
KARA discloses results of their investigation of ‘meat dog farms’ at press conference.

Click HERE and click on “170622_식용 개농장 실태조사 배포자료 (최종).hwp” to download the detail report from KARA (in Korean).

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[Joint press conference] The press conference to publicly disclose the state of the world’s only ‘meat dog farms’

KARA Press Conf on dog farm survey1

This is translation of Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA)’s post. Click HERE for KARA’s post.

South Korea is the only country in the world that farms dogs for meat!

– In South Korea, there are at least 2,862 ‘meat dog’ farms, breeding 781,740 dogs for human consumption.
– There are 422 large- scale dog farms with more than 500 dogs.
– The yearly average of only 3.64 dog farms (‘meat dog’ and pet dog farms) are inspected by local government.
– There is a need for public opinion (consensus) for phased closure of ‘meat dog farms’.

At a time when 10 million Koreans are sharing their homes with companion animals, more than 1 million dogs are slaughtered annually at 3,000 of the “world’s only dog meat farms”.

It would not be an exaggeration to call these meat dog farms “companion animal slaughterhouses.”

These statistics, however, may be low and the breeding environment and slaughtering process of dogs is unregulated.

While dog meat consumption still exists in countries like China and Vietnam, South Korea is the only country with farms that breed dogs continually, and where large farms housing more than 1,000 dogs are in operation for the purpose of human consumption. These animals are confined their entire lives to tiny steel raised wire cages before they are slaughtered and eaten.

To gain an understanding of the meat dog farms that operate in the darkness of no governmental regulation, Representative Lee Jeong-Mi of the Justice Party and animal rights group Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA; Im Soon-Lye, director) requested data from the Ministry of Environment on dog farms that are required to submit reports for the livestock manure treatment facility and conducted analysis.

Based on this data, KARA conducted field investigations in sample areas including Gyeonggi-do Gimpo and Yeoju, Gangwon-do Wonju, Gyeongsangbuk-do Gimcheon for 10 months beginning August 2016 and inspected the state of the breeding conditions and livestock manure treatment status of these dog farms.

As a result, it was confirmed that there are at least 2,862 dog farms in South Korea that are over 60 square meters and therefore are required to file livestock manure treatment facility reports.

At least 781,740 dogs were being bred on these dog farms, with an average of 273 dogs per farm.

There will be a significant increase in the total number of dog farms if the un-reported small to medium size farms that are less than 60 square meters as well as the farms located in the mountainous areas and remote places are included in the total.

Taking in account the dog farms that are not included in the statistics, it is estimated that more than one million dogs are distributed annually for human consumption.

Each year in our country’s animal shelters, about 32,000 lost or abandoned pets who are not reunited with their families are euthanized or die, an average of 88 dogs per day. In comparison, an estimated 2,740 dogs are slaughtered at dog farms every day for human consumption.

The number of dogs being slaughtered for human consumption is 30 times greater than the number of abandoned or lost dogs dying in shelters!

Since there are no licensed slaughterhouses, as there are for cows and pigs, most of the slaughtering of dogs for human consumption is conducted on individual farms. It is presumed that the dogs are slaughtered right on dog farms or at slaughterhouses called “workshops” and distributed as food.

Assessing the number of dog farms, Gyeonggi-do province has an overwhelming 744 farms, accounting for 26% of the total number of dog farms in the nation, followed by ▲Gyeongsangbuk-do province (396 farms, 13.8%), ▲Chungcheongbuk-do province (379 farms, 13.2%), ▲Chungcheongnam-do province (372 farms, 13%) and ▲Jeollanam-do province (197 farms, 6.9%).

In Gyeonggi-do, dog farms are concentrated in Yeoju, Pocheon, Icheon, in Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gimcheon, Gyeongju, Seongju, Andong, and in Chungcheongbuk-do, Chungju and Eumseong.

Reviewing the reported number of dogs bred in these farms, Gyeonggi-do overwhelmingly ranked 1st with 221,504 (28.3%), followed by ▲Chungcheongbuk-do (125,052, 16%), ▲Chungcheongnam-do (99,900, 12.8%), ▲Gyeongsangbuk-do (94,434, 12.1%) and ▲Jeollanam-do (63,537, 8.1%).

