
2017 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York

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Boknal Demo Day 3_NY Korean Consulate_the Animals' Battalion
Thank you, The Animals’ Battalion for giving a voice to the animals of South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Trade!!! Day 3 Demonstration: August 16, 2016. Photo: The Animals’ Battalion.

The Animals’ Battalion will be holding a series of demonstrations for the third year in a row, in New York City, outside the South Korean Consulate, to make that Government aware of how strongly we abhor their indifference to the mass cruelty and suffering inflicted on sentient animals, within the dog and cat meat trades; and also of the failure of that Government to bring about an end to these evil trades.

Click HERE for more info on The Animals’ Battalion 2017 ‘Boknal’ Demonstrations in New York.

In mutual support with the Animals’ Battalion, and, no matter where you are in the world, we really hope that you can show your support and make your feelings known, by joining us to be part of ‘one voice’: we are asking you to take part in a telephone and mail ‘blitz’ at the same time as these demonstrations are being held, to back them up by getting your own message across to the South Korean Embassy within your country; details of which you can find here: You can also find any updated information HERE.

These are the dates, and information on the three events:

Day 1: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 . Click HERE to join.

Day 2: Friday, July 21, 2017. Click HERE to join.

Day 3: Friday August 11, 2017. Click HERE to join.

  • Send letter:
    South Korean Embassy in Washington DC
    2450 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.
    Washington DC
    District of Columbia 20008
  • Website:
  • US Telephone Embassy: 1-202-939-5600
    US Telephone New York Consulate General: 1-646-674-6000
  • US Fax: 1-202-797-0595
  • Email for New York Consulate: [email protected]; [email protected];
    Click HERE for email addresses of all Korean embassies and consulates!
  • Whether writing or telephoning, here is an idea of the wording you can use:

  • For written protests:

    Subject: The South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Trades

    Dear Sir, or Madam,

    I am contacting you today, as I wish to register my strongest protest to the indifference you, your countrymen and your government show to the suffering and cruelty that is carried out, by many people, within the dog and cat meat trades.

    This cruelty and suffering must end, and I cannot see it ending until your country puts a complete stop to these aberrant trades – trades which have no place in any modern day society.

    South Korea is a country that boasts a wealth of high-profile companies, with a 14th GDP rating; and if it still wishes to be seen as a modern, forward-thinking, civilized society, then your government must rethink its policy on allowing these illegal and unjustifiable trades to continue.

    I sincerely implore your government to immediately begin policing and enforcing your animal protection laws; and, until it brings about the end to both the dog and cat meat trades, I will boycott all forms of tourism, all products, and all services from your country; and I will urge others to do the same.

  • For telephone protests:

    We recommend that the best way forward, when calling an Embassy, is to politely ask to speak to a representative who has the authority to talk about the dog and cat meat trades within South Korea. The representative may well deny all knowledge of any illegality/wrong doing within these trades, or say that they are unable to help on this issue. If they are not forthcoming, then you might make the following statement or similar wording of your own – and please ask them to keep a record of your call and what you have said.

    “As an animal lover, and part of a high-profile animal rights group, which has supporters across the globe, I wish to register my deep concern about the unregulated, cruel and abusive dog and cat meat trades with your country, South Korea.

    I sincerely ask that your government immediately begins policing and enforcing your animal protection laws; and until it brings about a permanent end to both the dog and cat meat trades, I will boycott all forms of tourism, all products, and all services from South Korea; and I will urge others to do the same.”

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  1. Denise. Anthony
    Denise. AnthonyApril 28,17

    Please help stop this barbaric cruelty towards companion animals this treatment is heartbreaking beyond comprehension there need to put laws to protect animals a from this evil act isn’t it beyond comprehension the way this is carried on we are in 217and these countries should step up like the rest of the world and have laws in place for justice for these poor mistreatment of beautiful innocent animals thank you I pray you will help with great respect mrs Denise anthony

    • Iris Acheson
      Iris AchesonJuly 12,17

      I am in tears…that these poor babies have to suffer @ the hands of insane people. They should all be locked up. They are not safe to be walking the earth… The mistreatment of poor animals.

      • Sylvia Guerra
        Sylvia GuerraJuly 18,17

        HELP!!! S.O.S!!! AYUDA!!! AID!!! PLEASE!!!

