
Your signatures have been submitted – Abandoned dogs at Damyang dog farm must be rescued!

Petition: Abandoned dogs are left in cages with the rotting carcasses of their dead friends and must be rescued! Mailed on 9/29/2015

Damyang petition screenshot_092915Thank you for signing our petition, Abandoned dogs are left in cages with the rotting carcasses of their dead friends and must be rescued! We mailed the packages including the petition letters with signatures and comments by the petition signers to the below three petition targets on September 29, 2015.

This petition is still open and we will send the letters again when we reach 50,000 signatures so please click HERE to sign and share!

Click below for the USPS tracking info:

Damyang District Manager Hyung-Shik Choi
1371 Chuseong-ro, Damyang-eup, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do Zipcode 57339
South Korea
Tracking No: LJ 515 791 865 US

Jeollanam-do Governor Nak-Yon Lee
Commissioner Timothy W. Finchem
Province of Jeollanam-Do, Muan-gun, Samhyang-eup, Oryong-gil 1, Jeollanam-Do, Postal Code 58564
South Korea
Tracking No: LJ 515 792 145 US

Ambassador Ho-Young Ahn
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
2450 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008
Tracking No: 9405 8036 9930 0080 3409 66

Included also in the packages are as below:

A live dog is left in the cage with the decomposing carcasses of a dead dog. There is no indication that proper food or water was ever provided to either dog.

A live dog is left in the cage with the decomposing carcasses of a dead dog. There is no indication that proper food or water was ever provided to either dog.

Some dogs have managed to escape the raised cages while others remain imprisoned in them.

Some dogs have managed to escape the raised cages while others remain imprisoned in them.

A lonely dog is tied up next to a carcass of another dog. The food provided is decomposed food garbage.

A lonely dog is tied up next to a carcass of another dog. The food provided is decomposed food garbage.

  1. Stella Maris Argento
    Stella Maris ArgentoSeptember 30,15


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