KARA dog farm survey map_translation

The breakdown by province of the average number of dogs bred in dog farms is Chungcheongbuk-do 330, Jeollanam-do 323, Jeollabuk-do 305, Jeju-do 301, Gyeonggi-do 297.7 and Sejong 273.7 respectively, all being higher than the nationwide average of 273.

There are over 77 factory corporate dog farms (2.7%) nationwide that breed more than 1,000 dogs each.

Considering the fact that the dogs are freely bred in dog farms and the number of dogs reported is inaccurate, when the farms that breed more than 500 dogs are added it is estimated that there are 422 factory dog farms in Korea nationwide.

The reported numbers of factory dog farms with more than 1,000 dogs are in the order of Chungcheongbuk-do (21), Gyeonggi-do (18), Jeollabuk-do (11) and Chungcheongnam-do (10).

The reported number of farms with more than 500 dogs were in the order of Gyeonggi-do (139), Chungcheongbuk-do (65), Chungcheongnam-do (49), Gyeongsangbuk-do (45) and Jeollanam-do (43).

The reported large dog farms with over 500 dogs accounted for 14.7% of the total number of dog farms, and the number of dogs at these farms accounted for 40.5% of the total.

This is a factory-breeding model of companion animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Dog farm breeding environment

In all farms, the dogs were kept in tiny off-the-ground battery cages where the animal’s feet, and the entire legs of puppies, fell through the holes of the steel netting floors. Urine and feces also dropped through the holes, piling up on the ground below.

Even at temperatures over 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), none of the 20 dog farms we visited had water in any of the cages.

We saw dogs cruelly confined in cages narrower than the length of their bodies, forced to always stand in one direction or not able to stretch out.

In this day and age of 10 million companion animals, and the need for protection of animals is more accepted, regulations for the companion animals production industry are being strengthened with registration requirements. Yet widespread animal cruelty is routinely being perpetrated upon companion animals in these ‘meat’ dog farms.

The State of Government’s Management of Dog Farms

At least one million dogs are being raised for slaughter on these ‘meat’ dog farms, but the government’s management only involves the inspection of manure treatment.

Of the 2,862 dog meat farms, the disposal methods reported by the farms nationwide consisted of 2,518 farms composting; 133 disposing through public methods; 28 disposing through farming unions; with no response from 183 farms.

Composting, at 99%, was the highest method of disposal, but it is likely that in reality the feces was left to pile up under the raised wire cages, attracting insects and causing a stench and it was percolating into the ground.

As an example, one farm in Yeoju reported composting as a method of manure disposal, but the 2017 KARA field investigation showed that the manure was rotting, liquefied and percolating into the ground.

However, during their 2015 inspection, this farm was not cited for violation by the city of Yeoju.

It is therefore questionable whether dog farms are handling the manure disposal according to the method they have reported.

The total number of punitive measures for ‘meat’ dog farms for the years 2010 to 2016 was only 357 times (① punitive measures 135 times, ② reporting 190 times, ③ reporting and punitive measures 26 times, and ④training 6 times).

In that same time period, the number of dog farms required to file a report for manure treatment facilities and failing to do so was 148.

There is a large gap between these numbers and the lack of manure treatment facility that we saw in reality.

Over the past seven years, a total number of inspections for the 3,411 dog farms (2,862 meat dog farms, 549 non-meat dog breeding farms) was 5,758 and the total number of violations was 750 (13%).

This represents an average of 823 facilities annually were inspected.

For the large factory farms with over 1,000 dogs, 15 cases of violations were confirmed during 95 inspections, showing that the larger the farms the higher the violation rate (15.8%).

In particular, in 2016, the violation rate for over 1,000 dogs dog farms reached 47.1% (17 inspection, 8 violations).

Since there are total of 226 city/county/district (75 cities, 82 counties, 69 districts) in Korea, it represents that on average annually each city/county/district government inspected only 3.64 dog farms. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to state that the government’s management of manure treatment facility for dog farms is currently nonexistent.

Need for public opinion for gradual closure of dog farms

The proliferation of meat dog farms combined with the negligence of the South Korean government has led to the founding of factory style dog farms. It has created a reality where dogs no different than our companion animals are brutally killed on an average of 2,740 per day.

