
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘Nami Kim’

UK Animal Activists Protest at South Korean Embassy

Nami Kim, founder of, and her UK supporters protested at the Korean embassy in London on May 1, 2017 …

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Nami Kim Team tries to shut down dog farm with 300 puppies in Bucheon

On May 13, 2016 Nami Kim, her team, and the city of Bucheon’s animal welfare official visited a large dog …

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Victory! Incheon Kyesan Dog Farm to shut down and the launch of tax evasion investigation

Sharing from Nami Kim and her team‘s Facebook post on April 23, 2016. More good news! While the district office …

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Newsletter – March 16, 2016

  New shelter for the rescued dogs – Please donate! Sharing for Nami Kim and her team. Click HERE for the …

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Please nominate Nami Kim for CNN Heroes Award!

Sharing from the supporters of Nami Kim and her team. Hello all. Gary here. I am posting this again …

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Nami Kim team rescues from Bucheon dog farm (Part 2)

Sharing from Nami Kim and her team. On February 10, 2016, Nami Kim and her team stumbled upon a small …

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Nami Kim team rescues from Bucheon dog farm (Part 1)

Sharing from Nami Kim and her team. On February 10, 2016, Nami Kim and her team stumbled upon a small …

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Donate to help Nami Kim and her team continue their rescues! (In Japanese)

現地で保護活動を続けているナミとそのチームに寄付のお願い 声なき者の声となり、活動を続けている ナミとそのチーム に少しでも多くの犬を韓国の犬肉産業から救い出すために寄付をお願いしております。ナミ達は2015年に数百匹の犬の保護と3か所の犬繁殖場の閉鎖に成功しています。 皆さまから寄せられる寄付は全額Razoo(基金)を通して全額が現地のナミに送られます。使途明細はナミからに報告され寄付をして下さった皆様にも報告いたします。また、Paypalにかかる手数料はこちらで負担させて頂きます。 Paypalまたはクレジットカードでの寄付が可能です。  *一度のみの寄付か、毎月定額を寄付するか選ぶことができます* 手続き画面をご覧になりたい方も 実際に寄付の手続きをされる方も ドル建てでの寄付です。(google/ Facebook でログイン) ①$金額入力後DONATEボタンをクリック ②寄付の回数(One-time)を選択、CONTINUEをクリック ③Credit CardかPaypalを選択、支払情報を入力後、CONTINUEをクリック ④国選択でJapanを選択、住所を入力後、CONTINUEをクリック ⑤DONATEをクリック、DONEで完了 ナミのFacebookページはこちらから …

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Update: Unjust verdict on the charges against Nami Kim

Sharing from Nami Kim and her team. Nami Kim received a notice from the Incheon District Court this week, following …

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Videos from Incheon, Munhak-dong Dog Farm and Slaughterhouses

Nami Kim and her rescue team shared the below videos from the dog farms and slaughterhouses they have visited in …

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Video-Lucky pups rescued from the Korean dog meat industry in 2016

Thank you Gary for volunteering to help these dogs. Great job on the video. And thank you, Nami Kim and …

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Incheon, Munhak-dong Dog Farm and Slaughterhouses

Sharing for Nami Kim and her team. New Rescue – Munhak Dog Farm Graphic Warning! We want to give new …

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