
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘Cat Soju’

Young animal rights activist radio host speaks out against the South Korean dog meat trade!

Source: Fans of K-Storm Facebook Page, 7/20/14. Kevin Storm is a young vegan animal rights activist who hosts “The Kevin …

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Leafleting and Informational Event on South Korean Dog Meat Trade – June 22, 2014 – San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf

Five seasoned volunteer animal advocates handed out over 1,000 leaflets on this beautiful Sunday at one of the most visited …

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International Animal Rights Organization demands stopping of dog slaughter

Source: t-broad Busan News, 4/17/14. International Animal Rights Organization demands stopping of dog slaughter [Caption] Anchor: The Gupo Livestock …

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International animal protection organization debates on dog meat at the Busan Gupo Market

This is a translation of Yonhap News article on April 17, 2014: International animal protection organization debates on dog meat …

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From KARA: Great news has arrived!

This is a translation of posting on KARA(Korea Animal Rights Advocates)’s website: Great news has arrived! The Prosecutor’s Office has …

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[Update] Illegal sale of animals at Gupo Market – Case turned over to the Prosecutor’s Office!

This is a translation of the April 7, 2014 posting on Busan KAPCA(Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to …

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[Update] Illegal sale of animals at Gupo Market – Case turned over to the Prosecutor’s Office! (In Korean)

구포개시장 앞에서 양파망에 넣어 불법으로 동물을 판매하는 현장사진입니다. 구포시장에 주말이나 장날이면 많은 불법노점상들이 나와 어린 동물들이나 기타 여러 동물들을 판매를 …

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[Update] Scene of dog hanging at the Busan Gupo market – Case turned over to the Prosecutor’s Office! (In Korean)

2014년 6월 26일. 구포개시장 도살사건 결과가 나왔습니다. 이 사건을 다들 기억하시죠? 구포개시장에서 개를 목매달아 때려죽이던 장면을 우연찮게 저희 부산동학방 기획팀에서 …

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[Update] Scene of a dog hanging at the Busan Gupo market – Case turned over to the Prosecutor’s Office!

[Update on June 26, 2014] This is a translation of the June 26, 2014 posting on Busan KAPCA(Korea Alliance for …

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Busan: KARA and Busan KAPCA rally against illegal puppy mills and dog slaughter

On March 6, about 40 members of Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) and Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of …

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President of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic, Jin-Sun Kim lies about the S. Korea’s dog meat consumption!

Honesty and Integrity must not mean much in S. Korean culture. President of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic, Jin-Sun Kim …

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Boycott PyeongChange 2018 Ad published on The St. Augustine Record

Animal rights activist, Bob Heisler, published an ad to boycott PyeongChang 2018 on newspaper, The St. Augustine Record on 2/24/2014. …

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