        • Janice Giampaoli
          Janice GiampaoliJuly 21,17

          Yes, I feel your pain! It is unfathomable what these people, in this industry, do to these precious, innocent, defenseless animals. Also, that the people of South Korea would engage by allowing it and/or eating the meat of these animals. It is bad enough the America has factory farms, which many of us fight against and protest (I am a vegetarian), but the dog/cat meat trade, from what I can see, and have read, is worse!!!! We must continue to fight to end this atrocity toward these precious beings. The people of South Korea and China are very very ignorant as to the value of these animals, and what they provide in terms of TLC, therapy to disabled persons and helping in wars and solving crimes. They are man’s best friend, and they seem totally ignorant of that fact!!!!!

    • Tammy
      TammyJuly 25,17

      Thank you for you compassion and lovely written comment. Animals need protection from humans. We love animals to the moon and back and this so enrages one’s soul.

    • Marina Mercado
      Marina MercadoAugust 30,17

      I think that the best way to help them is by doing exactly what the KoreanDogs Org is instructing us to do. Read their instructions thoroughly. There is a lot to do!. Let’s get to work in an organized way in our countries. We have to put to work our friends and communities on this.

  2. Gudrun Brante
    Gudrun BranteMay 2,17

    Stop the cruel and barbaric treatment against dogs and cats

    • Sylvia Guerra
      Sylvia GuerraJuly 18,17

      HELP!!! S.O.S!!! AYUDA!!! AID!!! PLEASE!!!

  3. Gudrun Brante
    Gudrun BranteMay 2,17

    Stop the cruel and barbaric treatment against animals and stop eating dogs and cats

    • Sylvia Guerra
      Sylvia GuerraJuly 18,17

      HELP!!! S.O.S!!! AYUDA!!! AID!!! PLEASE!!!

  4. Klaus Buehring
    Klaus BuehringMay 2,17

    Please help stop this barbaric cruelty towards companion animals this treatment is heartbreaking beyond comprehension there need to put laws to protect animals a from this evil act isn’t it beyond comprehension the way this is carried on we are in 217and these countries should step up like the rest of the world and have laws in place for justice for these poor mistreatment of beautiful innocent animals thank you I pray you will help with great respect mrs Denise anthony
    Greetings from Germany
    Klaus Buehring

  5. Joe Jones
    Joe JonesMay 3,17


  6. Darlene Markovich
    Darlene MarkovichMay 3,17

    Please join us in showing kindness to all dogs and cats. Thank you

    DAN LEONJune 17,17


  8. Linda Segal
    Linda SegalJuly 11,17

    It’s time to end the dog/cat dog meat trade. Please speak to president Moon to create animal cruelty laws and enforce them. It must stop..

    • Janice Giampaoli
      Janice GiampaoliJuly 12,17

      Yes, that is what I said below. I have emailed President Moon three times along with everything else!

  9. Jacqueline Sealey
    Jacqueline SealeyJuly 11,17

    “Anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives.”
    “We must never permit the voice of humanity within us to be silenced. It is man’s sympathy with all creatures that first makes him truly a man.”

    “Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace. Albert Schweitzer

    -Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)

    • Janice Giampaoli
      Janice GiampaoliJuly 12,17

      This quote is ever so true, and is my own personal philosophy on all living things.

  10. Tanya Urago
    Tanya UragoJuly 12,17

    I will phone both the Embassy & Consulate in NY today 12 July 2017, and also send an email….with you in spirit and solidarity from Western Australia…thank you!

  11. Nino
    NinoJuly 12,17

    Please have a heart and stop killing and torturing innocent animals.
    This is cruel and subhuman behaviour!

  12. Jeanette Coeburn
    Jeanette CoeburnJuly 12,17

    Dogs and cats should be loved, not eaten.

    • admin
      adminJuly 12,17

      Dear Jeanette, I made my calls to the New York Korean Consulate General’s office and the Korean Embassy in Washington DC and it felt so good!! Please add your voice:
      These dogs don’t have a voice but you do so if you care, you should speak for them.

  13. Jan Jorczak
    Jan JorczakJuly 12,17

    During this phone blitz, I tried to call both phone numbers – US Embassy 1-202-797-0595 and NY Consolate 1-646-674-6000. Left a message at the US Embassy (no one ever answered), the other one was quite ridiculous and confusing. I pressed all the # the operator said (who I couldn’t understand) and there was nothing. Ext #2 said was an invalid number. I get the feeling that they absolutely don’t want any contact concerning the DMT.

    • admin
      adminJuly 12,17

      Dear Jan, thank you for taking action for the dogs and your perseverance. I was able to talk to live person for both Consulate and Embassy and made my point very clear. Yes, they don’t want to talk about this and they just want to ignore it but we must not let them because dogs are in HELL in Korea. Please keep up the great work and keep fighting for the voiceless Korean dogs. Thank you!!

