
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘animal cruelty’

Dog Meat Restaurants & ‘Health Center’ in Nam-Moon & Ji-Dong Markets, Suwon

While taking a short walk around Nam-Moon (means ‘South Gate’) Market (남문시장) and Ji-Dong Market (지동시장) located right next to …

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New Documentary “Boshintang” – South Korea’s Shockingly Cruel Dog Meat Industry

Boshintang (Dog Meat Soup), Documentary by StopIt! Korea Campaign Click to check out more undercover videos by StopIt! Korea Campaign …

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`Penalties for animal cruelty’ strengthened… Amendment to animal protection law passed

Translation of Korean News: Yonhap News 7/3/2013 `Penalties for animal cruelty’ strengthened… Amendment to animal protection law passed (Sejong=Yonhap News) …

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Launch of STOP IT! KOREA Campaign Against S. Korea’s Dog Meat Trade

제주 작은 개 Little dog in Jeju, S. Korea by Stop It! Korea Campaign STOP IT! KOREA Campaign was launched …

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Yangju Dog Farm Fire…35 Dogs Burned to Death

Translation of Korean News: Naver News 7/8/2013 Yangju Dog Farm Fire…35 Dogs Burned to Death [Yangju=Newsis] Jong-Gu Lee Reporter. Fire …

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[Breaking News] Sumangri Dog Farm New Construction Permit Cancelled – City of Seogwipo Confirms Violations of Law

Translation of Korean News: Jemin Ilbo 6/28/2013 This is an update from “Seogwipo Sumangri Residents Strongly Opposes New Construction of …

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More than 10 found dead … With hammer and with pesticides, animals are suffering

Translation of S. Korean News More than 10 found dead … With hammer and with pesticides, animals are suffering …

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[8/25/2012] Moran Market Dog Meat Shops Maintenance by City of Seongnam vs. Right to Survive…”Dog Fight” with Pride at Stake

Click here for English Caption Transcript! Translation of S. Korean News on 8/25/2012 ‘Dog Fight’ is in full swing …

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Seogwipo Sumangri Residents Strongly Opposes New Construction of Large Scale Dog Farm

Translation of Korean News: Jemin Ilbo 6/7/2013 Jeju Seogwipo Sumangri Residents Strongly Opposes New Construction of Large Scale Dog Farm. …

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Win a contest to clone your dog 70% off by scientists of ‘Notorious Dog Eating Nation’?

Post from Sooam Biotech: March 22, 2013 Dog Cloning Competition for the U.K. Sooam Biotech is announcing the first …

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Naju, S. Korea-‘Legal Blind Spot’ Dog Slaughter • Dog Auction Market, Occupying Local Resident’s Rest Area

Translation of Korean News: NEWSis 5/31/2013 Dog Meat Trade in ‘Legal Blind Spot’ Dog Slaughter • Dog Auction Market, Occupying …

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Seoul, Jungnang Borough – Dozens of dogs stuffed in truck cages unable to move for days in scorching heat taken to slaughterhouse

Translation of CARE’s Facebook Posting on 5/22/2013 Dozens of dogs having to endure being stuffed tightly inside metal cages on …

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