
Monthly Archive for: ‘April, 2017’

Pyeongchangin kaupungilla on käynnissä projekti koiranliha-ravintoloiden piilottamiseksi olympialaisten vierailta!

Pyeongchang’s project to hide the Dog Meat Restaurants from Olympic visitors! (In Finnish) Ole hyvä ja ota yhteyttä kotimaasi uutisiin …

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Team Hungary: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!

Countdown to PyeongChang 2018 [flipclock countdown=”true” date=”9th February 2018″ face=”days” name=”countdown”] PyeongChang, host to the 2018 Winter Olympics – the …

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Team Finland: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!

Countdown to PyeongChang 2018 [flipclock countdown=”true” date=”9th February 2018″ face=”days” name=”countdown”] PyeongChang, host to the 2018 Winter Olympics – the …

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Team Russia: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!

Countdown to PyeongChang 2018 [flipclock countdown=”true” date=”9th February 2018″ face=”days” name=”countdown”] PyeongChang, host to the 2018 Winter Olympics – the …

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Newsletter – April 7, 2017

Korean Baseball and Dog Soju | Responses from BOA & WSAVA Click HERE to see this newsletter from our homepage.​ …

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Team Australia: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!

Countdown to PyeongChang 2018 [flipclock countdown=”true” date=”9th February 2018″ face=”days” name=”countdown”] PyeongChang, host to the 2018 Winter Olympics – the …

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Newsletter – April 6, 2017

His Holiness the Dalai Lama & Master JinBodhi | China, Sweden, Slovenia Click HERE to see this newsletter from our …

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Project van PyeongChang om de hondenvlees restaurants te verbergen voor de bezoekers aan de Olympische Winterspelen!!

Pyeongchang’s project to hide the Dog Meat Restaurants from Olympic visitors! in Dutch. Click HERE to watch TV news about …

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His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, please speak out against the brutal dog meat trade.

His Holiness The Dalai Lama is a highly revered spiritual leader of Tibet and a human rights activist known throughout …

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Team China: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!

Countdown to PyeongChang 2018 [flipclock countdown=”true” date=”9th February 2018″ face=”days” name=”countdown”] PyeongChang, host to the 2018 Winter Olympics – the …

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Meditation Master JinBodhi, please speak out against the brutal dog meat trade.

Master JinBodhi is a highly revered founder of Bodhi Meditation and spiritual leader known around the world. Master JinBodhi founded …

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British Olympic Association responds regarding PyeongChang 2018

We received the response below from the British Olympic Association(BOA) on March 27, 2018 regarding our campaign asking BOA take …

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