
Search Results for: ‘Lotte and Dog’

Rescued Dogs from Lotte Dog Farm – Contact the dog rescue organizations in the U.S. and Canada

✈️🐶CARE needs flight volunteers! 👉Click HERE to learn more. Video: Leo and his 197 friends, who escaped from slaughter, calling …

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CARE: Handmade dog clothing present made us cry.

Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) Most dogs that CARE rescues are large mixed breeds that are …

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Thank you note from ARK dog shelter in Korea and a request to consider donations.

Sharing for Animal Rights Korea (ARK) Shelter. Dear member of the Animal Rights Korea (ARK) family, We want to thank …

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💗 Donate to ARK Shelter and receive t-shirts or a Tribute page for your dog! 🐶👕

Have you taken your dog to a vet recently? I’m always surprised to learn how expensive it is to take …

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Please help ARK build a new shelter for the 160 dogs rescued from the dog farm.

Sharing for Animal Rights Korea (ARK) Shelter 👉 Click HERE to get the latest updates from ARK’s Facebook page. 👉 …

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Double your donation with a corporate matching gift for the Gyeyang Mountain Rescued Dog Shelter

Sharing for the Gyeyang Mountain Rescued Dog Shelter (계양산시민동물보호소/롯데목장개살리기시민모임). ⏰⏰⏰ The clock is ticking! ⏰⏰⏰ Give now to help provide …

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Double your donation with a corporate matching gift for the Gyeyang Mountain Rescued Dog Shelter

Sharing for the Gyeyang Mountain Rescued Dog Shelter (계양산시민동물보호소/롯데목장개살리기시민모임). Give now to help provide care for the 160 dogs rescued …

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Urgent Request: You Can Help Keep 170 Rescued Dogs Warm and Safe.

Sharing for the Gyeyang Mountain Rescued Dog Shelter (계양산시민동물보호소/롯데목장개살리기시민모임). 👉 Click HERE to see the previous posts about Gyeyang Mountain …

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Interview with Giny Woo, Founder: Stopping Dog Meat Trade in South Korea

Published on City Watch Los Angeles, July 26, 2021. ANIMAL RIGHTS – The organization has been working to end …

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Urgent Request: Monthly Donation is desperately needed at the Gyeyang Mountain Rescued Dog Shelter.

Sharing for the Gyeyang Mountain Rescued Dog Shelter (계양산시민동물보호소/롯데목장개살리기시민모임). 👉 Click HERE to see the previous posts about Gyeyang Mountain …

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Gyeyang Animal Shelter: Dogs rescued can be adopted

Sharing for Gyeyang Rescue Dog Shelter Civil Society Organization (Volunteers To Save The Dogs At The Lotte Dog Farm) …

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Sign Petition – Saving 253 dogs of the Mt. Gyeyang Dog Farm results in criminal charge with $6,500 fine

Sharing for Gyeyang Rescue Dog Shelter Civil Society Organization (Volunteers To Save The Dogs At The Lotte Dog Farm) 180 …

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