
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘고양이’ Educational Outreach at Memorial Park, Jacksonville, FL

Written and shared by Bob Heisler. Click HERE to see the photos from Bob’s Facebook page. We passed out leaflets …

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South Korea’s Dog Meat Cruelty-Response received from the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s Office

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to call, email, or write to United Nations Secretary General …

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Petition letters mailed – Los Angeles, Chicago, and Montréal(Canada)– Tell Sister City Busan to stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats!

We mailed petition letters for the petition, Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles, Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago and Mayor …

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Petition letters mailed – San Francisco, Washington DC, Honolulu – Tell Sister City Seoul to stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats!

We mailed petition letters for the petition, Mayor Kirk Caldwell of Honolulu, Mayor Ed Lee of San Francisco and Mayor …

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Petition letters mailed – Aurora, CO – Tell Sister City Seongnam to stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats!

We mailed petition letters for the petition, Aurora Mayor Steven Hogan and Aurora City Council Members: Please tell Sister City …

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Compassionate young Amiyah helps pass out leaflets and promotional items at Jacksonville, Florida’s Memorial Park on Jan 31, 2015.

Shared and written by Bob Heisler. Each of us have different talents that we can use to help lessen the …

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Sister City Campaign – Busan, South Korea

Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles, Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago and Mayor Denis Coderre of Montréal(Canada): Tell Sister City, …

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KARA wants the Moran market closed

This is a summary of Korea Animal Rights Advocates(KARA)’ announcement on January 16, 2015 on their homepage “농식품부는 방역총괄자로서 모란재래가축시장의 …

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Call for Action: File An Online Petition with the South Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism!

It is not enough to just boycott products made in South Korea. Until the South Korean government bans the torture …

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Petition letters sent to the United Nations Secretary General Ki-Moon Ban

Petition letters to the United Nations Secretary General Ki-Moon Ban and his six spokesperson were mailed by the U.S. Certified …

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Call for Action! Contact the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon (A South Korean National)!

The United Nations Secretary General Ban(Family Name) Ki-Moon(Given Name) is a South Korean National. We have been trying to get …

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Sister City Campaign – Seongnam, South Korea – Aurora, Colorado

Campaign updated on July 12, 2022. Aurora: Tell your Sister City, Seongnam, South Korea, that you are opposed to the …

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