
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘영양탕’

Leafleting and Informational Event on South Korean Dog Meat Trade – August 16, 2015 – San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf

We had another amazing day of giving a voice to the voiceless South Korean dogs and cats. A big thank …

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Evan Longoria of the Tampa Bay Rays Baseball Team has joined the team!!!!

Written and shared by Bob Heisler. Click HERE to see the photos from Bob’s Facebook page. EVAN LONGORIA OF THE …

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Anri’s petition letter for the Seoul Anti-Dog Meat Campaign 2015

To the relevant department in the South Korean Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, We, undersigned, are all international …

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National Assemblyman Cheol-Woo Lee’s Support of Gimcheon Dog Farmers

This is a translation of the June 23, 2015 posting on Korea Animal Rights Advocates‘s Website: 김천개농장주 허가 불허에 행정심판구하고 …

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Second response from the Busan Bukbu Office of Education regarding the Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market

The Busan Bukbu Office of Education sent official correspondence to both the Busan Bukgu District office and the Busan Bukbu …

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Leafleting and Informational Event on South Korean Dog Meat Trade – July 5, 2015 – San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf

Thank you Kathy, Don, Lucia, Liliana, Elizabeth, Iris, Alan and Giny for your dedication to help end the horrific South …

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Sister City Campaign – Gunsan, South Korea

Update: 9/12/2018. Tacoma, Washington, and Windsor, Canada: Tell Sister City, Gunsan, South Korea, That you oppose the torture and consumption …

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Activist assaulted by dog trader at the Seoul Gyeongdong Dog Meat Market

An anti-dog meat trade activist group, SaveKoreanDogs, based in Seoul, South Korea suffered an assault to one of its members. …

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Is UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon powerless or just shamefully Indifferent?

We received a response from the United Nations for the letter we sent on May 15, 2015 to Secretary General …

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Leafleting and Informational Event on South Korean Dog Meat Trade – June 7, 2015 – San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf

Thank you Daniela, Buster Posey(the golden retriever), Kathy, Don, Jia Hue, Giny, Sharaun, Milo, Skittles and her mommy, Sung and …

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[Campaign Replaced] Sister State Campaign – Jeollabuk-do, South Korea

Update 11/21/21: This campaign is replaced by the below campaigns: 👉 Sister State Campaign – Jeollabuk Province, South Korea – …

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Puppies rescued from being boiled alive in Cheonan!

Yes, puppies and kittens are still being boiled alive in South Korea – the nation of global brands such as …

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