We sent our letters to the Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on May 15, 2015. Please join us and add your voice! Call the Secretary General Ban and send your letter today!
Please keep sharing this petition so that we can reach 100,000 signatures!
We will mail another letter to these petition targets at that time.
Click HERE to sign petition!
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We sent a copy of our petition letter to the President of the International Olympic Committee, Mr. Thomas Bach and the President of the South Korean PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics, Mr. Yang-Ho Cho as well as the South Korean President Geun-Hye Park today.
Please keep sharing this petition so that we can reach 200,000 signatures!
We will mail another letter to these petition targets at that time.
Click HERE to sign petition!
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We mailed petition letters for the petition, Governor Terry McAuliffe of Virgina, Governor Rick Scott of Florida, Governor Gary Herbert of Utah, Premier Christy Clark of British Columbia(Canada) and Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk of Queensland(Australia): Tell Sister State, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture and Consumption of Dogs and Cats! to the Governor Terry McAuliffe, Governor Rick Scott and Governor Gary Herbert by USPS Certified mail with return receipt service as below, and Premier Christy Clark and Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk by USPS international first class mail on April 16, 2015.
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Petition letters to the United Nations Secretary General Ki-Moon Ban and his six spokesperson were mailed by the U.S. Certified Mails on January 20, 2015. Click HERE for more info!
It takes less than 5 minutes. Please send a letter to the Secretary General Ki-Moon Ban today! Click to take action!
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Letters were mailed to 16 petition targets in South Korea.
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Petition letters were sent to 16 South Korean Christian Church Organizations including Korea Council of Christian Education, The Salvation Army Korea Territory, The Korean Methodist Church, Korea Evangelical Holiness Churches, The Assemblies of God of Korea, Lutheran Church in Korea, Korea National District Church of the Nazarene, The Anglican Church of Korea, The General Reformed Mission Assembly of Korea Presbyterian Church. Click for more info!
These are mailed to the petition targets.
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Petition signature package was addressed to Ui-Hwa Chung, Speaker of the National Assembly of Republic of Korea (정의화 국회의장, 대한민국국회) and Kyu-Seong Choi, Committee Chairman of the Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee of the National Assembly of Republic of Korea (최규성 위원장, 대한민국국회 농림축산식품해양수산위원회) and its members.
The package includes: 32,643 petition signatures, comments by petition signers, Korea Animal Rights Advocates(KARA)’s post about this case, DVD of “Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry(Undercover Video by Stop It! Korea)” https://youtu.be/_ZVQjgGb4RQ, Koreandogs.org leaflets, Animal Welfare Institute leaflet, photos of S. Korean dog meat industry, copy of “Venerable Beopjeong Buddhist Priest’s Argument Against Dog Meat Consumption” and two Koreandogs.org campaign t-shirts.
These are mailed to the petition targets.
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Petition signatures were sent to the Busan High Prosecutor’s Office Director, Kyung-Soo Kim (부산 고등 검찰청 김경수 검사장님), Gijang Police Chief, Dong-Hwan Lee(부산 기장 경찰서 이동환 서장님)President Geun-Hye Park of S. Korea(박근혜 대통령각하).
The package includes: 9,680 petition signatures, comments by petition signers, Busan KAPCA’s post about this case, DVD of “Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry(Undercover Video by Stop It! Korea)” https://youtu.be/_ZVQjgGb4RQ, Koreandogs.org leaflets, Animal Welfare Institute leaflet, photos of S. Korean dog meat industry, copy of “Essay on dog meat” 생명의 고통이 있는 곳에… and Koreandogs.org t-shirt. Click to read more about this mailing!
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We mailed 22,622 signatures package (includes comments, reports, dvd https://youtu.be/_ZVQjgGb4RQ, news, photos, 3 KOREANDOGS.ORG campaign t-shirts, 2 hats) to Governor Geun-Min Woo of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, South Korea today by international priority mail. Please continue to share this petition as signatures get delivered real time as well. Jeju-home of the UNESCO’s triple crown-is the most scenic and popular island in S. Korea. However, this island is also notorious as “the Meat Dog Capital of S. Korea” for its many despicable dog breeding farms. You can continue to voice against this cruelty by boycotting tourism which is one of their main industry.
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We mailed 14,053 signatures along with your comments, reports, undercover video (https://youtu.be/_ZVQjgGb4RQ), news article, leaflets, photos and 3 KOREANDOGS.ORG campaign t-shirts and 3 hats to Mayor Seong-Hoon Lim of Naju, South Korea yesterday by international priority mail. Please continue to share this petition as signatures get delivered electronically as well. Mayor Lim holds a masters degree in Economics from Georgetown University and with his western education, we hope that he would be able to see why this issue is so important that needs to be addressed urgently.
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We mailed petition signatures to the President Geun-Hye Park and the opposition leader Jae-In Moon.