will report this man to the police!

This is a translation of the January 2nd, 2014 posting on KARA(Korea Animal Rights Advocates)’s website: Gunshot killing of stray …

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Busan Gijang: Voluntary demolition of dog farm upon being fined

This is a translation of the December 19th, 2013 posting on Busan KAPCA(Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty …

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Shocking process of making cat soup

This is a clip from South Korean TV program “Channel A Young-Don Lee Producer’s Food X-File – Shocking process of …

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A letter of protest for the Korean dogs

This letter of protest against South Korean dog meat trade was written by John B., an animal advocate in U.K. …

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Busan KAPCA working hard to close down dog-slaughtering at Gupo Market

This is a translation of the December 10th, 2013 news on Busan Ilbo: “Stopping dog-slaughtering requires changes to the Animal …

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Merry Christmas to the South Korean embassies around the world!

12/17/2013. Second batch of Christmas cards are going out today. We found perfect cards with puppy in Santa suit. The …

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