The government must accurately understand the state of the dog farms that have been neglected without any management system, and begin fulfilling their responsibility to protect animals by conducting animal protection inspections starting where the problem is most serious.

Since dogs are not fit for mass breeding, large-scale breeding itself is an animal cruelty.

To create a sustainable society in which humans and animals coexist, it is necessary to create a new culture appropriate to the current era in which there are 10 million pets.

To this end, it is necessary to start public discussions for the phased closure of dog meat farms in which animal cruelty is inherent. This public debate should proceed within a reasonable amount of time.

In addition to this survey on the current state of the dog farms, Representative Lee Jeong-Mi and KARA plan to reveal the results of the investigations on the breeding environment of these dog farms in early July.

We sincerely hope that today’s press conference will be the starting point of the public debate for the phased closure of ‘dog meat farms’.

KARA Press Conf on dog farm survey

June 22, 2017
Representative Jeong-Mi Lee, Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA)

Click HERE to read English article by The Korea Bizwire, “Over 1 Million Dogs Being Raised for Food in Appalling Conditions”.

  1. Deborah broadbent
    Deborah broadbentJune 27,17

    Now the truth is out there !!!! Korea u really need to change this ! I would NEVER step foot in your country ! u are a national disgrace on the world stage !!
    This whole practice is so disgusting to any thinking human !!! The cruelty u people show and lack of respect for living innocent dogs ,that are mans best friend is henious!!!!It is your goverments responisibly to stop this now and reeducate and educate the young generations thet this digusting practice has to stop ! The world is watching u !!!!!!

    • Miranda
      MirandaJune 27,17

      Well said Deborah.
      Absolutely agree 100%
      Am praying every day and every night that it will be closed for good !!

    • Fatma KIZIL
      Fatma KIZILJune 27,17

      well said.

    • Sheila Merry
      Sheila MerryJuly 3,17

      Deborah I couldn’t have put it better, I absolutely agree 100%

    • B Dobson
      B DobsonJune 30,20

      Yes absolutely right what a horrible country.

  2. Nina Council
    Nina CouncilJune 27,17

    In my way of thinking, it is absolutely criminal what is happening in Korea, China and other Asian countries. The cruelty is beyond comprehension, how can humans simply accept such horrendous torture and cruelty of these precious animals. The U.S. must place sanctions on countries which allow such abuses, it is insane, it is not human to allow these businesses to continue, in fact humans do not even need to eat meat, this is all unnecessary and must be ban. The U.S. must ban the idea of Korea hosting the Olympics, not until every dog meat business is shut down.

    • Miranda
      MirandaJune 27,17


  3. Nina Council
    Nina CouncilJune 27,17

    Korea cannot host the Olympics, not unless every ugly dog meat business is closed down. It is all insane that the human species can allow such torture and cruelty to continue, it is all incomprehensible. SHAME on humans, all must be outlawed. In fact the U.S. needs to place sanctions on all countries who eat dog meat also cat meat also horse meat. Humans do not need to eat our animal friends, it is all disgusting.

    • Nancy pointer
      Nancy pointerJune 27,17

      End this horrific practice!!

  4. Helena Saunders
    Helena SaundersJune 27,17

    Please please end this evil devil trade,it breaks my heart,I stopped buying,going,eating anything from your dog and cat meat Counties,You are cruel,never a day goes by that I do not cry,I am a vet,I love all animals,I must say your China,Asian is so cruel for any animals.But this dog meat trade is the world worst trade.????????????????????

  5. Fred Smith
    Fred SmithJune 27,17

    Please end this awful trade,My family and myself will never buy,go,or eat from your Counties again,it’s disgusting how u treat mans best friends,they are smart,save life’s,and we love them,nobody has a right to touchure dogs and cats this way,Dogs and cats are not food,not to be tourchured but to be love.

  6. Lee Jones
    Lee JonesJune 27,17

    i hope the Olympics will not be held in 2018
    This would be the tight justice for millions of Animals horribly sacrificed

  7. Dawn Beazer
    Dawn BeazerJune 27,17

    Korea hang your head in shame and China and all other dog eating countries !! They are man’s best friend and companion . The cruelty enflicted on them is beyond belief . Stop this barbarism now !! Korea must not host the Olympics while they are not worthy !!

