
Category Archive for: ‘News’

Response from PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Committee

USA TODAY Sports reported on February 7 that they received a reply from the news desk of the organizing committee, …

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We have been deceived about dog meat.

Below is a translation of article published by Dr. Hong Hae-geol on “After the Rain” medical news. I was recently …

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Court ruled electric shock dog slaughter method – Not Guilty!

전기도살 무죄 선고’는 오직 동물학대자에만 이익인 판결 동물보호법의 목적과 입법취지에 반하는 위법한 판결, 파기되어야 마땅 ❍ 지난 9월 28일 서울고등법원에서 …

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Changes for Korean animals in 2018

It is important for us to remember that what we do for the Korean dogs and cats matters and makes …

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Removing dogs from the same legal category as livestock. The necessary first step to revolutionizing animal rights and protection.

This is translation of News 1 article “[기고]반려동물 동물보호정책, 축산과 분리가 우선이다” published on May 19, 2017. Click HERE to …

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Lawmaker Dr. Pyo Changwon’s plan to legislate a ban on dog meat (In Chinese)

Click HERE for English. 立法會議員杓昌原博士(Dr. Pyo Changwon)計劃立法禁止狗肉製品 以下是立法會議員杓昌原博士(Dr. Pyo Changwon)於2017年8月29日在Facebook發布的翻譯: 從明年3月開始,經修訂的“動物保護法”生效後,任何人以殘酷的手段養殖狗或利用殘酷的方法屠宰狗都將被處罰。虐待動物的懲罰也雙倍增加。我會提出更多的法規,以確保打擊的有效性。 (參考杓昌原博士 Dr. Pyo Changwon 的博客) 由於狗肉養殖農場和屠宰行業(狗肉,boshintang或dog elixir)違反了動物保護法,倘若這些法律獲得積極的執行,那麼這些行業就不能繼續存在。 但是,分發和銷售狗肉的不受懲罰。農業,食品和農村事務部是負責對狗肉行業執行法律的,但由於其主要職責是保護和促進農牧業,因此執行這些法律是很少。 韓國是一個依靠出口的工業化國家,我們關心我們的國際地位和形象。由於屠宰狗隻食用是國際譴責的問題,我國政府的態度一直是隱瞞和忽視這個問題,將狗排除為“畜牧業”,使其根據“畜牧產品衛生管理法”進行養殖,屠宰,分銷和銷售。 …

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Le plan du législateur Dr. Pyo Changwon pour adopter une loi interdisant la viande de chien.

Click HERE for English. Voici la traduction du texte posté sur facebook le 29 août 2017 par le légisalteur Dr. …

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Lawmaker Dr. Pyo Changwon’s plan to legislate a ban on dog meat (In Danish)

Click HERE for English. Lovgiveren Dr. Pyo Changwons plan om at lovgive om et forbud mod hundekød. Nedenfor er en …

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Lagstiftaren Dr. Pyo Changwon’s plan för att lagstifta om ett förbud mot hundkött

Click HERE for English. Nedan följer en översättning av lagstiftaren Dr. Pyo Changwon’s facebook-inlägg från 29 augusti 2017: Med början …

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Legislatore Dr. Pyo Changwon sta pianificando l’approvazione del divieto della cane canina.

Click HERE for English. Sotto è la traduzione che il legislatore Dr. Pyo Changwon ha postato su Facebook il 29 …

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Lawmaker Dr. Pyo Changwon’s plan to legislate a ban on dog meat (In Hungarian)

Click HERE for English. Dr. Pyo Chang-won törvényhozó terve a kutyahús betiltására Alább a törvényhozó Dr. Pyo Chang-won Facebook-oldalán 2017. …

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Lawmaker Dr. Pyo Changwon’s plan to legislate a ban on dog meat (In Slovenian)

Click HERE for English. Načrt zakonodajalca dr. Pyoja Changwona za prepoved pasjega mesa Spodaj je prevod objave v Facebooku zakonodajalca …

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