  14. Janice Giampaoli
    Janice GiampaoliJuly 12,17

    I called the consulate number and left a message and I sent an email posted on this site, but added my own personal comments too. I had a very hard time getting through to the US Embassy number. When I did, she gave me another number to call that’s been disconnected. I also Tweeted all the Tweets that were listed (about 20). Please continue to fight by making calls, emailing officials here and in South Korea, signing petitions and tweeting. and sharing. I’ve been fighting against this atrocity for years!!!!! It’s a slow process, but we MUST continue to fight to save these precious animals. They are so valuable in every way!!!!!!

    • admin
      adminJuly 12,17

      Dear Janice, Thank you so much. Please keep up the fight until the Korean dogs are freed from brutality!!

      • Janice Giampaoli
        Janice GiampaoliJuly 12,17

        Absolutely, I’m on a mission!

  15. R Adkins
    R AdkinsJuly 12,17

    Animals don’t belong to us, they really don’t. They belong to God. You really wouldn’t abuse something belonging to someone ellse. When the master returns we will be judged on how we treat creatures on this earth.

  16. Janice Giampaoli
    Janice GiampaoliJuly 12,17

    By the way, the email I sent was kicked back to me; the NY consulate. So, I’m sending a letter in the mail to Washington, DC, District of Columbia.

    • admin
      adminJuly 12,17

      Hi Janice,
      I called the consulate office and they told me that email is good but yes, my email returned undelivered. So I am guesing they have a filter that filters out all emails about the dog meat trade. I got another email that we can use. [email protected]. Use this one and the guy at the IT promised that he will deliver them to the Consulate General. Thank you!!

  17. Dan
    DanJuly 12,17

    Humans are heading in the very wrong direction! Please WAKE UP! These superbly creatures have feelings and emotions similar to us, the human animals. Please STOP IT !!!!!!!

  18. Ewa Dillberg
    Ewa DillbergJuly 12,17

    It´s terrible

  19. Robin W
    Robin WJuly 12,17

    I don’t understand why they can’t end this already. this is all the Asian Nations they just had it in China and now its SoKorea

  20. Candice Gordon
    Candice GordonJuly 12,17

    I copied and pasted all 3 letters (2 were in English and one in Korean). I faxed all 3 separately to the South Korean Embassy and mailed each separately to the South Korean Embassy also. I will fax these letters again throughout this month during the protests. This Industry/Trade is disgusting, cruel, inhumane, evil and heartbreaking. It must stop now.!!!

    • admin
      adminJuly 12,17

      Dear Candice, Thank you so much!!

  21. elena golubeva
    elena golubevaJuly 13,17

    It’s time to end the dog/cat dog meat trade. Please speak to president Moon to create animal cruelty laws and enforce them. It must stop..

  22. Marco Hanker
    Marco HankerJuly 13,17

    It’s time to end the dog/cat dog meat trade. Please speak to president Moon to create animal cruelty laws and enforce them. It must stop..

  23. Karla
    KarlaJuly 14,17

    We shouldn’t been raising a generation without emphasis for others, it takes what make us human , and where the world human means , for me means to be the most humaniry ass I can be.

  24. Sasha Patrick
    Sasha PatrickJuly 21,17

    I’ve sent emails to the whole list of embassies and most of them have been sent back! I am so sick of these people ignoring any attempt to stop this horror!

  25. Kimberly Guarneri
    Kimberly GuarneriJuly 22,17

    Please stop this dog and cat meat trade in our country, there is no need for it and the horrific and cruel treatment and deaths these poor animals must suffer at our countrymen hands is co cruel its impossible to think about without crying for hours , without a doubt it needs to stop today !

  26. Lisa Blanck
    Lisa BlanckJuly 22,17

    One country needs to step up to the plate to end this barbaric practice. Why should it not be South Korea who can lead the way?

  27. Martina Capannini
    Martina CapanniniJuly 22,17

    Email addresses of all Korean embassies and consulates don’t work, they came back

  28. alessandra
    alessandraJuly 22,17


  29. alessandra
    alessandraJuly 22,17


  30. Deniz
    DenizJuly 24,17

    Stop this cruelty!!!!

  31. G. Cramer
    G. CramerJuly 28,17

    We should all protest in our own countries and make this global!!!!!

  32. Lisa Allis
    Lisa AllisSeptember 10,17

    This is absolutely sickening and barbaric. These psychopaths are dangerous to everyone. If they do this to animals, they will do it to humans. Korea is a disgusting and disgraceful country. It is backward and cruel. It’s people have no soul, if they let this go on and turn a blind eye to the cruel and sickening dog meat trade. And what kind of scum actually EAT the dog meat? Low life forms is what they are! Korea is breeding a nation of psychopaths. They must be stopped now.

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