
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘Pyeongchang’

Bob Heisler of Green Cove Springs, Florida campaigns on behalf of KOREANDOGS.ORG at the University of Florida in Gainesville on August 2, 2014

Written by Bob Heisler, August 3, 2014. We were prevented from demonstrating for Korean Dogs at the St. Johns Town …

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Leafleting and Informational Event on South Korean Dog Meat Trade – June 22, 2014 – San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf

Five seasoned volunteer animal advocates handed out over 1,000 leaflets on this beautiful Sunday at one of the most visited …

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Busan: KARA and Busan KAPCA rally against illegal puppy mills and dog slaughter

On March 6, about 40 members of Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) and Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of …

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President of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic, Jin-Sun Kim lies about the S. Korea’s dog meat consumption!

Honesty and Integrity must not mean much in S. Korean culture. President of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic, Jin-Sun Kim …

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Boycott PyeongChange 2018 Ad published on The St. Augustine Record

Animal rights activist, Bob Heisler, published an ad to boycott PyeongChang 2018 on newspaper, The St. Augustine Record on 2/24/2014. …

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[Photo News] Seongnam Moran Market’s Disgusting Dog Slaughter

This is a photo and translation of a photo news from Kyeongin Ilbo on February 12, 2014: [Photo News] Seongnam …

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S. Korean government’s response to our petition to close down Moran Market dog slaughterhouses

On 7/23/2013, we mailed our petition, Seongnam, South Korea: Close Down Moran Market Dog Slaughterhouses-Enforce The Animal Protection Law! to …

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Leafleting and Informational Event on South Korean Dog Meat Trade – February 16, 2014 – San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf

Once again a big thanks to the dedicated San Francisco Bay Area volunteer-campaigners for organizing this event. The weather was …

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[Shocking Report] Scene of dog hanging at the Busan Gupo market! Please join us in reporting this case! (in Korean)

[충격고발] 구포시장 개를 목매달아죽이는 현장!! 고발에 동참해주십시오!(사진주의) [ 2014-02-12] 저희 부산동물학대방지연합 기획팀에서 지난 주말 구포가축시장에서 모니터링을 하던 중… 충격적인 현장을 …

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Chobok (First of 3 dog eating days of summer) – Controversy over dog meat in South Korea

This is a translation of news reported in July 2012 on TBS News: Chobok (First of 3 dog eating days …

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Shocking process of making cat soup

This is a clip from South Korean TV program “Channel A Young-Don Lee Producer’s Food X-File – Shocking process of …

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