  8. Rui Almeida
    Rui AlmeidaJune 27,17

    This is so desumane.
    How can they do that to our companion animals.
    Im vegan, have animals and i really cant think an argue to provocate this type of pain, suffering to the animals.

  9. Janet flann
    Janet flannJune 27,17

    Korea should not be allowed to host the Olympic Games. Ask people to not attend then that will hurt their pocket.

  10. wendy Forster
    wendy ForsterJune 27,17

    Please bring to an end tis horrific torture of cats and dogs. The whole world is shocked at the cruelty inflicted on these animals and many of them are pets of your own people.

    PETER WALDERJune 27,17


  12. Barb
    BarbJune 27,17


  13. Linda Langan
    Linda LanganJune 27,17

    Please keep up your wonderful work with saving these millions of dogs. My heart and prayers go to all of you for your generous work, and many challenges. The government has to listen to you and stop this totally. It has to be all or none. I hope that your country will show compassion, and become the first to make other people aware. Thank you. Linda Langan

  14. Terri
    TerriJune 27,17

    I think it’s the most sicking thing, that I have heard of, to kill animals of dogs & cats, these so called people are satan they should stand trial for killing dogs and do hard labor. there is no excuse for what they are doing. May God have mercy on their souls. they all will end up in Hell for this.

  15. Jen
    JenJune 27,17

    Thank you ❤️ For standing up for the voiceless innocence of these beings! I hope that this education wakes people up! I wish you the best in life thank you

  16. freddie williams
    freddie williamsJune 27,17

    Boycott the Olympics, boycott Korea, until this heinous industry is shut down. NOW!

  17. Peggy Herlihy
    Peggy HerlihyJune 27,17

    The cruelty exercised on these poor creatures is just unthinkable.
    Dogs have been such a huge help to mankind. They should
    not be abused in any fashion. What you are doing to these creatures is absolutely disgusting.
    I cannot purchase any items in stores made in these countries knowing how they treat
    living, feeling creatures.

  18. Pavana Naidoo
    Pavana NaidooJune 27,17

    Korea should not be able to host the olympics. The dog meat trade must stop now.. too.many innocent lives have been lost. Humans bred dogs as companions and now we have nations that have turned them into food and trade. Its a disgrace. We have failed our furry friends dismally.

  19. Michelle Phillips
    Michelle PhillipsJune 27,17

    Proof that most of the world, Korea in this case, has yet to evolve. Ignorance and barbarism like this does not cannot exist in a civilized world. My husband and I are world travelers, and we never will visit Korea until they outlaw and close every dog/cat farm.

  20. Hilary Graham
    Hilary GrahamJune 27,17

    I have long since ceased to buy any product ” Made in South Korea ” and I strongly advocate boycotting the Winter Olympics!! All in all – these creatures involved in this abhorrent ” trade ” are no more than filthy despicable scum!! They are NOT human in any shape or form!!

  21. Janice Giampaoli
    Janice GiampaoliJune 27,17

    This is positively appalling and sickening!!! The South Korean government is actually doing very little to nothing to stop this atrocity toward “man’s best friend.” I’d boycott that country in every sense of the word, and if they are in severe threat by North Korea, I don’t care anymore. I realize a lot of innocent people would die, but millions of innocent, helpless dogs and cats are dying gruesome, despicable deaths to put it mildly!!!!! My sympathy is at an all time low for this country. I realize there are those who are fighting against it, but from this report, the impact is minimal! I am a staunch vegetarian, and I fight against all animal abuse, including the horrible factory farming in our country (USA), but frankly, the Dog Meat trade makes Factory Farming look mild compared to what they do, and Factory Farming is brutal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am absolutely incensed by this report. These people must have very little emotion to engage in this type of brutality. It’s evil, satanic and heartless! God help those precious dogs and cats, and may these people get their own! Meanwhile, I will continue to fight the fight to help end this.

  22. Amy
    AmyJune 27,17

    There is so much more they needed to know, why only expand on the handling of manure? There was a brief explanation of their living conditions (and that they had no water, but no mention of food at all). I saw nothing at all about the systemic torture the dogs endure, such as boiling alive, cutting off their feet, skinning them alive, etc. Why was this not included? Also, will whatever legislation may come of this also cover cats? They are kept in the same conditions for the same purposes. I am hoping there will be more of these press conferences where officials will hear a more descriptive account of what is happening (hopefully including videos). These barbaric practices have no place in any civilized society. How civilized they are remains to be seen, at this point I put them at the level of a caveman, or actually, below.

