
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘개고기’

Response from Seoul Metropolitan Government to dog meat protest letter

This is a response letter from Seoul Metropolitan Government to an activist’ protest letter regarding dog meat trade. Seoul must …

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Busan Gijang: Sledgehammer blow to the neck not cruel?

This is a translation of the November 5th, 2013 posting on Busan KAPCA(Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty …

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Busan Gijang: Sledge hammer blow to the neck not cruel? (In Korean) 부산 기장군 잔인한 망치 개 도살 현장 신고 경찰 법 적용 어렵다

출처: 부산동물학대방지연합: 부산 기장군 잔인한 망치 개 도살 현장 신고 – 경찰 “법 적용 어렵다” 11/5/2013 기장의 한 회원님으로부터 아파트 …

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Backyard dog hanging in front of other dogs in Daejeon

This is a translation of a posting from Coexistence of Animal Rights On Earth(CARE)’s homepage: We are reporting an abuser …

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CARE is looking for an animal abuser who hung young puppies by the neck from the back of a motorcycle

This is a translation of a posting from Coexistence of Animal Rights On Earth(CARE)’s homepage: We are looking for an …

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Seongnam Moran Market aka “Hell on Earth!”

If you have ever wondered about how the hell is like, just take a walk through Seongnam Moran Market in …

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South Korea – Scene of meat dog trade secretly taking place in the wood!

Translation of Korean TV Program – Young-Don Lee Producer’s Food X-File : Scene of meat dog auction trade secretly taking …

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A victory at the infamous Busan Gupo dog meat market

This is a translation of posting from Busan KAPCA’s Facebook page: 구포 개시장에 드디어 이 경고문이 붙었습니다. 10/14/2013 Finally a …

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Venerable Beopjeong Buddhist Priest’s Argument Against Dog Meat Consumption (Korean-English Translation) 법정스님의 개식용반대론

Translated by and volunteers. Please share! 법정스님의 개식용반대론 Venerable Beopjeong Buddhist Priest’s Argument Against Dog Meat Consumption 한국은 오는 …

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After arduous preparation for a year, the Amendments to the Animal Protection Act (APA) will be proposed on October 1, 2013!

This is a translation of posting from KARA: 동참요청 – 1년간의 치밀한 준비의 결실! 10월 1일 동물보호법 개정안이 발의됩니다! 9/25/2013 …

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If you know it, you won’t be able to eat it… cruel and unsanitary dog slaughter

Translation of Korean News: MBN News 7/23/2013 If you know it, you won’t be able to eat it… cruel …

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To prevent murder of another Gilyongee, please demand amendment to the Animal Protection Act! [Call to Action by KAWA]

To prevent murder of another Gilyongee, please demand amendment to the Animal Protection Act! [Call to Action by KAWA] Translation …

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