  23. lisa
    lisaJune 27,17

    This has to stop. Eating dog is just horrible….and just sick. These dogs are innocent and don’t deserve this, all they want is love not death.

  24. Fatma KIZIL
    Fatma KIZILJune 27,17

    I think the hypocritical behaivor of Koreans on this issue makes the change even more diffucult. They just ignore this cruelty or act like it is not a common practice. You can see their comments on sites like youtube about videos dog meat farms, and they generally argue that it is only common for older generations to eat dogs etc. But the above numbers say otherwise. The other excuse they use is culture card. You cannot use culture card if that culture turns the life of the innocent creatures into hell. Cultures change, it is called progress. Hundreds years ago to sacrife humans was also part of the culture in some part of the world. That did not make it right.

    • Damon Hunter
      Damon HunterJune 27,17

      hit the nail on the head with your synopsis Fatima.

  25. Elisabeth Mattsson
    Elisabeth MattssonJune 27,17

    Very true spoken words Debora!?

  26. Yolanda Mata
    Yolanda MataJune 27,17

    You’re all some sick ass! I refuse to call you people or humans because you’re neither. Their has to be laws for these helpless animals. They protect us… why can’t you protect them? Make your own laws for the better. We all share this planet & each & every one of us are blessed to be here. No matter the country… we’re all one. Laws need to be made where no matter what part of the world this is happening too… their has to be a punishment for it!!!

  27. Pamela
    PamelaJune 27,17

    Please stop the slaughter of dogs at these farms, These are companion animals and are very loving. Just think how you would feel in a Cannibal country . You would want someone to rescue you. Please close all of these inhumane farms, and Love these dogs as they should be loved. Eat something else.

  28. DAN LEON
    DAN LEONJune 27,17


  29. Elaine Alexander
    Elaine AlexanderJune 27,17

    I would never visit these backward countries for what they do to these poor defenceless wee dogs – these people should be shot for the pain and suffering inflicted on these poor dogs. It is barbaric and totally senseless in this day and age, dogs are pets and should be kept as such – not tortured and eaten like this. This horrific practice should have been stopped a long time ago. If there is a government of such, please show some compassion and let these dogs have their freedom so that they might get good homes where they belong.

  30. Everson darbeville
    Everson darbevilleJune 27,17

    Os fedorentos sul -coreanos que comam capim, lesmas e/ou moscas e baratas para matar sua fomes exóticas. – Melhor, parem de se reproduzir e livrem a humanidade de sua infeliz existência.

  31. Lyn
    LynJune 29,17

    Koreans please question what harm your doing here. This is heartbreaking. Before you eat again, visit a dog farm and demand to see what you are really eating. I promise you will see sadness in the dogs eyes, tears and fear. Heartbreak as a mother is pulled away from her babies to be slaughtered for your plate. A sweet soul is deprived of love and compassion and consumed. It’s poison. Show kindness and pat the dogs, learn about the soul your consuming.
    No animal whether owned as a pet or a stray should ever be eaten.
    I’ve always viewed eating dog/pig/cat etc meat as cannabinolism. Really what difference is there between eating human flesh as opposed to any animal? What the hell are we doing? They think, they feel, they express emotions. Seriously we shouldn’t be eating any flesh. It’s sick. It’s will behaviour.
    And it’s something most people have never stopped to question purely only for the reason that meat was fed to us as babies by our parents that we trust.
    And they were also fed flesh when they were babies. It’s nothing more than a habit, and an expensive and destructive one.
    As we want Koreans to stop and think about the harm they’re doing, we all need to do the same.

  32. Jules Weiss
    Jules WeissJune 29,17

    The sign of a civilized country is how they treat those who have no voice…..Yes, factory farming in the U.S. and else where is horrible, but pales in
    comparison with the brutality and sadism of countries engaged in the dog meat trade…!!!! Those nations and people complicit in this, are barbarous
    beyond belief…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. zulma reyes
    zulma reyesJune 29,17

    I don’t eat chinese food no more everything i buy i check the label and if is make in any of those countries i won’t buy it

  34. Chantal Vergnault
    Chantal VergnaultJune 29,17


  35. Malveena Hanley
    Malveena HanleyJuly 5,17

    I hope and pray the horror will end soon these beautiful creatures should not suffer such pain.

  36. Tracey loisz
    Tracey loiszJuly 25,17

    Please government protect these animals from this horror

  37. Anita Jones-Bucyk
    Anita Jones-BucykAugust 2,17

    Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Hobart, Darwin, Adelaide, all of Australia, use your voice, speak to businesses, spread the word and send a message to South Korea/Korea that we boycott business with them. Pressure the Government to enforce the animal rights laws. Support the South Korean animal rights activists who are at the front line exhausting their every avenue to stop this barbaric trade in their country. The South Korean’s don’t want this and they need our help to get the Government to comply with and enforce the animal rights and liberation laws. Spread the word. The world is already at a loss with the cats and dogs we have already lost and by such horrific cruelty and suffering. Stop further loss. Spread the word and use your people power to bring an end to this nightmare.

  38. robert swift
    robert swiftFebruary 14,19

    you can see the character of a person by how they treat animals and each of us will reap what we sow and the justice will prevail.Be wise,be kind

  39. Sharon Tan
    Sharon TanFebruary 16,19

    Please Stop this cruelty as soon as possible. We don’t want any more dogs and cats gone through this horrific life.They aren’t human meal,they are our lovely pets and children. No more this cruelty please !!!!


    please stop that

    • Ranay Peck, M.S.Ed.
      Ranay Peck, M.S.Ed.March 13,19

      We will no longer travel to your country unless this is stopped.

  41. debra riddle
    debra riddleApril 3,19

    Thank you for your comment. I agree totally. It brings so much hate & shame to these countries where there are so many decent animal lovers & activists but i would have thought more asians would be more asians speaking up against this animal holocaust. This has changed my life forever, haunting my mind day & night. I have two rescue babies & i hold them very close

  42. Antonella Barnes
    Antonella BarnesJanuary 28,20

    I am a member of various animal rights and every time I read and see images of any animal my heart breaks and I get really upset. Dogs are very intelligent and have the mental capability of a 3 year old in human brain, so they know exactly what is going on around them and they know what happens to their mates and what is going to happen to them. Please Korea, stop this cruel nasty inhuman primitive dogs farms.

  43. Ginger Neimo
    Ginger NeimoSeptember 27,20

    People still need to visit these countries as other wise the animals will suffer in silence and no one will know what is going on. While in the country put your complaint forwards to the proper authorities. When I sign these petitions I cannot look at the horrible pictures of these animals. THIS IS HELL ON EARTH… and how dare some people use that term for themselves to make a point- unless they too are suffering like thee animals.

    DORA HARDEGGERNovember 25,21

    Hundreds of thousands of animal lovers boycott all products from South Korea and boycott South Korea as tourists as long as there are dog meat markets and as long as dog meat is eaten

    Hundreds of thousands of animal lovers boycott all products from South Korea and boycott South Korea as tourists as long as there are dog meat markets and as long as dog meat is eaten

    Hundreds of thousands of animal lovers boycott all products from South Korea and boycott South Korea as tourists as long as there are dog meat markets and as long as dog meat is eaten


  45. Dora Hardegger
    Dora HardeggerNovember 25,21

    Korea ist eine internationale Schande! Ein solcher Schandfleck müsste mitsamt dem Hundeschlächterpack von der Landkarte verschwinden und nie mehr wieder erscheinen!

  46. Cora Harder
    Cora HarderNovember 25,21

    Was sind das für Höllenmonster, die Hunde und auch Katzen zu Tode foltern. Vielleicht werden diese Höllenmonster einst auch zu Tode gefoltert wenn die Ernte ihrer Saat kommt. Es ist zu hoffen, dass solche Höllenmonster nie mehr Lebesrecht haben.

  47. linda
    lindaJuly 18,22

    Years and years of writing phoning emailing signing petitions and that does not stop them.The disregard of law in their country speaks volumes. The fear the pain the brutal heartless peasants need to be stopped . No respect for nature and a disgrace to humanity !

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